Chapter 177: A problem that only married men can understand; Superintendent Chen asks for help.

Office of the Superintendent of Crime Unit, West Kowloon Police Department.

Shen Yan openly does private work.

Yang Jinrong's previous words reminded him that if he wanted to avoid being tracked by others, he had to do something himself.

So he asked someone to send him a few motorcycle phones and related books, and began to study

"Ding, you read books related to communications, your understanding is amazing, and your understanding of electronic communications is profound."

"Ding, you read books on communications, you have a great understanding of electronic communications"

"Ding, you read books on communications, you have a great understanding of electronic communications".

"Ding, you are the top master in computer hacking, your comprehension is against the sky, triggering linkage, your understanding of electronic communication has reached the master level."

Shen Yan smiled.

With his comprehension against the sky, he wanted to seriously learn a technology, which really shouldn't be too simple.

Soon, he finished reading all the books related to electronic communication, and countless experiences echoed in his mind.

Shen Yan quickly found the mistakes and found a piece of paper to write it down.

There is a theory that people cannot surpass the cognition of their contemporaries.

This is because people's cognition is limited by the entire era.

Just like people who send letters by carriage will not know about email.

This is not to say that the former are not smart, but they are limited by the cognition of the times.

Of course, there are always some people who have some brain holes, such people, people call Some people write down their fantasies

, and then it is likely to become a science fiction book like"A Space Odyssey".

In fact, the theory that one cannot transcend the cognition of the times is wrong, because people have creativity.

Otherwise, people can only stagnate and make no progress.

Creativity is also the core element that enables people to keep moving forward.

Shen Yan's creativity is not low, not to mention that he traveled from the future.

In this era, as long as he wants, he can create a lot of things with just a few moves.

Just like the dozens of mobile phones in his hand.

Shen Yan made a phone call, and Yuan Haoyun, Yang Jinrong and Abang all came over.

"This is our phone."

"Don’t use the old 07 phones from Motorola anymore."

Abang shrugged.

"Mine is Noah's."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"Noah's can't be used either."

Yuan Haoyun and Abang looked at Shen Yan puzzled.

"The mobile phones on the market are basically controlled by the Western world."

"The control that the United States has over them is more powerful than you can imagine."

"Their global data will be transferred to Foboler."

While Yuan Haoyun was still at a loss, Abang suddenly reacted:

"Is it possible that we are under surveillance by Foboler?"

Yuan Haoyun was shocked:

"We are just a small person, we don’t need to do this, right?"

Abang asked back:

"Are you willing to be monitored?"

Whoever is willing is a dog!

It is really outrageous to think that you are being monitored while living a good life!

Yang Jinrong pushed his glasses:

"We are small people, Brother Yan is a big person"

"We are Brother Yan's confidants, and those who want to monitor Brother Yan will start with us."

Yuan Haoyun immediately said:

"Brother Yan, what should we do then?"

Shen Yan casually threw a cell phone to each of the three of them:

"This is the phone I made myself."

"Different from the market"

"You don't have to worry about any backdoors here, it's absolutely safe."

Yuan Haoyun liked it immediately:

"This phone is really small and exquisite, just like a motorcycle, and it also has a recorder"

"Brother Yan, how do you calculate this price?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"I just want to make some phones for us that can't be monitored by others."

"I didn't consider the price."

"Don't worry, this phone is all modular devices"

"Even if you smash it to pieces, it can still be used."

Yuan Haoyun couldn't believe it at all:

"So wild?"

Shen Yan took a mobile phone and threw it hard!


It broke into pieces.

Yuan Haoyun stuttered:

"Brother Yan, there is no need to demonstrate this way, right?"

Shen Yan collected the broken mobile phones together, assembled them one by one, and threw them on the table:

"Look, it's still a mobile phone."

Yuan Haoyun, Abang, and Yang Jinrong all didn't believe it last year.

The three of them took the phone and tried it, and were stunned.

It can still be turned on.

The three of them still didn't believe it, so they inserted the SIM card, hey!

It can actually make calls!

And the sound is particularly clear.

The three of them looked at Shen Yan as if he was looking at a god.

"We are police officers, and we will always encounter some accidents from time to time. Having a good mobile phone is a must-have hardware."

"You guys, take all these phones back."

"We need a copy for each member of our serious crime squad."

"Especially the police officers in the monitoring center, they must be replaced."

The three of them nodded in unison.

The monitoring center is the top priority of the West Kowloon Police Station's Major Crime Unit, and they must ensure that no secrets are leaked.

"You can share the remaining copies with your partners."

"Especially those who followed Le Huizhen, all of them will be divided."

Yuan Haoyun and Abang smiled and nodded in agreement

"Thank you, Brother Yan, for your support."

Shen Yan didn't care:

"Why are you thanking me? If you want to thank someone, thank Huizhen."

Yuan Haoyun said with a smile:

"Didn’t sister-in-law let them join just for your sake?"

"If it weren't for you, sister-in-law wouldn't have found anyone she wanted?"

Le Huizhen was a person of swift and decisive character. After she reported the matter to Shen Yan and got the latter's approval, she immediately started to recruit people. People like Abang's wife Wendy, Yuan Haoyun's wife Cheng Silin, Wang Zhicheng's girlfriend Zhao Zhao... were all pulled over by Le Huizhen.

Shen Yan also introduced Sister-in-law Da D to Le Huizhen, so Sister-in-law Da D became one of Le Huizhen's white gloves...

Yuan Haoyun was telling the truth. If Le Huizhen wanted to find a confidant, why did she have to find their women? Isn't it because their relationship with Shen Yan is different?

Shen Yan asked curiously:

"It's okay for Bangge to say this to me, but……"

"You shouldn't say this to me."

Yuan Haoyun said puzzledly:

"Why shouldn't it be?"

Shen Yan smiled:

"Huizhen took Officer Cheng Silin away from the police station. You don't blame me, do you?"

Cheng Silin is a civilian police officer.

Yuan Haoyun and she are in an office romance.

The two are already married.

Yuan Haoyun said with a beaming face:

"When you are in love, of course you can't get enough of it every day"

"Now that we're married, we see each other at work and after get off work. Sometimes we have nothing new to talk about when we talk at night."

"The case we are investigating recently is a major case and it is very troublesome."

"My sister-in-law transferred Silin to the TV station and asked her to manage the administration. Hey, we have more time to chat!"

This is really a pain that only married men can understand!

Seeing that Yuan Haoyun was not sad but very happy, Shen Yan just let him do it!


"Sir Shen, can you do me a favor?"

Superintendent Chen Xinjian of the Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters returned to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Headquarters and asked for help.

Shen Yan made him a cup of West Lake Longjing tea.

"Sir Chen, you are my old superior, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Superintendent Chen smiled bitterly and said:

"Do you remember what I told you before?"

Seeing Shen Yan was puzzled, he reminded him,

"Bodyguards from the north!"

Shen Yan said curiously:

"What's wrong?"

Superintendent Chen was silent for a while, then smiled bitterly:

"Things are a bit troublesome"

"Mr. Song Shichang's girlfriend Yang Qianer witnessed a murder case and she was the only witness to the murder case"

"The murderer is very powerful"

"He has secretly hired the Big Circle Gang to do the work."

Shen Yan frowned slightly:


"You mean, this guy wants to kill Yang Qianer?"

Superintendent Chen nodded slightly:

"Song Shichang has a good relationship with his family and has done a lot for them, so he had the face to ask his family to send him a bodyguard.

Shen Yan was slightly stunned:

"From the sea?"

Superintendent Chen said solemnly:

"That’s right, it came from the sea."

Shen Yan looked at him puzzledly:

"So what is there to worry about?"

"Don't worry about Yang Qianer's safety."

"That's a bodyguard from the sea."

Superintendent Chen smiled bitterly:

"I didn't seem to be worried."

"The problem is... Yang Qianer doesn't listen to orders"

"Almost caused an accident."

Shen Yan immediately understood:

"Young people have not experienced the harsh punishments of society, so they are very willful, right?"

Superintendent Chen remained silent.

Shen Yan asked:

"What do you want me to do?"

Superintendent Chen whispered:

"Can you use the power of the underworld to help find out who accepted the prisoner's commission?"

Shen Yan was stunned:

"Do you mean that we should deal with the guy who accepted the commission?"

Superintendent Chen said helplessly:


"I can't bear the consequences if anything happens to Yang Qian and the bodyguard from the sea."

"After all, we are localists."

Superintendent Chen came from the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department.

He knew Shen Yan's power very well.

Otherwise, he would not have asked Shen Yan to do such a thing.

Shen Yan thought about it and nodded:

"Okay, leave this to me."

"I will give you an answer in three days at most!"

Chen Xinjian was overjoyed:

"Mr. Shen, thank you very much!"

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"You are my old superior, and this matter is of great justice, not just yours."

"I will help, of course."

Superintendent Chen returned with satisfaction.

Shen Yan shook his head slightly.

According to the plot, Xu Zhengyang could indeed complete the task perfectly.

But this is not a plot, this is the world of Hong Kong variety shows.

Who knows if something will go wrong.

He has to help with this.

Shen Yan called Yang Jinrong over:

"Find me a group of people"

"Rich man Song Shichang's girlfriend Yang Qianer witnessed a murder……"

Yang Jinrong quickly wrote it down and asked:

"What should we do if we find that group of people?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"You don’t have to do anything, just give me the information!"

Yang Jinrong didn’t ask any more questions and hurried back to the monitoring center.

He gave a phone number:

"Who can I contact with this number in the past month?"

"I want everyone's background information"

"We must solve this problem today."

The monitoring center immediately took action.

Half a day later, Yang Jinrong returned to Shen Yan's office.

"Found it!"

"I checked the files with the Hong Kong Island Headquarters"

"This case is a murder case that happened at the Repulse Bay Yacht Club"

"The deceased was Liao Jiachao, an accountant of Yihui Group, and the murderer was Yi Zongmin, the chairman of Yihui Group."

"There were three eyewitnesses."

"The first eyewitness is Yang Qianer, the second eyewitness is Chen Daqiang, and the third eyewitness is Zhu Dongming"

"Chen Daqiang died in an elevator accident. On the same day, Zhu Dongming was killed by an unknown bomb while using the toilet."

Shen Yan asked:

"Where is Yang Qianer?"

Yang Jinrong explained:

"She was lucky. On the day when Chen Daqiang and Zhu Dongming died, she was on the phone when she was about to run the water for a bath. Her cat accidentally fell into the water, and she discovered that there was high voltage electricity in the water."

Shen Yan clapped his hands:

"Three murders in one day, no wonder Song Shichang is so nervous.

Yang Jinrong shook his head slightly:

"This not related to our police station."

Shen Yan was slightly stunned:

"What do you mean?"

Yang Jinrong smiled bitterly.

"The ICAC was not the one investigating Yi Zongmin's case."

"It is said that the ICAC is investigating Yihui Group, and the amount involved is as high as 10 billion silver coins."

Shen Yan leaned back:

"Billions of silver paper"

"No wonder Chen Daqiang and Zhu Dongming were killed"

"If Yang Qian'er is killed or prevented from appearing in court, this matter will be perfect."

The inference adopted by Xiangjiang is innocent until proven guilty.

If the witness does not appear in court, then Yi Zongmin's money ability can make him acquitted.

Shen Yan asked:

"Have you found out who took the job?"

Yang Jinrong said immediately:

"Found it!"

"Big Circle Gang!"

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"Big Circle Gang?"

"Not a professional killer?"

Yang Jinrong pushed his glasses up:

"The Big Circle Gang has many sources"

"They are also professional"

"We found out that the leader is called Wang Jianjun!"

"They seem to have just arrived in Hong Kong."

Shen Yan asked:

"Can you tell me how many people there are?"

Yang Jinrong shook his head slightly:

"Not sure"

"We detected only four cell phone signals."

"There are eight paging signals."

"There should be at least eight people!"

"This is their number!"

After Yang Jinrong put down the file, he left after seeing that Shen Yan was fine.

Shen Yan made himself a cup of tea.

He now understood why Superintendent Chen was in such a dilemma.

This was an unprovoked disaster!

The ICAC was investigating the matter, but when something went wrong, the police station had to take the blame.

It was really unreasonable.

Shen Yan thought about it and dialed the number:

"Brother Bao, long time no see!"

Shi Bao asked curiously:

"Why are you calling me?"

Shen Yan said bluntly:

"Brother Bao, have you been in the Big Circle Gang recently?"

Shi Bao was silent for a while before saying:

"Why, there are a few more dragons crossing the river in Hong Kong?"

Shen Yan shook his head slightly:

"I just want to ask if there is a person named Wang Jianjun in the Big Circle Gang?"

Shi Bao frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head.


"I'll check it for you, but don't hold your hope."

"Wang is a common surname, and the name Jianjun is everywhere."

"I guess it’s impossible to find out."

Shen Yan was not disappointed:

"OK, Brother Leopard, I'll discuss business with you next time.".

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