Chapter 179: Shi Bao was shocked, no, shocked!

"You knew that Wang Jianjun had accepted Yi Zongmin's commission to kill someone, but instead of arresting him, you hired him?"

Shi Bao looked at Shen Yan in surprise, wondering what this man was thinking.

"Are you really the police chief of Hong Kong?"

Shen Yan glanced at him and shrugged.

"A genuine superintendent of the Crime Squad of Kowloon West Police Station"

"Things are not as complicated as you think"

"I asked Wang Jianjun"

"He did not kill Chen Daqiang and the other two."

"He received only one mission, to kill Yang Qianer".

Shi Bao frowned and said:

"Then we can't hire Wang Jianjun, right?"

Shen Yan faced him directly:

"Why not?"

"I like those warriors who bleed on the battlefield"

"They can't go this way."

"It's not worth killing people for a few bucks."

Shi Bao fell silent.

Then he smiled bitterly and said,

"This is the scar of the times. How many can you save by yourself?"

Shen Yan said bluntly:

"I will need a lot of people in the future. I will save as many as I can find. They are all experienced fighters who have fought in tough battles."

"I don't need to say anything about spiritual will."

"They are even more reliable than the locals in Hong Kong."

Why is it reliable?

Because of the Dragon Slaying Technique!

In the north, everyone is learning the Dragon Slaying Technique.

What about Hong Kong? Would they pass on such a rebellious thing to their children?

Shi Bao said helplessly:

"What's going on? Why are you suddenly going to attack Yi Zongmin?"

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"It's not that I want to take action against him, but it's not easy for us Hong Kong police to take action on this case."

"At least it's not a good idea to do it openly."

Shi Bao immediately said:

"Is there someone behind Yi Zongmin?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"Does the Gold Club count?"

Shi Bao was startled:


"Yi Zongmin is also a member of the Gold Club?"

Shen Yan introduced:

"Yes, Yi Zongmin is also one of the important figures of the Golden Club"

"He is also a particularly key figure."

"This is an important part of the money laundering of the Golden Club."

Shi Bao immediately became concerned:

"Money laundering?"

Shen Yan introduced Yi Zongmin's case:

"To put it bluntly, Yi Zongmin's case was targeted by the ICAC because of money laundering."

"He wanted to kill the traitor at the Yacht Club in Repulse Bay at 7:30, but he was witnessed by three people."

"So the case was handed over to our police force."

"But our police force has no way to participate in this case. We can only protect Yang Qianer's rights."

"Yang Qianer's boyfriend Song Shichang was quite capable. He invited a master from the sea to protect his girlfriend."


Shi Bao gasped:

"It's really amazing!"

He frowned.

"In this case, we can just wait for Yang Qianer to go to court to accuse him. Wouldn't it be better to let the ICAC to question him?"

Shen Yan slowly made tea for Shi Bao and asked slowly:

"Do you think the ICAC is on the same page with us?" Shi Bao was shocked.

Shen Yan sneered:

"What is the ICAC?"

"Don't be fooled by his slogan."

"It is the Governor's private institution."

"Do you understand this nature?"

"ICAC personnel are not civil servants and are not selected from the civil service. They are only recruited from the society."

"The ICAC Commissioner is only responsible to the Governor"

"Whose will do you think he is following?"

"Comrade, you must see the essence through the phenomenon."

Shi Bao was speechless after being taught this lesson.

Shen Yan said again,

"The current Governor of Hong Kong is a foreigner, so this money will definitely go into the foreigner's coffers."

"The ghosts didn't come across half the planet to do good things."

"They are not Bethune, but Leighton Stuart"

"I don’t want to give them this money."

Shi Bao was shocked:

"What do you want to do?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"Wouldn't it be better to send such a large sum of money to the north?"

"If I remember correctly, the country is short of foreign exchange!"

This sentence stimulated Shi Bao, and he immediately said:

"You make the plan, and I will lead the team to execute it."

Shen Yan glanced at him and said speechlessly:

"I saw you opposed just now, but now you are so positive?"

Shi Bao lowered his voice and said:

"This is foreign exchange!"

"Ten billion in foreign exchange!"

Even if the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars is low, it is still foreign exchange.

This is a windfall. If he doesn't pay attention to it now, when will he pay attention to it?

Shi Bao is sure that if he misses such an opportunity, he will write a self-criticism to death when he returns to the Security Bureau!

With this 10 billion silver paper foreign exchange, how much benefit will the Security Bureau get?

The country does not need to use foreign exchange, but will give local currency rewards.

With this money, can the equipment of the Security Bureau be replaced?

Can the family building of the Security Bureau also be replaced?

All these require silver paper, so he can't help but pay attention!

Shen Yan immediately gave him a shot of prevention:

"The newspaper said that the amount involved in Yi Zongmin's case was as high as 10 billion silver coins. This was the news published in the newspaper and was hearsay."

"I'm not sure there are that many."

Shi Bao didn't care. His eyes had turned into the shape of a square.

"You just have to do it, and take as much as you can."

He looked at Shen Yan with shock.

Although this comrade was born in Hong Kong, he is indeed a real Chinese. He thinks about the motherland in everything. As for the words that just taught him a lesson, Shi Bao thought it was said by the political commissar of the Security Department. His ideological awareness is high.

Since he follows his comrades to do things, he naturally listens to the comrades' plans.

He is not an expert, and he will never give orders.

It is a taboo for an outsider to guide an insider.

Shen Yan asked Shi Bao:

"You have your cell phone with you, right?"

Shi Bao nodded and took out his motorcycle cell phone.

"I am a big circle leopard, so I still have the necessary equipment."

This phone is provided by the Security Department.

There is no other way. If a big circle leopard who is famous in Hong Kong does not even have a mobile phone, the other party will doubt your ability.

This is just like a luxury car. When you reach a certain level, it is a necessary facade project.

Shen Yan took out a mobile phone and threw it to him:

"Throw your phone away."

"Change the phone card to this phone."

Shi Bao felt distressed:

"This guy is 20,000 yuan!"

Shen Yan secretly thought that the communication company in the north was really unscrupulous. It was clearly 80 US dollars for a broken phone, but it increased the price by more than ten times.

(At that time, the price of mobile phones supplied by the United States to China was this price.)

"Don't worry about the money, you will expose your route if you use this phone."

Shi Bao's expression changed:

"My phone is being monitored?"

Shen Yan said slowly:

"This brand is for motorcycles, that is a brand from the United States"

"When you turn on your phone, your location information will be instantly sent back to the United States."

"FOBOL will summarize"

"If they find your phone information... your secret will be exposed."

"For our peace of mind, you'd better change one."

Shi Bao looked at Shen Yan as if he had seen a ghost.


Shi Bao felt very bad:

"Don't tell me this is true"

"Foboler can monitor us through the motorcycle phone?"

Shen Yan was very calm:

"Isn't this normal?"

Shi Bao growled,"Our entire country is under surveillance, is this normal?"

Shen Yan said slowly:

"Fobol can even monitor their own president, so is it surprising that they can monitor other countries?"


Shi Bao looked at Shen Yan in shock:


Shen Yan shrugged.

"Would I lie to you about this?"

"It's not necessary at all, okay?"

"Just ask anyone and the truth will come out."

"Believe me, there are records of this at home.

Shi Bao was still shocked:

"Why don't I know?"

Shen Yan answered slowly:

"One is that we know little about the situation abroad."

"Another... your position is too low!"

Shi Bao was speechless.

He felt that Shen Yan was right.

There are some things that are not unknown in the country, but it is meaningless to release them.

Only when you reach that position, you will know what you don't want to know.

Shen Yan comforted:

"The Fobolers are very perverted. They monitor the president, the officials, the allies, the enemies, and naturally the world."

Shi Bao frowned and said:

"What do you want to do?"

Shen Yan thought for a moment and replied:

"They have a self-centered mentality and victim complex, and always think that everyone is their enemy."

Shi Bao frowned and said:

"Isn't this just a mental illness?!"

Shen Yan didn't want to discuss this with him:

"If you want to understand, you can go to the library in Hong Kong and look up McCarthyism. You will understand after reading what McCarthy did."

Shi Bao nodded vigorously:

"I will definitely go and see it."

He frowned.

"So is there any way to prevent Foboler's surveillance?"

No one wants to be monitored.

Shen Yan pointed to the phone on the table.

"Just use the mobile phone we produce."

Shi Bao looked at him as if he had seen a ghost:

"Mobile phones are high-tech, and we can't even produce them in our own country, otherwise why would we buy them from America?"

Shen Yan disagreed:

"High technology... that's it, we just didn't expect it"

"I have a tutorial for making a mobile phone"

"According to the tutorial, several pipelines can be launched"

"Anyway, the technical content of feature phones is just like that."

"If you want it in China, I can transfer it to you."

Shi Bao's eyes widened:

"Can you produce mobile phones?"

Shen Yan pointed at the mobile phone in Shi Bao's hand and said:

"The phone you hold in your hand is made by me."

"It's just a waste of a little bit of manpower, it's very simple."


Shi Bao couldn't believe what Shen Yan said at all. He thought for a while and said:

"Otherwise, why don't you go back to China and start a mobile phone factory?"

Shen Yan thought it made sense:

"I can't go."

Just as Shi Bao was about to show disappointment in his eyes, Shen Yan said,

"I am a superintendent of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department. It is impossible for me to give up my public office to become a businessman."

Shi Bao was speechless.

Good fellow, if you don't become a businessman, you are already the richest man in Hong Kong. What will happen if you become a businessman?

However, Shi Bao sincerely hopes that Shen Yan can go back to invest.

The family is very poor now and lacks various foreign exchange.

Shen Yan has money. If he goes back, he may be able to drive the development of a city.

Therefore, Shi Bao was quite disappointed when he heard this.

"I can't go back, but my partner can go back."

Shi Bao said in surprise:

"When did you start dating?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"I look OK, I have a small family business, and I am a decent person. Is it okay for me to have a girlfriend?"

Shi Bao apologized quickly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Shen Yan is a standard handsome guy, the kind of handsome guy who looks sunny and tough in the Chinese aesthetic, not the feminine type.

Noodles are very tough.

Shen Yan has become a superintendent of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department at a young age, and he is also the deputy commander and the second-in-command of the West Kowloon Police Department.

In addition, he is the richest man in Hong Kong... a standard diamond bachelor.

Which girl can resist him?

It would be shocking if there were no girls around him.

Shen Yan said to Shi Bao:

"I originally wanted to let my partner experience some life before returning to China."

"Now it seems that she can go back earlier."

Le Huizhen has been working at Diamond Platform. Her subordinates are all the women soldiers under Shen Yan - Cheng Silin, Jie Ji, Zhao Zhao, Wendy and others.

It is said that they are doing well.

Shi Bao was very happy, as long as Shen Yan can go back to invest.

Even if Shen Yan does not go back, it does not matter, his partner going back is the same as him going back.

Shi Bao is very optimistic about Shen Yan.

He thinks Shen Yan is like his comrade. They are of similar age and thinking, and there is no barrier to communication. He is definitely a good comrade.

Shi Bao vaguely heard that the higher-ups intend to train Shen Yan.

Shen Yan's future is limitless.

Shi Bao patted his chest and said:

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of your factory in the mainland."

Shen Yan nodded in thanks.

He said,

"It is not enough to just invest in a mobile phone factory."

"If possible, can you invest in more factories?"

Shi Bao said quickly:

"I couldn't ask for more!"

Shen Yan was very excited, counting on his fingers:

"The mainland has a large population and a vast market, so we have countless opportunities"

"Mobile phones, cars, electric motorcycles, home appliances, construction companies……"

"Hiss, it seems that each of them has great potential."

Shi Bao was annoyed:

"You are not lying to me, are you?"

Shen Yan said seriously:

"I never lie to anyone!"

He thought for a moment.

"I just don't know if there are any qualified workers."

"But it doesn't matter, just wait and cultivate it."

"Maybe I should donate some money to education first." Shi Bao nodded repeatedly. Sure enough, Comrade Shen Yan really wanted to invest in the mainland, and even donated money to help students.

Money is needed everywhere in the country, no matter how much is donated, it is not enough.

Shen Yan frowned and thought:

"How much is the appropriate donation?"

Shi Bao was about to speak when he heard Shen Yan say,

"How about donating 100 million silver notes first?"


Shi Bao gasped.

100 million?

Many companies now have profits of less than 100 million.

"One hundred million is not right!"

Shi Bao thought that this was normal.

"How many people can this 100 million help?"

"One billion!"

"Donate 1 billion in the first year, and then see the effect."

Shi Bao looked at Shen Yan in amazement.

He suddenly realized why he could become the richest man.

The pattern alone was completely different.

This was 1 billion silver pieces of paper, and he could donate it just like that?

Shen Yan clapped his hands:

"That's settled. I'll go talk to A-Jen later."

"Captain Shi, you have to help when the time comes."

Shi Bao thought, if you really donated 1 billion, why would you need me then?

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