Chapter 2 I want to be a hero in the police world

Chen Yongren and Zhuo Kai left!

That day, the instructor gathered the police trainees together and said solemnly to everyone:

"The police force is a disciplined group"

"If you don't follow the rules, you'll have to get out like them!"

"Who among you wants to change with them?"

The cadets stared at the two people in a daze.

Yang Jinrong remembered what Shen Yan said to the three of them that day:

"Don't believe the bullshit that after you go undercover, your files will be completely erased from the police force."

"Our files have always been kept at the Wong Chuk Hang Police School."

"That's your proof."

"If your boss is really not a human being, remember to look for me!"

Yang Jinrong especially admired Shen Yan's character - he dared to say anything!

If it were him, he wouldn't dare!

Yang Jinrong asked Shen Yan:

"Do you really not trust the police officers?"

Shen Yan asked back:

"What are the personal abilities of Chen Yongren and Zhuo Kai?"

Yang Jinrong replied:

"They are particularly outstanding and are a strong contender for the Silver Whistle Award.���"

Shen Yan sighed:

"It's because they are both too good.

Yang Jinrong was puzzled:

"Doesn't their excellent abilities prove that they can successfully complete the task?"

Shen Yan agreed:

"You are right, they can indeed complete the task successfully."

"The problem is however……"

"The faster they complete their mission, the harder it is to get away."

"When the boss sees their outstanding abilities, do you think he will let them stay undercover?"

Yang Jinrong was speechless!

Shen Yan sneered:

"Do you really think that the three years and three years I told them was a lie?"

He said earnestly.

"We are young and full of vigor, and we always think that the world belongs to us."

"This world will definitely be ours"

"However, it will take time."

Yang Jinrong was originally an introvert, and he was not very good at managing interpersonal relationships.

He really didn't have the ability to talk to everyone in the team like Shen Yan.

Yang Jinrong admired Shen Yan very much.

"Brother Yan is so amazing, I didn't notice him before, why is that?"

After sending Chen Yongren and Zhuo Kai away, Shen Yan started his normal study and work.

"You listened to the instructor's explanation of shooting, and your comprehension was incredible. You understood the essentials of shooting, and your marksmanship improved greatly!"

"You watched a group of police trainees practicing shooting, and your comprehension was extraordinary. You understood the essence of shooting, and your marksmanship improved greatly!"

"You have mastered the essence of shooting and integrated it into your skills. Congratulations on reaching the master level of shooting skills!"


"You listened to the instructor's explanation of mixed martial arts, and your understanding was amazing. You understood the essentials of mixed martial arts, and your mixed martial arts ability was greatly improved."

"You watched a group of police trainees fighting, and your understanding was amazing. You understood the essence of mixed martial arts, and your mixed martial arts ability was greatly improved."

"You have mastered the essence of fighting and integrated it. Congratulations, your mixed martial arts ability has reached an advanced level!"


"You listened to the instructor's explanation of the criminal psychology course, and you had an incredible understanding. You understood the essence of criminal psychology, and your mastery of criminal psychology reached a new level."

"You discussed the essence of criminal psychology with your classmates. You have an extraordinary understanding. You have grasped the essence of criminal psychology. The criminal psychology course has reached a new level."

"You have mastered the essence of criminal psychology and integrated it. Congratulations, your criminal psychology course has reached an advanced level!"


In just one month, Shen Yan's knowledge improved by leaps and bounds.

The instructors in Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy were only those above the inspector level, and few of them possessed advanced skills.

Shen Yan's skills had surpassed all the instructors in the police academy.

However, in the police academy, except for Yang Jinrong, no one knew that Shen Yan's ability had reached this level.

The ability Shen Yan showed was only a little more than that of other students!

Yang Jinrong was particularly curious:

"Ah Yan, you are so capable, why don't you show it?"

Shen Yan smiled and shook his head:

"The police academy is just our starting point, not the end point"

"I just need to show my abilities and let the instructor know that I am the best among my classmates."

"The future position needs to be established through work.

He asked Yang Jinrong,

"Have you heard of Lei Luo?"

Yang Jinrong nodded solemnly:

"Five hundred million inspector, this is our Wong Chuk Hang legend, how come I haven't heard of it?"

Shen Yan chuckled and said:

"If you look carefully at the records of our police academy, you will know"

"Lei Luo's grades in school were not good. He couldn't even recognize all 26 English letters."

"I always rank last in every exam."

"But so what?"

"He who laughs the most laughs the best"

"Lei Luo is the one who smiles the best."

Yang Jinrong was a little strange, he pushed his glasses:

"Ah Yan, you seem to admire Lei Luo very much!"

Shen Yan did not hide his ambition at all:

"I admire Raylo."

"He was able to build a huge system - let's not talk about whether this system is right or wrong, the reality is that this system successfully stabilized Hong Kong."

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,

"Even the most critical person would have to admit that in the Lei Luo era, gang members simply did not dare to fight in public on the street."

"But look at now……"

Shen Yan kept shaking his head.

Yang Jinrong's pupils shrank slightly:

"Ah Yan, do you want to be a police hero?"

Shen Yan stood up, opened his arms to the sun, and laughed loudly.

"We are the sun at eight or nine o'clock, full of vigor and vitality, striving to make progress"

"This world is theirs now, but it will eventually be ours!"

"Why can't I do what my predecessors were able to do?"

At this moment, a series of prompts sounded in his mind.

"You recite Taizu's quotations silently, and your comprehension is extraordinary. You comprehend the essence of them, and your spiritual will is greatly improved."

"You face the sun, your comprehension is extraordinary, you comprehend the essence of domineering, and your spiritual will is greatly improved."

"By chance, you have understood the essence of leadership."

Yang Jinrong was shocked!

In his sight, Shen Yan, bathed in the sun, was full of domineering.

He had the urge to kneel down to Shen Yan.

Yang Jinrong has always admired Shen Yan, and this scene deepened his concept.

He stood up and said very seriously:

"Brother Yan, I want to work with you!"

Shen Yan turned around, stared at Yang Jinrong, and suddenly smiled:

"Jinrong, we will definitely be great figures in the police force in the future."

Yang Jinrong bowed his head slightly:

"Jinrong only follows Brother Yan's lead!"

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