Chapter 33 The Birth of the Stock God

"The host has a superb understanding. He checks the stock market one after another and successfully comprehends the essence of the stock market."

"The host has a superb understanding. He checks the stock briefings one after another and successfully comprehends the essence of the stock market."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully understanding the essence of stock trading, and upgrading his practical skills to the maximum level!"

Shen Yan was slightly startled:

"It’s already the maximum level?"

"Is this easier to upgrade than criminal investigation?"

What does full level mean?!

That means a topO level existence.

In the gambling world, he is the God of Gamblers, and in the stock market, he is naturally... the God of Stocks!

Shen Yan's eyes seemed to be all red and green, and stock codes flashed and disappeared from his eyes one after another.

Soon, he locked onto a stock code.

A voice suddenly rose in his heart:

"Monster stock!!"

"There is a monster stock here!"

Shen Yan immediately used the 100,000 yuan of the five people in Group C to buy the monster stock.

He looked at the plate, which was not big at all, at most 3 million.

Normally, few people would buy such a plate.

The base of the plate is here, 100,000 yuan can become a big shark.

At this time, the share price of each share is only one cent.

Shen Yan said to the stock broker:

"Don’t sell this stock unless the price rises to over $100."

The stockbroker nodded repeatedly, only to look down and be stunned:

"Sir, this stock is junk."

"It is easy to become a shareholder by speculating in stocks."

"Why don't I recommend you a few stocks that have good prospects and can earn you much more than this stock."

A stock worth one cent a share will only be sold when it appreciates to more than one hundred yuan?

Is this a joke?

Can I see it in my lifetime?

The stockbroker felt that Shen Yan was crazy about getting rich.

Shen Yan smiled faintly:

"I don't like to make small money, if I want to make money, I want to make big money"

"I identified this stock"

"You have good professional qualities, so I suggest you buy some to ensure that you can work on your own."

"Anyway, just listen to me."

"I've entrusted this stock to you. If it doesn't appreciate, just keep the money in it and save it."

The stock broker smiled bitterly.

How low can the stock price go if it wants to drop to 1 cent?

Maybe it can even increase by a few cents.

In this way, it can indeed be used as a savings function.

However, if you want it to appreciate... it's difficult!

Shen Yan said hello to his stock broker and turned away.

The stock broker sighed:

"This is another person who is crazy about getting rich."

"One hundred thousand yuan, that's money too!"

He sentenced Shen Yan's investment to death in his heart - it can maintain its value, but it's impossible to make a big profit.

If it's in a bear market, it's a success as long as it maintains its value.

But now it's a bull market, and you can make a big profit by investing in any stock.

Making less profit is a loss!

Who doesn't want to get rich overnight after entering the stock market? Is the stock market so profitable?

How many people have lost their fortunes overnight?

On the rooftop of the stock market building, there are countless people queuing up to jump down every day.

Let him buy it?

Then when will he get rich?!

The stock broker just found it funny:

"A total of only three million yuan in the market, and you want to get rich overnight? Isn't this nonsense?!"

He threw the stock aside and went about his own business.

It was not until lunch time that he remembered there was such a stock.

To be honest, a 100,000 yuan order is a small order after all, but no matter how small the order is, it is still meat, so he still has to check it out as usual.

"One dollar per share, I was really too worried about such a small order."

The stock broker was about to swipe away, but suddenly felt something was wrong!

He quickly swipe back and carefully compared the price - that's right!

The price per share is one dollar!

The stock broker was afraid that he had read it wrong, so he rubbed his eyes hard - it was still one dollar!

His face changed immediately!

The stock broker hurriedly compared the information.


He clearly saw that when Shen Yan bought these stocks, the price per share was ten cents!!

In other words, in just a few hours, the price of this stock has increased tenfold!

Other people's 100,000 has become a million on paper!

The stock broker hurriedly called Shen Yan:

"Mr. Shen, your stocks have gone up, they have gone up!"

Shen Yan asked casually:

"Has it risen to 100?"


The stockbroker was speechless, and he quickly advised:

"Mr. Shen, although it has not risen to one hundred yuan, this stock has increased tenfold!"

"Why don't you sell it?"

Shen Yan criticized seriously:

"What I want is to get rich overnight, this is only ten times...what does that count for?"

"Unless this stock can appreciate to more than 100 yuan"

"Otherwise, I won't sell it."

The stock broker tried his best to persuade Shen Yan, but he was unmoved.

"I see that you have good professional qualities, so listen to me, you still have a chance to enter the market before its value increases too much."

The stock broker smiled bitterly and was speechless.

People are just too greedy.

They always think about getting rich overnight.

If it was so easy to get rich overnight, how could we have a chance?

But he had said what he should say, and no amount of persuasion would work.

The stock broker knew a long time ago that he couldn't be persuaded.

He has been in the industry for so long, and he has seen too many things.

However, out of professional ethics, he still has to say it.

Of course, his words are ambiguous.

Otherwise, some people will make trouble for him because of profit issues - the stock broker was uneasy. A stock has appreciated ten times and it has reached its peak. Could it rise further?

Impossible, right?

Before leaving work, he reviewed the market again, and suddenly covered his mouth, his face full of a look of seeing a ghost.

He could see clearly that the stock that Shen Yan bought was still one dollar at noon!

But now it is five dollars!

Five dollars!!

It has increased fifty times in one day!

What the hell is this a magical stock?!

The stock broker wanted to call Shen Yan again immediately, but after thinking about it, he finally let it go.

"Appreciated fifty times... can it go up further?"

The stockbroker's face was uncertain.

Reason told him that the basic market of this stock was a small market of three million. Even if it appreciated, it would not increase much, and it would be very easy for someone else to take over.

However, another voice in his mind said,

"Buy when it's high, not when it's low. If you don't act now, it will be too late."

The stock broker remembered Shen Yan's determined face, gritted his teeth, and invested 100,000 yuan!

He said to himself secretly,

"I can't see the trend of this stock, but I can follow the customer"

""I will sell when the customer says I will sell!"

The stockbroker kept an eye on this stock for the next few days, and his mouth was almost grinning - the stock was like riding a rocket, rising from five dollars to ten dollars, from ten dollars to twenty dollars, and from twenty dollars to fifty dollars.

By the time everyone in the stock market paid attention to it, the price had already reached one hundred dollars!

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