Chapter 42 Someone wants to set a trap.

Superintendent Chen looked at the three people in front of him:

"Are you sure you have finished the finalization?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"These are all we can find in a short period of time."

Superintendent Chen frowned and said:

"Will it cause any trouble?"

Lin Kuangtian couldn't help but said:

"Sir Chen, why don’t I turn myself in?"

Superintendent Chen was furious:

"Shut up!"

"If you want to surrender yourself, just surrender to our police force."

"We have police officers on the case."

"What's the situation now?"

"Do you really think this is your business?"


"This is a battle between police and integrity!"

"This is not just your personal matter."

His voice was very gloomy.

"Don't forget why the ICAC was established."

Lin Kuangtian said no more.

Why was the ICAC established?

In fact, it was simple, just to solve the problem of corruption in the police station.

Lei Luo, a genius in the police force, created a corruption network covering the police force, the white world, and the underworld.

It is said that in the 1960s and 1970s, he embezzled as much as 500 million.

What kind of price is this?

In the mid-1980s, how much was Hutchison Whampoa worth?

A total of only 300 million!

Lei Luo was not only greedy himself, he also created a huge network. The people in the network were all stakeholders.

Even if the police wanted to investigate Lei Luo, they had nowhere to start. hand.

There is no other reason, the police force is full of Lei Luo's people.

It is impossible for you to find someone else.

Lei Luo will always get the information.

Therefore, the investigation team had to cut off its ties with the police force and became an independent department, which is the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

It can be said that the ICAC has been extremely purposeful and political since its establishment.

Anyone who regards it as a simple anti-corruption agency is crazy.

The relationship between the ICAC and the police force is not good.

A similar example is that the relationship between the front-line field staff of the police force and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is equally tense.

The relationship between the police and the ICAC has never been good at all!

Superintendent Chen said angrily:

"If there was no ICAC incident, I would definitely bring you to court."

"Now, shut up!"

Lin Kuangtian felt mixed emotions.

He had not expected that things would take such a turn.

Superintendent Chen frowned and asked Shen Yan:

"I don’t want to have to deal with the ICAC and then have to deal with the whole thing."

Shen Yan said calmly:

"If the ICAC is willing to help abide by the rules, then we will ask them to abide by the rules."

Superintendent Chen asked:

"Are you sure?"

Shen Yan smiled:

"If they follow the rules, they won't be found."

"If you don't follow the rules, you will definitely be caught."

Superintendent Chen clapped his hands heavily and said:


""Family disgrace should not be made public."

He said to Lin Kuangtian,

"Uncle Tian, you are old enough. After handling this case, you can retire."

"Keep some dignity for yourself."

Lin Kuangtian was surprised and delighted:

"I... can retire?"

He had already made the worst plan - either death or imprisonment.

He never expected that there would be such a link.

Superintendent Chen said with great sorrow:

"Are you excited?"

"You weren't supposed to end up like this!"

"You should be our role model."

"You will become a role model for future generations of police officers."

Uncle Tian said sadly:

"at this point……"

Superintendent Chen was about to say something when the phone rang.

He picked up the phone unhappily.


His expression suddenly changed.

Everyone looked over at the same time.

Superintendent Chen turned on the hands-free modem and heard a rather arrogant voice on the phone saying:

"Hello, is this the police station?"

"I report that the members of the West Kowloon Department's Serious Crime Unit A are robbing each other of their own accord."

"When they arrested the drug lord, they seized 10 million silver dollars of stolen money from the drug dealer."

"You West Kowloon Headquarters won't cover up for them, right?"

Superintendent Chen, Lu Qichang, and Lin Kuangtian all changed color.

Shen Yan immediately took out a piece of paper and wrote a few lines - righteously refuted and delayed time to find the location of the phone.

Lu Qichang ran away.

Shen Yan immediately sent a text message.

Superintendent Chen had a clue in his mind and asked back:

"Who are you?" the man said:

"I am a good citizen with a sense of responsibility."

Superintendent Chen snorted:

"I have to tell you something"

"Team A of the West Kowloon Crime Squad is one of the top teams of the West Kowloon Police Headquarters. They are responsible for maintaining the law and order of Hong Kong."

"You want us to stop Group A's actions with just a casual accusation. Who will be responsible for the losses caused?"

"I don't need you to tell me your name, it's for your safety"

"But I want to tell you"

"Your report is unclear."

"The serious crime unit has handled many drug cases."

"If you don't mention the time, place, or people, and just say something casually, what's the difference between that and slander?"

"Just one casual remark caused me to suspend the A team's authority……"

"No organization would do this."

"The last sentence,"

"If you want to report someone from our group A, you have two choices."

"Or you can go to the police internal affairs department, which is the police agency that specializes in dealing with such matters."

"Either you come to my office and I'll take a good statement for you."

"A casual remark is like slander."

"What does it mean when black eats black?"

"Do you think our police force is a gang?!"

The man shouted excitedly:

"Isn't this just black eating black?"

"This is called mutual protection among officials!"

Superintendent Chen said calmly:

"How can this be called mutual protection among officials?"

"If you go to the Governor's house and tell him that the Commissioner of the ICAC is corrupt and commits abuse of power, will he immediately investigate?"

"What a joke!"

"I accept the report, but I want evidence!"

"If you don't have any evidence, I will treat you as slander."

"Listen to me."

"Either you go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or you come to me with evidence!"

"I, a police inspector, don’t have time to play hide-and-seek with you!"


Inspector Chen hung up the phone.

Lin Kuangtian said with a dark face:

"This is Xiangfangdong’s voice, there’s no doubt about it!"

"This guy wants me to die!"

Superintendent Chen looked at him with a dark face:

"It's good that you know it!"

Lin Kuangtian shrank his neck, he didn't dare to speak.

Shen Yan frowned:

"Isn't Xiangfangdong in the ICAC? Why would he call us?"

Superintendent Chen's eyes were quite deep:

"The reason behind this is worth discussing."

Lu Qichang rushed in, his face full of shock:

"You will never guess where this call came from."

Shen Yan suddenly had an idea:


Lu Qichang was shocked:

"How did you know?"

Superintendent Chen and Lin Kuangtian were equally surprised:

"Is it really the ICAC?"

Lu Qichang nodded vigorously and said something surprising.

"According to our technical investigation, the call came from the ICAC Commissioner's Office!"

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