Chapter 57 Shocking Source of Drugs.

Luo Ji wanted to have a drink happily.

He was so lucky.

A Bang also smiled.

He was both relieved and sad that Group A was disbanded.

Fortunately, Lin Kuangtian and the others had the best ending. Sadly, he was the only member of Group A who could continue to work in a key department.

A Bang knew that Lin Kuangtian, Zeiziming and Toupi had made mistakes after all.

It was just because of Commissioner Luo's affairs that their mistakes were covered up.

However, this did not mean that they could continue to stay in their original positions.

No big boss dared to let them stay in their original positions.

In their view, since you dare to take the black money once, you may take it countless times.

As long as you break through"zero", there is no difference between once and countless times.

A Bang came to Group C from Group A to repay his gratitude.

He really thought so.

If it weren't for the help of Shen Yan and Lu Qichang from Group C, would Lin Kuangtian want to retire smoothly? Zeiziming and Toupi would not have any problems? That was basically a dream.

He came to Group C with a very low profile, just thinking about being someone's younger brother.

He never expected that Shen Yan had such a big heart.

Being a younger brother?


He wants to train everyone to be a commander!

The commander in the police force is not a small captain.

Only the boss-level figure of the police station district can be capable of being a commander.

A Bang admires Shen Yan's ambition.

He feels that he has come to the right place to come to Group C.

Chen Yongren's heart is more complicated.

Unlike Luo Ji and A Bang,

Shen Yan is his classmate, and they are from the same period.

Chen Yongren feels in his heart that he is not worse than him.

Who would have thought that only one and a half years after graduation, the status of the two is like heaven and earth.

He is already the captain of the serious crime team of the West Kowloon Headquarters, and he is not even an assistant.

If it weren't for Shen Yan's words to Lu Qichang, he would still be beaten on the street.

Chen Yongren always thought that it was not his inability, but that he had taken the wrong path.

If I was still in the police academy, if I graduated and worked according to the rules, shouldn't my position be on par with Shen Yan, no, Yang Jinrong?

However, it was not until now that he understood.

On par with these two monsters?

But forget it!

The opportunities of the two are completely different from those of others.

Normally, after graduating from the police academy, police cadets have to experience at least five years of military uniform life, and then they will be transferred to plain clothes based on their performance.

Many people have been in military uniforms all their lives.

Shen Yan is different. He was a squad leader in the military uniform and made great contributions. He was valued by Lu Qichang and took great pains to be transferred from the military uniform.

When he came to the plain clothes, he was directly appointed as a squad leader, and he was also a highly-qualified squad leader of the heavy and western Kowloon serious crime team.

Such experience is the first among all the police in Hong Kong.

Yang Jinrong was transferred here thanks to Shen Yan.

This experience is even more unrepeatable.

Chen Yongren was unwilling before, but now he finally understands.

The gap between him and Shen Yan is not only in ability, but also in pattern!

Who can train his police officers as commanders like Shen Yan did?

No one, right?

Shen Yan actually wants to train them all to be commanders...

It's incredible to think about it!

How dare he do that?

Chen Yongren couldn't believe that he would be able to reach the level of a commander one day.

Shen Yan trained him in this way.

Who can compare with this pattern and mind?

Chen Yongren was convinced!

Yang Jinrong smiled.

This is the brother Yan he knows.

This is the brother Yan who said"I want to be a police hero like Lei Luo" in front of him in the police academy without hiding his ambition.

This is the brother Yan who is worthy of following.

Yang Jinrong is very satisfied with his original decision - to follow brother Yan, it's really right!

In life, you always have to do something.

Young people should talk about determination.

Yang Jinrong has no doubt about his ability.

He believes that he has enough ability to reach a fairly high position.

But commander...

That's something he dare not think about.

Yang Jinrong believes that as long as he follows brother Yan's footsteps closely, the commander is not useless.

Just like before, who could have imagined that following Brother Yan, he could easily have a fortune of tens of millions?

And the fortune was obtained through legal channels.

It's so beautiful just to think about it!

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

"Here, only step-brother is older, and Bang-ge is only a few years older than me."

"Let's do it well. One day, you will all be commanders."

Luo Ji smiled.

A Bang smiled.

Chen Yongren smiled.

Yang Jinrong also smiled.

At this moment, they really have the confidence to become commanders.

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

"So future commanders, who can tell me how the foreigners can continuously supply drugs to Xinliansheng?"

Chen Yongren asked a question:

"Brother Yan, are you sure that these drugs were provided by those foreigners?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:


Chen Yongren was in a dilemma for a moment. He doubted his own judgment.

Did the foreigners really build a large drug factory in Hong Kong?

Are they crazy?


Chen Yongren frowned and said:

"Is there something wrong?"

Yang Jinrong suddenly said:

"No, Brother Yan did not make a mistake."

Chen Yongren was really surprised this time:

"Ah Rong, do you know?"

Luo Ji and Ah Bang looked over at the same time.

Unlike Chen Yongren, they had no prejudice against Yang Jinrong - Chen Yongren's classmates' feelings would more or less cover his eyes.

Being able to become an inspector at this age is an incredible thing in itself, and Yang Jinrong's ability is absolutely unquestionable.

Yang Jinrong said:

"I think I know why those foreigners can continuously supply drugs to Xinliansheng.

Chen Yongren frowned and said:

"Did they really open an ice rink in Hong Kong?"

Yang Jinrong shook his head.

"Why open an ice rink?"

"This is too big a target."

After a pause, he asked back,

"Judging from the foreigners' style... isn't it unnecessary to build an ice rink?"

"You need capital to open an ice rink. The foreigners always pursue the business of making money without any capital."

Everyone was stunned.

Abang, Luo Ji, and Chen Yongren fell into deep thought.

It was as if there was a veil covering their eyes. As long as they pierced through this veil, they would be able to figure out everything.

But, what exactly is it?

Yang Jinrong has revealed the answer:

"The drugs these foreigners supplied to Xin Liansheng were seized by the police's anti-drug team!"

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Yongren was horrified:

"How can it be?"

"Is this fake?"

"Those drugs were actually the spoils of the anti-drug team colleagues?"

Abang folded his arms and said:

"Why not?"

"Don't forget that those foreigners in the political department hold high positions. They use flour instead of ice. It's not impossible to replace the prince with a cat."

"More importantly, even if these drugs are temporarily stored in the evidence room, they will eventually be destroyed."

"These guys are really capable!"

Abang's voice was particularly low!


Everyone in Group C quickly took action.

Half a day later, everyone returned to the conference room.

Yang Jinrong said:

"I asked my colleagues in the evidence room of the General Administration."

"All the ice must be handed in within a certain period of time and then destroyed."

"Most of the time, the foreigners from the Political Department would come to investigate.

Shen Yan shook his head:

"Just checking doesn't help."

"That's speculation, not evidence."

Yang Jinrong said calmly:"But these cases have nothing to do with the Political Department."

Shen Yan thought about it for a while, and still shook his head:

"We are the police, and we rely on evidence to handle cases."

"Without sufficient evidence, we can't do anything."

Yang Jinrong was not discouraged.

The police don't believe in coincidences the most. Where do so many coincidences come from?

As long as there is such a train of thought, it is enough.

Shen Yan asked again,

"Brother Bang, did you gain anything?"

A Bang said:

"I contacted Toupi and Zeizaiming, and they responded to me."

"Since they took over the evidence room, there have been two such"

"The foreigner went in."

Shen Yan touched his chin:

"This is still speculation, but it is enough."

Luo Ji said,

"I consulted Mr. Ni"

"Recently, the police have been cracking down on drugs very severely, and almost all the big dealers in Hong Kong have lost a batch of their supply."

"This includes Xinliansheng.

Shen Yan added:

"The latest loss suffered by Xinliansheng was caused by Inspector Luo Zonglun who got the news when Xinliansheng was trading with someone else and destroyed the batch of goods."

Luo Ji said:

"The strange thing is that not long after, Xinliansheng received another batch of goods.

Shen Yan asked back:

"The batch of goods seized by Inspector Luo Zonglun?"

Luo Ji shook his head:

"Not sure, but according to our judgment, it should be this batch of goods."

Shen Yan asked:

"Is that batch of goods still in our evidence room?"

Abang replied:

"Still here!"

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

"I'll go check it out!"

He turned around and went to the evidence room.

In the evidence room was the thief Ming, who was very happy to see Shen Yan coming here:

"Brother Yan!"

Shen Yan sighed:

"Are you used to doing this here?"

The thief thought very cheerfully:

"After all, he was in the serious crime squad before, how could he get used to it?"

"However, this is my own fault, I can't blame anyone else"

"I have a secret to tell you. I had a dream two days ago."

"I dreamed that almost all of Group A died because of that incident, and only Abang and I were left"

"But I will die too."

Shen Yan's mind moved:

"What's going on?"

The thief Ming whispered:

"Xiangfangdong cooperated with Commissioner Luo, and almost everyone in our A team was trapped. Uncle Tian committed suicide in the interrogation room of the ICAC, and Ah Hua and Toupi were beaten to death. I was so angry that I committed suicide after killing Xiangfangdong.……"

He smiled.

"After waking up, I was covered in cold sweat."

Shen Yan thought to himself, if I hadn't intervened, do you think it was a dream?

However, there is no need to tell Huo Zeizi Ming about this.

Zeizi Ming said seriously:

"Brother Yan, thank you very much."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"My own brother, why thank you?"

Zeizi Ming smiled happily.

He was a man who valued friendship and loyalty, and he rarely talked about it.

If Shen Yan needed anything, he would fight for it!

Shen Yan said softly:

"Inspector Luo Zonglun confiscated a batch of ice. Is it stored here with you?"

The thief said clearly:


"However, these drugs will soon be sent to the headquarters for destruction.

Shen Yan asked:

"Has anyone come to investigate this batch of ice recently?"

The thief Ming immediately said:

"The head of the Political Department came, but I was not on duty that day."

"My colleague mentioned it when he was taking over the shift.

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"I'll go check the purity of this batch of goods."

The thief Ming was startled:

"Check the purity of this batch of goods?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"There is a case."

The thief Ming said immediately,

"Then I'll go with you."

"No need to register."

Shen Yan secretly sighed.

The thief Ming was indeed an elite of the serious crime team.

He only said one sentence and he grasped the key point.

What a pity.

If he had known this, why did he do it in the first place?

The two came to the evidence room and found the batch of ice.

Shen Yan tasted it lightly and his face immediately turned black:


The thief was confused:


Shen Yan pouted:

"This is not ice, this is flour."

The thief's eyes suddenly widened!


He took a little and put it carefully into his mouth, his pupils suddenly shrank:

"It’s flour!"

"This thing was swapped?!"

The thief Ming said quickly:

"Brother Yan, I really didn’t do this."

Shen Yan said softly:

"I know it wasn't you who did it."

The thief Ming smiled bitterly and said:

"It's no use for you to believe me, the higher-ups have to believe me."

He suddenly felt a little unlucky.

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"Don't worry, no one will pursue this matter."

"Just relax."

The thief Ming didn't believe it:

"According to the rules, this batch of drugs will be transferred to the headquarters after one week and then completely destroyed."

"The people at the headquarters will have to do some testing, and then it will be exposed."

"I am so unlucky, how could I have such a thing happen to me?"

Shen Yan patted his shoulder heavily:

"Believe me, no one will hold you responsible, because no one will find out about this."

The thief Ming snorted:

"Unless this was done by the ghosts from the headquarters, how could they not have discovered it?"

He suddenly froze and said in a lost voice,

"Could this really be done by foreigners?"

"The ghost from the Political Department?"

"Brother Yan, you came here to look at this instead of anything else, did you know this a long time ago?"

Shen Yan sighed:

"I know this is accidental."

"You don't need to worry about these things."

"If something happens here, I think all the police evidence rooms in Hong Kong will be in trouble."

"Did you see anyone being punished?"

Zhei Zai Ming was relieved, but the next moment his eyes widened:

"Wait, you mean……"

"Did these foreigners swap all the flour in all the evidence rooms in Hong Kong?"


"These guys are really bold!"

Shen Yan said softly:

"Just know it yourself"

"Don't make this public. Perhaps this is also an opportunity."

The thief was confused:

"What opportunity?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"You will have a chance to redeem yourself!"

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