Chapter 60: The Chaos at New Liansheng.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju both widened their eyes:

"Is Xinliansheng going to be in chaos?"

Shen Yan asked curiously:

"Can't you feel it?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

How could they not feel that the Xinlian-Shenghui was in chaos?

He Jiaju couldn't help but say:

""Sir Shen, did you get the information?"

Shen Yan was speechless.

"If I knew the information, would I not tell you?"

Luo Zhiming couldn't help it:

"Ah Yan, what is going on?"

Shen Yan said frankly:

"Have you forgotten?"

"Lin Yaochang is going to retire, and New United Sheng needs to choose a new leader.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were speechless:

"You have known about this for a long time, right?"

Shen Yan smiled:

"Is it?"

"That's not the case in my opinion."

"Once Lin Yaochang steps down, the new leader will come to power and chaos will happen."

They were both shocked.

Ho Ka-kui quickly asked:

"Mr. Shen, how did you come up with this analysis?"

Shen Yan said calmly:

"Don’t call him Mr. Shen outside, call him Ah Yan or Brother Yan."

He Jiaju immediately said:

"Brother Yan."

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"It's not hard to guess."

"Let me ask you first"

"What kind of person is Lin Yaochang?"

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were stunned.

They frowned and thought about it, and Luo Zhiming said:

"Brother Chang, although he did a lot of bad things, I want to say... he is not a bad person, he is loyal and values brotherhood."

He Jiaju nodded seriously:

"Brother Luo is right."

Shen Yan said:

"New Union Shing sells powder, what is Lin Yaochang's attitude towards this matter?"

He Jiaju said:

"Brother Chang mentioned that Xinliansheng will no longer sell powder"

"He and A-Tian even had a fight over this matter.

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"Then, Xinliansheng will be in chaos."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other, neither of them could keep up with Shen Yan's thinking?

Shen Yan slowly explained:

"Lin Yaochang is a man who values friendship, and the new leader he chose is similar."

"Who could it be?"

Ho Ka-kui pointed at Lok Chi-ming:

"Luo Ge.

He explained,

"If Luo Ge were to run for election, no one would be dissatisfied."

"Even if they are not convinced, they can only hold it in."

"Brother Luo once served Brother Chang in jail for three years, and all the brothers in Xinliansheng were very convinced."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"If Ah Luo runs for election, there will be no internal strife in Xinliansheng.

The implication is that Luo Zhiming will not run for election.

Luo Zhiming said:

"Brother Chang really wants me to be the leader of Xinliansheng."

"I declined."

"Brother Chang never mentioned it again.

He Jiaju was horrified:

"Brother Luo, this is such a good opportunity, why don’t you accept it?"

"If you are the faucet, why should we both put in the effort?"

"The underwater roster is in our hands. Wouldn't it be easy to find evidence of Xin Liansheng?"

Shen Yan shook his head slightly:

"Ah Luo did the right thing, and it was right for him not to run for election."

He Jiaju looked at him in disbelief:

"Brother Yan!"

Shen Yan said seriously:

"Ka Kui, you have to remember that you are in a gang now, the first thing is to protect yourself"

"Those dwarf mules don't follow the rules like we do."

"Once they know your identity, it will be troublesome."

He Jiaju frowned and said,

"But what does this have to do with Luo Ge being the leader?"

Earlier, He Jiaju was firmly opposed to Luo Zhiming's participation in the election. He knew that once Luo Zhiming participated in the election, it would not be considered a big deal.

But now Luo Zhiming's identity has become clear. He is a policeman.

At this time, it is natural to try every means to let Luo Zhiming participate in the election.

As long as Luo Zhiming sits on the leader of Xin Liansheng, the entire Xin Liansheng will be in the palm of the police's hand.

Easy and freehand.

Luo Zhiming didn't understand, how could Shen Yan disagree with such a thing?

Shen Yan said seriously:

"Everyone has their own personality"

"To survive in the underworld, you must set a good example for yourself and not arouse suspicion."

He Jiaju was stunned."

Set a good example?

Shen Yan pointed at Luo Zhiming and said:

"A Luo's character is the free and easy one"

"He was tired of the fighting in the underworld, and he stayed at Xinliansheng purely because a few of his sworn brothers were"

"Your character is the top henchman."

"Risk your life for your boss"

"Once you violate your character, it will cause big trouble."

He Jiaju was stunned for a moment.

Shen Yan reminded:

"A Luo brought you here today, but that was with Suan Bao's consent."

"Otherwise, do you think he would take you home?"

He Jiaju couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and said shyly:

"Brother Yan, thank you for your advice."

He understood.

Personality is generally speaking the external performance you give to others.

What kind of personality and style are you?

Why do some undercovers arouse suspicion from others?

That's because they do things that go against their own personality.

For example, if a person who is usually very cautious suddenly does something out of the ordinary, everyone will think there is a problem.

He Jiaju looked at Shen Yan with admiration. He felt that he benefited a lot from the words just now.

If he had worked under Shen Yan earlier , the success rate would be much higher.

Brother Yan can be a stable inspector at such an age, which is really extraordinary.

It is worth learning from him.

He Jiaju said admiringly:

"Mr. Shen, you are very clear."

Shen Yan smiled lightly:

"People's personalities are deeply rooted and will not change easily unless they encounter a huge change."

"Lin Yaochang is a man who values friendship, so the successor he chooses must be a man who values friendship."

"Who would he choose besides Ah Luo?"

He Jiaju couldn't help but ask:

"Who will Brother Chang choose?"

Shen Yan spread his hands:

"The answer is obvious."

He Jiaju swallowed his saliva and said to Luo Zhiming:

"Brother Luo, why do I feel so stupid in front of Brother Yan?"

Luo Zhiming sighed:

"I've felt it for a long time"

"Ah Yan, stop playing around and tell us."

Shen Yan responded immediately:

"Lin Yaochang's successor is Ah Luo, Hui Huang, Suan Bao and Ah Tian"

"If Luo doesn't run, then the only ones left are Hui Huang, Suan Bao and A Tian."

"Huihuang is a man of loyalty, but he is a brainless and reckless man."

"Lin Yaochang couldn't hand over Xinliansheng to him."

"Otherwise, Xinliansheng will be finished before the opponent comes to attack."

"The only people left were A-Tian and Suan Bao.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other and both thought it made sense.

"These two are very smart."

"One is called Suanbao, and the other is in charge of the flour business."

"People with less qualifications cannot afford this."

"However, there is a difference between the two"

"The biggest difference is that one is engaged in flour business and the other is engaged in traditional gang business."


Luo Zhiming immediately said:

"It's a good bet that he will be elected!"

He Jiaju's eyes widened!


He Jiaju couldn't figure it out for a long time:

"Brother Yan, my boss can make a scary dragon head, I like it very much"

"But the question is, how can he become the leader?"

"Ah Tian is in charge of the drug business in the gang. He is the richest and has the most soldiers and horses."

"My boss can't compare to him."

Shen Yan waved his hand.

"That's not how the account works."

"If we simply count the number of soldiers and horses, no one can compare to A-Tian."

"Lin Yaochang is looking for his successor, someone who can catch his eye."

"Unfortunately, Ah Tian was eliminated early.

Ho Ka Kui was even more puzzled:


Shen Yan spread his hands.

"Didn't you say before that Lin Yaochang didn't want Ah Tian to do drug business, but he didn't listen?"

"No matter how magnanimous Lin Yaochang is, he will not allow a disobedient person to take the stage."

"This is not in human nature"

"Therefore, there is only one option left, which is to calculate the explosion."

Shen Yan asked,

"Do you have different opinions?"

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other and shook their heads.

He had made it so clear, if you still didn't understand, you would be a fool.

Luo Zhiming thought deeply:

"This really seems like something that Brother Chang could do."

He Jiaju was astonished.

"Am I going to be the next leader?"

"Hiss, this mission actually has a twist."

Shen Yan poured cold water on him.

"Don't be happy too early"

"Xin Lian Sheng is about to fall into chaos."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju were both stunned. They couldn't understand why Xin Lian Sheng was in chaos.

Shen Yan asked:

"Don't you understand?"

They both shook their heads at the same time.

Shen Yan said to them:

"If you have to choose between A-Tian and Suan-Bao, anyone with a conscience will choose Suan-Bao."

"But don't forget,"

"Being the leader of a society is not enough."

"If we cannot convince the people and control the situation, chaos will occur."


"It's not Luo who is going to explode. He can't control the crowd."

Luo Zhiming suddenly had an idea and said in a lost voice:

"You mean, A-Tian will rebel?"

Shen Yan asked back:

"Won’t he rebel?"

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Shen Yan said coldly,

"Lin Yaochang is his boss, and A Tian doesn’t even listen to him, let alone the one who is considered a bomb?"

"When Lin Yaochang was on stage,"

"At least I can suppress A Tian"

"When he steps down, who will suppress A-Tian?"

"You also said that he has the most money and the largest territory, so how could he listen to the calculation of the explosion?"

"Don't you know what kind of people in the society are like?"

Luo Zhiming was stunned for a moment.

Shen Yan said calmly:

"Go back and prepare, Xinliansheng is going to be in chaos."

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The two followed Shen Yan's words and did their duty.

Shen Yan didn't give them any tasks at all, the only task was to hide well.

The two still had some doubts,

"Will there really be internal strife in Xin Liansheng?"

Looking around, the atmosphere inside Xin Liansheng is quite harmonious.

Time flies.

Lin Yaochang announced his withdrawal from the position of leader, and the position of leader was replaced by Suanbao.

Luo Zhiming and He Jiaju have a very good relationship with Suanbao, and both of them are happy.

But Shen Yan's words suddenly came to mind.

How could he say that at the time?

Suanbao will definitely be elected, and A Tian will not accept it, which will cause chaos.

The two looked at each other, inexplicably uneasy.

Suanbao became the leader and held a banquet in his own place.

If there is a peak in the gang, Suanbao can be said to have reached the peak of his life. What makes him especially happy is that his wife is pregnant, and he is about to become a father.


It was a double happiness.

That night, Suanbao got Mingting drunk.

Luo Zhiming was worried, so he just said something and didn't drink much. Suanbao was so happy that he pulled Luo Zhiming to drink.

He said to Luo Zhiming:

"A Luo, you are different from the others in our club."

"Do you remember?"

"Five years ago, we went to sea together and I accidentally fell into the water"

"I really thought I was dead."

"In a gang, everyone cares about themselves. Who would care about you?"

"But I didn't expect you to catch me and not let me fall into the sea."

"Even if your arm is injured, you won't let me go"

"Just like that, I saved a life"

"No, I should say I owe you a life."

Luo Zhiming waved his hand and said:

"Isn't that what brothers should do?"

Suanbao shook his head seriously.

"That's not what I said."

"We are all in this together, who doesn’t know who?"

"I know you are different from others."

"Four years ago, we demolished the house and killed people"

"Everyone knows that someone has to take the blame."

"No one else came out, but you did."

"You took the blame for Brother Chang and spent three years in jail."

"Is that the case with Master Guan Er?"

Luo Zhiming said quickly:

"Suanbao, you've drunk too much."

Suanbao shook his head vigorously:

"I was drunk, but I was telling the truth."

"I have something to tell you secretly.

Luo Zhiming said curiously:

"Why can't we talk about it openly, and have to do it secretly?"

He laughed:

"Must be done secretly"

"Brother Chang ordered me to take the position of leader. If everything goes well after five years,"

"Then I will give you a few units in the community."

Luo Zhiming was really surprised:

"Brother Chang said that?"

He laughed out loud:

"We all know that if it weren't for you, Brother Chang would have been finished."

"Likewise, if it weren't for you, I would be finished."

"This is what you deserve."

Luo Zhiming was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

He waved his hand and He Jiaju came over immediately.

"Brother Luo."

Luo Zhiming ordered:

"Watch your boss, he's drunk."

"Remember to send him back later."

"My sister-in-law is still pregnant."

He Jiaju agreed.

Luo Zhiming felt very depressed, walked out of the bar, took out Marlboro, took two puffs, and was slightly dizzy.

He was a policeman and an undercover agent.

He wanted to catch Xinliansheng in one fell swoop.

However, whether it was Lin Yaochang or Suanbao, they were sincere to him.

Luo Zhiming was a little confused.

This complicated feeling lingered in his heart, and he felt very awkward.

Luo Zhiming had just taken two puffs when Suanbao pushed He Jiaju away and staggered out. He said crookedly:

"Ah Luo, have a couple of drinks with me."

Luo Zhiming was about to dissuade him when a car suddenly rushed over.

He turned his head and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He saw two gunmen suddenly jump out of the car and open fire at Suanbao.

Suanbao was shot into a sieve! Billion.

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