Chapter 69: Xin Liansheng's Family Rules

Ah Tian was horrified!

He never expected Luo Zhiming and Huihuang to be so cruel. Not only did they kidnap him, they also kidnapped Richard and even put him in a gasoline barrel, wanting to make a clay sculpture!

That foreigner was a senior superintendent of the Political Department, how dare they?

Ah Tian was terrified and wanted to save himself:

"How did you kidnap the foreigner?"

"He is the superintendent!"

"If we kill him, the police will not let us go."

Huihuang looked at A Tian with increasing disgust, and he sneered:

"The foreigners are soldiers, we are bandits, we are born to be enemies".

"He is allowed to deal with us, but we are not allowed to deal with him?"

"What a joke!"

Ah Tian yelled:

"He is the superintendent of police!"

Huihuang said bluntly:

"He is also a corrupt policeman!"

A Tian was speechless, looking at Huihuang in shock and fear, not understanding how the latter became like this.

In the past, Huihuang always listened to him!

Huihuang mocked:

"Don't you understand why I've changed?"

Tian laughed dryly as he hit the nail on the head.

"We are brothers. The better you become, the happier I am."

Huihuang shook his head and said:

"No, you are not happy!"

He squatted down,

"Tell you one thing"

"From now on, I won't listen to you anymore."

Tian laughed dryly:

"We are all brothers, I will listen to you!"

Huihuang said coldly:

"Who the hell wants to be a brother to a traitor like you?"

Ah Tian was choked and speechless.

But sometimes people who are out there are too thick-skinned to care about their reputation, and sometimes it's not a big deal at all!

Ah Tian smiled bitterly and said:

"Huihuang, who said something bad about us?"

"All these years of friendship, is it not as good as someone else's words?"

This remark was obviously referring to Luo Zhiming who was standing by and sneering!

Luo Zhiming glanced at him indifferently, as if he was looking at a dead person!

Ah Tian shouted frantically:

"Ah Luo, what are you doing back here?"

"You finally got out of jail, but instead of enjoying yourself, you're in trouble now!"

"We were doing fine, but you messed things up as soon as you came back."


A-Tian was stunned.

Huihuang slapped him in the face and said rudely:

"Is that also your name A Luo?"

"Don't you want to know why I don't listen to you?"

"From now on, I will listen to Ah Luo.

Ah Tian couldn't believe it:


Huihuang said coldly:

"I have something to tell you. Mr. Jin, Brother Chang, Uncle Qian and the other elders of New Union decided that the new leader is Ah Luo.

Ah Tian's pupils shrank and he suddenly shouted:

"I don't accept it!"

"I have made contributions to the community, I have worked hard for the company, and I have made money for my grandfather!"

"Why did you choose him instead of me?"

Huihuang sneered:

"Who has not made contributions to the society? Who has not risked his life for the society? Who has not made money for the society?"

"Do you think you are the only one?"

"I, A Luo, am awesome. Who doesn’t have one? Tell me the fuck?!"

"What will happen if you compete with Suanbao? The elders choose Suanbao instead of you."

"At that time, I felt sorry for you, but now it seems that the elders made the right choice!"

"They have sharp eyes and have long seen through what kind of person you are!"

"What a pity, I am just a fool and was deceived by you!"

Tian suddenly felt a great fear:

"Huihuang, don't listen to the slander of outsiders. We are brothers!"

Huanghuang said angrily:

"Yes, I used to be your brother!"

"But don't forget that Luo, Suanbao and I are brothers."

"The five of us had burned incense, drank wine, and sworn brotherhood in front of Lord Guan."

"Have you forgotten the oath you made?"

"Have you forgotten the bowl that Brother Chang broke when we became sworn brothers?"

"What qualifications do you have to be compared with us, you treacherous fellow?!"

He stood up and said in a particularly cold tone,

"Brother Luo has called Brother Chang, Mr. Jin, and Uncle Qian to come over."

Ah Tian's heart suddenly sank.

Huihuang actually called Luo Zhiming Brother Luo, which meant that he really recognized Luo Zhiming's status. This was not good news.

However, compared to the later news, Ah Tian could no longer care about it.

"What are the three bosses doing here?"

"How long are you going to tie me up? Why don't you let me go?"

Huihuang looked at him like an idiot:

"Untie it for you?"

"Are you dreaming?"

"Don’t you know why Brother Chang and the others came to this place?"

"Of course it's the expert's method!"

Ah Tian's heart sank to the bottom, he laughed dryly,

"Stop joking!"

Huihuang mocked:

"Who the hell is kidding you?"

Ah Tian yelled:

"No, you can’t do this to me!"

Luo Zhiming shouted:

"Huihuang, ignore him.

Huihuang agreed:

"Yes, Brother Luo!"

Huanghui has the most violent temper, but he is also the most loyal. In his heart, the community is the biggest.

He is the most underworld member of the Five Tigers of Xinliansheng.

He values the rules of the underworld.

Once someone follows them, he will be the first to come out and fight!

A Tian shouted wildly:

"Ah Luo, you have no right to judge me"

"We are equal"

"I won’t accept you being the leader!"

"Why did Brother Chang choose you and not me?"

"This is not fair!"

Luo Zhiming said impatiently:

"I don't have the right to vote. It's not up to you to decide who will be the leader, and neither do I."

"Mr. Jin, Brother Chang, Uncle Qian have the final say"

"There is no use in yelling at me."

He ordered.

"Ka Kui, tell Tim to shut up"

"Be quick!"

He Jiaju was very excited:

"Brother Luo, I have wanted to deal with this guy for a long time!"

Tian roared:

"How dare you commit treason?!"

He Jiaju didn't bother to pay attention to him and kicked Ah Tian, causing his mouth to bleed and he didn't know how many teeth had fallen out.

It is worth mentioning that both Luo Zhiming and Huihuang turned a blind eye to Ah Tian's miserable condition and didn't seem to be sad at all.

Huihuang even frowned:

"Ka Kui, you used to be the top horse, now you are the top horse of Luo Ge, you have to���Be more careful"

"You are the pillar of the next generation of Xinliansheng, so do things more efficiently."

He Jiaju readily accepted the advice:

""Brother Huihuang, I understand."

A Tian was panicked. He closed his mouth tightly and stopped shouting.

At this point, he already understood.

He didn't know how Huihuang hated him so much.

A Tian thought about it carefully and was furious.

He was very kind to this guy!

He actually opposed him?


A Tian was puzzled!

For a while, the construction site was quiet.

A Tian felt like he was living a year. He didn't know how long it had been before three cars entered the construction site.

The three veterans of Xin Liansheng, Lin Yaochang, Jin Ye, and Qian Shu, came here.


When Ah Tian saw Lin Yaochang, he felt like he had found a savior:

"Boss, you have to make the decision for me."

"I don't know what's wrong with Ah Luo and Huihuang. They kidnapped me and the foreign police chief privately. They are courting death!"

Lin Yaochang stared at him deeply, and said meaningfully,

"I will definitely follow the company's rules."

Tian was filled with gratitude and thought to himself:

"Brother Chang still likes me. Luo Zhiming, Huihuang, and He Jiaju, you wait for me!"

But the next moment, his eyes widened.

Luo Zhiming said:

"After our investigation, we have found the murderer who killed Suanbao."

"He pointed out that it was Richard the foreigner who ordered him to do it."

"The gunman has been cast into the sea with cement, and no one will be able to find him even after hundreds of years."

A Tian's eyes widened, thinking to himself that it was bad.

He didn't know that within three days of the explosion, the murderer had been caught.

Luo Zhiming deliberately used rhetoric to delay the time, so as to create the illusion that the murderer had just been caught.

A Tian didn't know that everyone present, except him, participated in it.

Lin Yaochang frowned and said:

"You just need to kidnap the foreigner Richard, why did you also kidnap A Tian?"

A Tian was secretly praising Lin Yaochang for taking care of him a moment ago, but now he wished that Lin Yaochang had not been there.

Calculating the time when the two were kidnapped, the foreigner was clearly tied up just after he came out of his place.

As expected, Huihuang said,

"Boss, we kidnapped the foreigner from outside of A-Tian's place. Richard just came out of A-Tian's place."

"Luo and I saw clearly that Richard was in there for more than half an hour, and when he came out, his face was flushed."

Lin Yaochang stared at A Tian fiercely:

"What did you say to him?"

Tian complained incoherently:

"Boss, this is unfair."

"I was just discussing drug cooperation with the foreigners!"

Lin Yaochang asked:

"Didn't you lie to me?!"

Tian swore immediately:

"If I lie to you, let me sink into the sea like cement!"

Lin Yaochang looked at him with complicated eyes:

"It seems that you are innocent now?"

Tian nodded wildly:

"Yes, Boss, I am innocent.

Huihuang sneered:

"Ka Kui, get ready and help this guy"

���Ka Kui is ready to fight:

"Brother Huihuang, I will help Ding Ye after he finishes his trial!"

Ah Tian said angrily:

"What are you going to do?"

Huanghui smiled coldly:

"I'll help you!"

He took out a small tape recorder and put in a tape.

"I forgot to tell you, we put a lot of effort into dealing with this foreigner."

"Today, while he was having a meal, I installed a bug on him."

"I just happened to record this clip!"

Tian felt dizzy and his face turned pale.

"What did you record?"

Huihuang looked at him with disgust.

"You will know if you listen carefully!"

Tian struggled hurriedly:

"Boss, don't listen to them, that tape is fake."

"They are trying to frame me!"

Huihuang said viciously:

""Ka Kui!"

He Jia Kui slapped Ah Tian several times without hesitation, making him dizzy.

He got a piece of rag from somewhere, rolled it up and stuffed it into Ah Tian's mouth.

He was afraid that it was not stuffed tightly, so he stuffed it into Ah Tian's mouth with all his strength. He didn't care about Ah Tian's feelings at all.

Huihuang was very satisfied:

"Not bad, you have improved a lot."

The recorder slowly turned, and the conversation between Richard and Huihuang was slowly reproduced.

"You are a drug dealer and you are talking to me about loyalty?"

"If you are really loyal, why are you selling drugs?"

"I tell you, there are only two things in this world that fascinate people: money and power!"

"Either money or power"

"You are high enough, you are rich enough, and you have many followers who listen to you."

"Have you ever heard this sentence?"

"Make a fortune and establish a good reputation!!"

"Building a noble character is something you only consider after you have power and money."

"You’re having trouble even getting enough food to eat right now, and you’re talking to me about this?"

"Are you stupid?!"

"I'll give you one week. You must become the leader of Xinliansheng no matter what."

"Who is the person who threatens you to be the leader?"

"Lin Yaochang? Luo Zhiming? Brilliant?"

"Get rid of them!"


"I warn you, don't touch them."

"You've already killed them, if you touch them again, everyone will know that it was me who touched them"


"We are in the same group. What they think is not wrong. It is true that if you kill him, it will be a big deal."

"A-Tian, brother, can these things compare to the big guys in the Gold Club?"

"Boss, do you need this kind of thing?"

"Either you do it, or I do it."

"The opportunity of a lifetime at the Gold Club is something I don't want to miss"

"Destroying someone's financial resources is like killing their parents."

"I'll give you five days. If you don't do it, I'll do it myself!"

"The opportunity is given to you. It's up to you to choose."


"You don't have to do it, I'll do it myself"


"Ah Tian, I knew you were a smart guy!"

After the recording was over, Ah Tian collapsed to the ground, his face full of despair.

Now, even if Lin Yaochang wanted to protect him, he would never let him go.

Ah Tian was going to kill all the big guys in Xin Liansheng, would they let him go?

Would Jin Ye?

Would Qian Shu? Would Lin Yaochang?



Luo Zhiming or He Jiaju?

You are kidding me, we are all out in society, who the hell would do such a thing?

If you don't cut the grass at the root, it will grow again in the spring breeze!

This is an iron rule!

Jin Ye's face was ashen,

"It's unfortunate for the family that Xinliansheng produced such a traitor"

"I thought you were bewitched by Richard, but I don't know who killed you."

"You already knew it clearly."

"You have long been in cahoots with the foreigners!"

"And he wants to kill us all!"

"You betrayed your brothers, committed treason, and killed your brothers. You are unfaithful, unjust, and unkind."

"Ah Chang, according to the rules of Xin Liansheng, how do you calculate it?"

Lin Yaochang said calmly:

"I just asked him, he said if he cheated me he would pour cement"

"Then let him have his wish!"

Ah Tian was heartbroken!

It was all over!

No one could save him!

Lin Yaochang said to Luo Zhiming:

"Ah Luo, you are now the leader of Xinliansheng, you make the decision on how to deal with him."

Luo Zhiming said without hesitation:

"Of course it's cement poured."

"Ka Kui, wake up that foreigner and let them see our family rules!"

Ho Ka Kui did it immediately. He was afraid of getting his hands dirty, so he found a bucket of water and poured it on Richard.

The guy woke up with a start and shouted:

"You dare to attack the police?!".

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