Chapter 76: Shen Yan makes friends and shares a mysterious book.

In Mr. Huang's meeting room, Shen Yan tells the story of recent events.

The boss's face is wrinkled with laughter:

"Those foreigners are actually playing this kind of thief crying thief?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"Their shamelessness is beyond our imagination."

"The person who handled Xinliansheng and the Ni family was released because he bribed Richard!".


Mr. Huang slammed the table hard, and it was obvious that he was unhappy

"How shameless! They are allowed to be so presumptuous in Hong Kong.

Shen Yan sighed:

"There is no way around it. After all, we have not yet returned to China, and Hong Kong citizens have no human rights.

Superintendent Chen advised:

"Boss, is this something we have known about since the beginning?"

"There is no need to be so angry."

Boss Huang said angrily:

"How not to get angry?"

"Sooner or later I will settle accounts with them!"

Superintendent Chen said with some regret.

"Unfortunately, there is no evidence. Even if we catch them all in the future and want to convict them, they will probably be innocent without any evidence."

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"���What is there no evidence?"

Boss Huang and Superintendent Chen looked at Shen Yan:

"Do you have evidence?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"Of course!"

"The briber is from New Union, so isn't it easy to have Ho Ka-kui install a bugging device nearby?"

Superintendent Chen was incredulous:

"Those foreigners didn't even search me?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"They thought this was a script, so of course they didn't search us."

"Besides, they are corrupt policemen, so isn't it reasonable for them to accept bribes?"

Superintendent Chen was overjoyed:

"I'll go sue them right now!"

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"Sir 193, I don't recommend touching them at this time."

Superintendent Chen frowned and said:


Shen Yan explained:

"Our colleague Luo Zhiming, if he wants to enter the Gold Club, he can't do without this Richard"

"This criminal gang is quite large."

"If there is not enough evidence, it is basically impossible to catch him."

"The members of the Gold Club are too diverse, including congressmen, officials, lawyers, entrepreneurs and even bank executives... They can form a closed loop."

"Everyone is a leading figure in a certain field and has considerable authority."

"The network of relationships is complex and spread all over Hong Kong"

"That's why we can't move them."

"Without sufficient solid evidence and a strong case, people will use their connections to easily make our efforts come to naught."

"Not only that, they will turn around and put us to death"

"We have only one chance to bring them down, the only chance"

"Otherwise, we will be the ones to die."

Superintendent Chen groaned in silence.

Shen Yan said again:

"Richard is just a small figure. In the huge Golden Club, he doesn't even deserve a name."

"If he was really a person of character, he wouldn't be sent to contact Xinliansheng in person."

"If we move him, it will alert the enemy, and it will be difficult for us to collect evidence later."

Superintendent Chen clapped his hands and said:

"That makes sense."

Mr. Huang said bluntly:

"Follow Ah Yan's idea."


Although he is young, he thinks long-term, which is in line with our wishes.

"Yes, I will cooperate with Ah Yan's actions."

Boss Huang said to the two of them:

"The enemy is powerful, but so is our strength."

"I have secretly contacted reliable people."

"All three departments and thirteen bureaus have begun self-examination"

"The current progress is encouraging."


Superintendent Chen asked quickly:

"Just what?"

Mr. Huang said:

"I'm just afraid that the longer the night, the more dreams there are."

Superintendent Chen was silent.

Such a large-scale investigation is a very complicated and mysterious project.

There are countless links in it. The boss is worried that the complex links will go wrong.

The plan is huge, there are many links, and the tolerance rate is low.

Once the plan goes wrong, who will be unlucky?

Superintendent Chen didn't dare to imagine it.

Shen Yan thought for a while:

"I will put enough pressure on them and try to make them make mistakes."

Boss Huang and Superintendent Chen looked at him in a daze.

They were worried that the people from the Gold Club would know that they were investigating them.

Shen Yan actually wanted to put pressure on the Gold Club?

Superintendent Chen quickly reminded him:

"Ah Yan, we can't expose our existence."

Shen Yan smiled:

"Don't worry, I won't expose our presence."

The two were a little confused.

Superintendent Chen directly expressed the boss's thoughts:

"How can you put pressure on them if you don't expose them?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"The purpose of the Gold Club is to acquire a large amount of wealth through a number of procedural but illegal means."

"I'll just give their plan a blow."

"We will never use any of our power."

"Oh, I have something to say."

The boss asked:

"What's the matter?"

Shen Yan grinned, showing his eight big white teeth:

"I'm going to make a big deal, the profit will be surprisingly high"

"I was wondering if you have any close friends who can share a piece of the pie.

The two were stunned.

Mr. Huang was very puzzled:

"Didn't you say it was our internal stock?"

Shen Yan nodded:

"Of course, I only take 20% of the profit"

"But this time the move is too big and the profit is too much"

"If we take them all, some people will be jealous."

"In this case, we might as well expand it. But I want to get more profit."

Boss Huang thinks it is reasonable:

"How much?"

Shen Yan chuckled.


Mr. Huang nodded slightly:

"When will we start?"

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"The day after tomorrow, Friday"

"So, you only have a day and a half, I will start tomorrow"

"When I am working, I do not allow others to get on the bus."

Boss Huang asked again:

"What are the criteria for joining the club?"

Shen Yan said:

"One hundred thousand!"

"One hundred thousand is the lowest standard. I won't accept anything lower."

"It’s too troublesome to operate."

Mr. Huang clapped his hands and said:

"That makes sense."

Superintendent Chen asked:

"Can people from Group B vote?"

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"Of course they can. One month's salary is the minimum. Otherwise, I can't explain it to the people in our group."

"After all, there are differences between relatives and strangers."

Shen Yan did not hide his intention to form cliques.

And Mr. Huang and Superintendent Chen had no objection to this. When someone found an opportunity to make a fortune, it was enough friendship for them to bring you along. If you still want more, you are ignorant!

Just like Mr. Huang and Superintendent Chen, the people they recruited were their closest people or people who had some needs.

Who would give benefits to strangers for nothing?

So, one day later, Shen Yan's account had 100 million silver notes.

He was going to do something big!


The stock broker was very excited these two days.

He received instructions from the stock god and secretly absorbed four stocks. His keen professional sense told him that the stock god was going to be the banker.

One hundred million silver notes was a little less, but the stock broker believed that the stock god's operation would be completed smoothly.

That's right, in the stock broker's heart, Shen Yan was the stock god. It

's funny to say that the stock broker who has been working for ten years was inexplicably nervous.

In the big room, Shen Yan comforted:

"Don't be nervous, it's just a small operation, it's nothing."

The stockbroker smiled bitterly.

"How can I not be nervous? This is my first time as a banker."

"Thank you Mr. Shen for giving me valuable experience."

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"Are we manipulating the market? No, we are not manipulating the market."

The stock broker was a little confused:

"Not the banker?"

Shen Yan said softly:

"What's the fun of being a banker? It's a waste of time and energy"

"We just need to follow others."

The stockbroker was puzzled:

"Is there anyone who wants to be the banker today?"

Shen Yan nodded:

"Yes, let's just watch the show."

The stockbroker was startled, and he lowered his voice:

"Do you have inside information?"

Shen Yan laughed.

"Do you want the CSRC to invite me for tea?"

"Do you need insider information to play stocks?"

"Isn't it enough to analyze it carefully?"

The stock broker was stunned:

"Can you analyze the dealer as well?"

Shen Yan nodded:


"For example, this one, this one, and this one!"

He circled the three stocks that the Gold Club was going to make a profit on.

The last one was interesting. It was a stock that he was very optimistic about. It was originally the most likely to be the leader today.

Unfortunately, with the other three stocks as a backdrop, it was destined not to have much success.

But this was a perfect cover, he could collect all the dividends without attracting attention.

Unlike the other three stocks, he liked this feeling very much.

The stock broker was full of curiosity. Of course, he knew that most stocks were made by someone.

But that was usually after a large transaction.

Those four stocks did not look like someone was making a profit.

The last stock did look like it.

After all, the stock god absorbed the most 0...

The stock broker was indeed a little confused. He really didn't understand how he judged it.

But it didn't matter.

The stock market started, and he couldn't think about anything else.

He had to obey the orders of the stock god. It was no longer suitable for him to be distracted.

Shen Yan's orders came out step by step. The stock broker watched nervously, and he suddenly found something strange.

There were only four stocks in the account, but the stock god didn't even move those three stocks.

What's surprising is that the prices of these three stocks kept rising as if they were injected with chicken blood.

Now it is dozens of times higher than the original price!

The stock broker was full of admiration - there really is someone who is a banker. It's totally unbelievable!

Fortunately, he followed Shen Yan's operation and bought a few lots.

The stock broker exclaimed:

"Mr. Shen, you are really as good as a god, your guess is not wrong at all"

"I made a lot of money this time."

Shen Yan disagreed.

"Making money on paper is not making money"

"Being able to put money in your pocket is the real way to make money"

"The operation over there has not yet arrived, so there is no rush."

The stock broker humbly asked for advice:

"Mr. Shen, do you still want to trade these three stocks?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"Of course, but not now. It's not the right time yet."

"We can't let them get stuck."

The bankers are all cutting leeks, and there are rules for when to start cutting.

The stock broker was looking forward to it. It has always been the bankers who cut other people's leeks, but he has never seen such a way of cutting the banker's leeks.

He didn't know how Shen Sheng would swing his scythe.

He came back to his senses and paid attention to the stocks he was operating, and was surprised.

The stock broker realized that the profit of this stock was ridiculously high.

He hurriedly compared the data and found that the profit of one stock was equal to the sum of the other three stocks.

It was only compared with the sky-high prices of the three stocks that it did not seem too outrageous.

The stock broker looked at the market again and said to himself,"As expected."

These four stocks have indeed become the leading stocks in each sector today.

"The stock god is really modest. He said he would not be a banker, but in fact he has become the biggest banker."

The stock broker couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Shen, how can you make money in the stock market?"

Shen Yan looked at the trends of the four stocks and found that there was really nothing to do, so he asked the stock broker to answer the question:

"That’s a good question."

"The essence of stocks is financing, but people buy stocks for returns."

"That is, people want to make money."

"How to make money?"

"I have a formula for making money, you can refer to it."

The stock broker's eyes lit up.

"There is actually a formula, isn't this the legendary secret book of stocks?"

Shen Yan asked:

"Every commodity has a price"

"Take distilled water, for example.���Price"

"2.5 For example, a bottle of distilled water is ten yuan, would you buy it?

The stockbroker nodded slightly:


"Ten yuan is not too outrageous.

Shen Yan asked again:

"How about twenty yuan?"

The stockbroker hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

"It's just a bottle of water, not Evian from France."

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"Then you know that a commodity has its own value and a selling price."

"When can I make money?"

"You make money when people think it's worth buying."

"If people don’t think a product is worth the money, they won’t buy it."

"Therefore, the money you earn is the value recognized by others."

"Just like a bottle of water, its cost is one dollar, but people think it can be worth ten dollars."

"Or a dozen or so"

"Are those bosses earning the value between cost and wholesale or retail price?"


"They earn the difference that people recognize."

The stock broker thought for a while.

Shen Yan further said:

"When we choose stocks, we need to judge the value of the target company based on its financial report and prospects."

"We have to give the other party a valuation, just like when we go to a convenience store to buy distilled water."

"You give yourself a valuation, and you can buy within the valuation, and sell outside the valuation."

"It is especially important that once you have given a valuation, you also have to assess how others view that stock."

"Always remember that we earn other people's psychological price"

"As for how to really make money in the stock market, it takes a lot of practice."

"Once you find the exact valuation range, it’s basically impossible to lose!"

The stock broker was shocked and admired him very much:

"Thank you Mr. Shen, I learned it!".

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