Chapter 90: Old classmates are everywhere.

Huihuang accompanies Luo Zhiming to watch the various gambling and flower files under Xinliansheng, and is quite excited:

"Ah Luo, what do you think?"

Luo Zhiming looked at the unified plaque and the unified decoration and nodded with satisfaction:


"We are now a formal company, and we can no longer use those little tricks in secret.-"

"We should open the door and do legitimate business, and not always develop in the old side business direction."

Huanghuang was still a little reluctant:

"We won't need the side door anymore?"

Luo Zhiming glared at him:

"Didn’t I tell you before, one meal full or one meal full, which one do you choose?"

Huihuang said without thinking:

"Of course, every meal is full!"

Luo Zhiming warned:

"Fishing for a meal is a good way to fill your stomach"

"We are doing formal business, reputation is the most important"

"People come to our place to play because they value our place being clean and free of all that clutter."

"If the reputation of the place is ruined, it will be impossible to rebuild it."

"Look at the casinos in Haojiang, which one is not gambling openly? Who would think of some tricks to deceive people?"

Huanghui thought so too.

Luo Zhiming said again:

"After all, you are now the security chief of our Xinliansheng, so you have to hold up the facade, do things in a more generous way, and don't care about petty gains."

"We make big money, not these small amounts of money."

Huihuang scratched his head and raised a realistic question:

"There are many people from the Qianmen School in our company, how can we deal with such a person?"

Luo Zhiming said without thinking:

"Keep it!"

Huihuang was surprised:

"Raise it?"

Luo Zhiming explained:

"This is a special talent."

"Our place is clean, but there may be some scammers who come to mess things up."

"You don't know a thousand tricks, it's impossible to expose them all"

"What should I do then?"

"We must have our own talents."

He thought about it.

"Draw a special office in your security department and raise these people"

"They don't need to do anything else but to improve their skills."

"We don't need to use these tricks, but we have to be careful of some unruly guys who use these tricks to trick us."

Huanghui nodded:

"I'll listen to you!"

"I will gather these people together later."

He drew inferences from this example.

"We also have some finches in our club, are they the same?"

Luo Zhiming agreed:


"There are many bars in our place. People go to such places to relax. If valuables are lost, the reputation of the place will be really ruined."

"Each team in your security department is assigned a Wenque"

"Remember, we don't let them practice, we want to catch petty thieves who don't have long eyes."

Huanghui laughed and said:

"According to what you said, we still have to cooperate with the police force?"

Luo Zhiming exclaimed loudly:

"I knew you had a good brain. You thought the same thing as me."

"We are a legitimate company, we want to sponsor the police force, and at the same time let them send an anti-thousand team to guide us."

Huihuang opened his mouth wide:

"Ah Luo, I'm just saying that our community is cooperating with the police force. It's embarrassing to say it out loud!"


Luo Zhiming turned around and gave Huihuang a slap on the head.

"what are you thinking?"

"You don't take the right path, and you still want to get involved in the underworld?"

"Believe it or not, I will tell Brother Chang to beat you up!"

Huihuang smiled foolishly and shook his head.

"Yeah, I almost forgot."

"We are on the right track now!"

Luo Zhiming said earnestly.

"We used to be short mules, so we would definitely take a detour when we saw the police."

"Now that we are in the white road, we must establish good relations with them."

"We are a legitimate company after all, and we should make good use of their strength."

Huanghui said solemnly,

"I will listen to you."

Luo Zhiming said:

"Our rules and regulations are no joke, they must be followed."

"If anyone is not convinced, just follow the company's rules."

"Xinliansheng's old rules should be restrained."

Huanghui understood.

What does restraint mean?

It means that they cannot abandon it completely.

After all, they evolved from a society, and the rules are much stricter than those of ordinary companies.

Of course, the responsibilities they bear are also much heavier.

Luo Zhiming asked:

"How is our reorganization going?"

Huanghui was puzzled:

"Isn't it all implemented according to your wishes?"

Luo Zhiming was disappointed:

"I mean, how is the cooperation among the various halls?"

"Do you have any objections?"

Huanghui smiled and said:

"Company restructuring is a great thing, who would object to it?"

"All the hall masters are very supportive"

"The point of dispute is one point - how to count the assets of the hall."

Luo Zhiming nodded slightly:

"This is also human nature"

"After all, dividends will be distributed according to assets and operating conditions."

"This cannot be neglected."

Huihuang curled his lips:

"I think they are being unreasonable."

"Ni Yongxiao's accounting firm uses a unified standard, and the amount is what it should be."

"How can you be rated more because of favors?"

"These guys are still using the old methods of the society."

Luo Zhiming said with a smile:

"It's okay. They will know the rules after two more visits."

"By the way, tell the various hall masters that people from the accounting firm cannot be offended."

Huang Hui smiled and said:

"Luo, don't worry, no one is so stupid."

"They just want to fight for their own interests. Once they see that we are following the rules, they will stop making trouble."

"Ni Yongxiao is not easy to mess with!"

Luo Zhiming sighed:

"I am afraid that some people may not realize this."

Huihuang immediately said:

"I will go and tell them."

Luo Zhiming added:

"Do the younger brothers at the bottom of Xinliansheng have any opinions on the reorganization of the new company?"

Huanghui said with a smile:

"They are looking forward to it!"

Luo Zhiming asked:


Huihuang said loudly:

"It couldn’t be more true!"

"They are so eager to do so!" he whispered.

"You also know the situation of the Xinliansheng brothers in the past"

"Most people can only afford three meals a day, and a small number of people have some spare money."

"Only the confidants of the various hall masters will have savings"

"Otherwise, why would people look down on you?"

"Now the company is managed as a whole, at least there is income"

"Of course, they can no longer be as carefree as before."

"But then again"

"If there is a chance to walk the right path, who the hell would come out to mess around?"

"Isn't it because you were not good at studying since childhood, have no skills, and can't get a job in a big company, so you have to come out and make a living?"

"Now that they have this opportunity, they are so happy!"

"Your sister-in-law was so happy when she heard about our company's reorganization that she didn't know what to say!"

Luo Zhiming smiled.


Luo Zhiming has been visiting various branches of Xin Liansheng these days.

In the evening, he arrived in Yuen Long.

While the Golden Club was setting up the game, Shen Yan got a lot of good things.

Among them is the largest seafood center in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and a considerable part of it is an island.

In addition to seafood, most of them have to be imported from the mainland or transported from other places.

Now, it is named Shen.

Luo Zhiming naturally knows the significance of this port to Hong Kong, and he admires Shen Yan very much.

The industries that Shen Yan has taken over are all related to the basic livelihood of the people.

This thing looks inconspicuous, and the market value is not comparable to those of high-tech companies.

However, to be honest, if you don’t have high-tech products, then you don’t have them.

Once people’s livelihood items are lacking, it will be a big deal.

Luo Zhiming attaches great importance to this, and he asked He Jiaju:

"How do our brothers receive it?"

He Jiaju answered fluently:

"Over a thousand brothers have entered the dock in the past two days."

"They are learning from the old workers."

"Brother Huihuang also arranged a security team of 100 people.

Luo Zhiming exclaimed:

"Do it right"

"This is related to people's livelihood."

"There can't be any mistakes."

He Jiaju said softly:

"The Yuen Long area is related to a Hongxing boss.

Luo Zhiming frowned and said:


He Jiaju said:

"Flying dragon."

Luo Zhiming said in surprise:

"Isn't Feilong doing the right thing?"

He Jiaju shrugged:

"Yes, he has a considerable share in our dock."

"The day before yesterday, his head horse said he wanted to come and see you."

Luo Zhiming thought for a moment and said:

"As long as it is a serious business, we welcome it."

"You can arrange it."

He Jiaju turned around and

"Brother Luo, if it's convenient for you, can you meet me now?"

Luo Zhiming was stunned, turned his head and saw a familiar face.

The other party was even more surprised than him:

"Ah...Mr. Luo?!"

Luo Zhiming laughed:

"Ka Kui, this is Fei Long's good helper?"

Ho Ka Kui didn't know what was going on, so he introduced:

"Brother Luo, this is Feilong's assistant Wang Zhicheng.

Luo Zhiming asked with a smile:

"Ah Cheng, it seems like you are doing well."

"How is it, are you doing fine now?"

He Jiaju was stunned:

0 ···Request flowers·· ·······

"Brother Luo, do you know Mr. Wang?"

Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"Of course, he is my classmate!"


He Jiaju gasped.

Wang Zhicheng also gasped.

Both of them were stunned.

Luo Zhiming clapped his hands:

"There are too many people here, it's not convenient to talk, let's go to my office to talk."

So the group went to the office.

On the way, Wang Zhicheng kept looking at Luo Zhiming, who pretended not to know.

When they arrived at the office, He Jiaju hurriedly made tea for the two of them, and

Luo Zhiming asked:

"Ah Cheng, you became an undercover agent after graduating from the police academy, and it turns out that you went to Feilong."

Wang Zhicheng said helplessly:

"Ah Luo, you know I'm an undercover agent, why are you still yelling like that?"

"Are you afraid that others don’t know my undercover identity?"

���Ka Kui said at the right time,

"Brother Zhicheng, I am also an undercover agent."


Wang Zhicheng was speechless for a long time.

They were all his colleagues, so there was nothing to hide.

However, he felt something was wrong.

"Ah Luo, are you the new leader of Xin Liansheng?"

Luo Zhiming said with a smile:

"I am a little older than you and I am doing better, right?"

Wang Zhicheng opened his mouth wide:

"From being an undercover agent to becoming one of the top five gang leaders in the underworld, A Luo, you've got it!"

"However, your boss is really careless. Isn't he worried that you won't go back?"

Luo Zhiming sighed:

"I may never be able to go back."

Wang Zhicheng suddenly became nervous:

"What do you mean? You don't want to be a police officer anymore?"


Luo Zhiming shrugged:

"Don't be nervous"

"I am now on a mission to completely whitewash Xin Liansheng"

"According to my boss, this is a long-term project that may take five to ten years."

"By that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back even if my boss calls me to."

He felt a little sad, but he quickly cheered up and pointed at Ho Ka Kui and said,

"Tied to me is Ka Kui"

"There is a real possibility that the two of us will never be able to go back."

Wang Zhicheng thought he was hallucinating:

"New Liansheng whitewashes?!"

"Are the top five gangs in the underworld whitewashing themselves?"

"Which boss issued this hellish order?"

"Can you do it?"

"If it really works, it will be a great merit!"

Luo Zhiming shrugged.

"Now, the success rate is very high."

"Xinliansheng is already undergoing a restructuring, and the brothers in the society have transformed from small hooligans to workers."

"For example, we arranged a thousand people to take over this dock. And there is also a guard team of a hundred people."

Wang Zhicheng went crazy:

"Which big boss would invest so much money?"

Luo Zhiming smiled:

"You also know my boss. Please find some time to meet him.��

Wang Zhicheng thought for a long time but couldn't figure out who it was:

"You have become the leader of Xinliansheng, and your direct supervisor is either a senior inspector or a superintendent, and I don’t know these people."

Luo Zhiming reminded:

"He is our classmate."

Wang Zhicheng shook his head:

"Our classmates?"

"That's impossible"

"Even Ah Yan, the most evil person in our class, is now at most an inspector and is still working in the military uniform."

Luo Zhiming said with a smile:

"Our class was full of talented people"

"Remember Chen Yongren? He is now the senior police officer of the serious crime squad."

"Yang Jinrong, remember, he is now the inspector of the serious crime squad."

"As for Ah Yan, he is now the head of the serious crime team, and his police rank is senior inspector!"


Wang Zhicheng stood up:

"Ah Yan has become a senior inspector? Or a senior inspector of the serious crime squad?"

" a monster!"

"Your boss is Ah Yan?"

Luo Zhiming said with a smile:

"if not?"

"You also said that I have become the leader of Xinliansheng when I was an undercover agent, which can be regarded as the pinnacle of undercover agents."

"Can he feel at ease if he changes his boss?"

"My boss is Ayan, he trusts me very much"

"That's why I can chat with you so easily."

Luo Zhiming asked back,

"How is your undercover life?"

Wang Zhicheng complained.

"My undercover agent Feilong has completely retired from the underworld."

"Everyone in Hong Kong knows that Feilong is no longer involved in gang activities, but my boss doesn't believe it and insists that I go investigate."

"There is no other way, I can only waste time."

Luo Zhiming's mind moved:

"Otherwise, why not transfer your work relationship and let Ah Yan take charge?"

Wang Zhicheng said with a wry smile:

"Can it work?"

Luo Zhiming was full of confidence:

"Don't worry, this is not a problem for Ah Yan at all!"

Wang Zhicheng was half-believing and half-doubting.

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