Kowloon West Region, CIB, Liu Jianming's office.

Liu Jianming sat upright in his office chair, staring blankly at the paper in front of him with the names of Shen Qiu, Lin Weisheng, Qiu Xintong, Zhang Wenyao, Mo Weichen, etc., his mind was full of what Shen Qiu had just said to him.

He did not doubt whether Shen Qiu was deceiving him. Since Shen Qiu could find him, it meant that the gang really found Shen Qiu, and Shen Qiu really had evidence in their hands. As for why Shen Qiu dared to tell him his evidence directly...

It was obvious that Shen Qiu would not admit it after he finished speaking.

Thinking of this, Liu Jianming thought of Han Chen again.

Liu Jianming thought of himself 10 years ago, when he had just graduated from the police academy. Even if Han Chen spoke in a harsh tone, his heart would tremble. At that time, he was only afraid of Han Chen. At that time, he did not dare to do anything to Han Chen.

Later, as his position in the police force became higher and higher, Han Chen's attitude towards him became better and better, sometimes he would even talk to him in a negotiating tone, and his attitude towards Han Chen also changed, his fear slowly decreased, and turned into dread.

Just as Shen Qiu said, the higher his position in the police force and the greater his power, the more say he would have, until he could send those who controlled him to hell, just like he had turned against Han Chen.

Although Liu Jianming's intuition told him that there was something wrong with Shen Qiu's words, he really couldn't find any fault with it, especially since Liu Jianming had been experiencing this kind of life for 10 years and had very rich experience. Unknowingly, he had been conquered by Shen Qiu.

Smart people don't need to tell him too much, just give him a reason, and he will fill in the rest in his mind.

This is the case with Liu Jianming, and the same is true for Zhang Wenyao.

At this moment, in the office of Zhang Wenyao in the Hong Kong Island Region

"Sir Zhang, this is the information you want."

Mo Weichen put a bag of information in front of Zhang Wenyao and said


Zhang Wenyao nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to pick up the information bag, but suddenly seemed to think of something, looked up at Mo Weichen, and asked:"Sir Mo, have you dealt with the matter?" Since you have become a pawn, you must ensure that you are valuable, so as not to become a discarded piece.

Zhang Wenyao must erase all clues of his involvement in the armored car robbery to preserve his identity in the police force.

Otherwise, he believes that the one million dollars that the gang gave him last night will be taken back with interest.

Mo Weichen did not speak, but nodded slightly.

He did not tell Zhang Wenyao that a group of people broke into his house last night and not only gave him 500,000 US dollars, but also promised to send his wife and children to live in America.

Of course, all this comes at a price.

After seeing Mo Weichen nod, Zhang Wenyao waved his hand, indicating that Mo Weichen could leave


Mo Weichen's mouth moved slightly, but in the end he said nothing and turned away.

‘Ding Dong~’

‘Ding Dong~'

The doorbell rang at Zhang Wenyao's house on time, which made Zhang Wenyao, who was sitting on the sofa, stand up suddenly.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Tian Yangyi standing at the door, Zhang Wenyao's eyes were full of vigilance.

"Where are the things?"

Tian Yangyi didn't waste time talking to Zhang Wenyao and went straight to the point.

"This is what you want."

Zhang Wenyao was silent for a moment, then handed the information bag that Mo Weichen had given him to Tian Yangyi who was standing at the door.

"Sir Zhang, you did a good job. As a reward, you can go to the second floor of Hongwang Dog Meat Restaurant in Kowloon Walled City. There is a gift from us."

After saying that, Tian Yangyi took the information bag and turned to leave.


Zhang Wenyao frowned as he watched Tian Yangyi leave. Eventually, he walked out of the room, went downstairs, got into his car, and drove toward the Kowloon Walled City.

Half an hour later

‘'Woo woo woo~'

Looking at the Lao Hu Zai who was tied up and had his mouth sealed with tape, so that he could only make a 'woo woo woo' sound, as well as the travel bag full of US dollars and a Type 64 pistol next to Lao Hu Zai, Zhang Wenyao instantly understood what Tian Yangyi meant by the gift. Zhang Wenyao has no way of catching the robbers who robbed the armored car now. He will definitely be scolded by his superiors, and it may even affect his career and end his police career as a superintendent.

Now that Lao Hu Zai and these US dollars appeared in front of him, the meaning was very clear. The gang asked him to use Lao Hu Zai, the unlucky guy, to deal with the senior police officers. Although he did not catch the robbers, at least he did something.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenyao's eyes flashed with a fierce look.


As if sensing the murderous aura from Zhang Wenyao, Tiger Boy twisted his body madly, trying to beg for mercy.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful in my next life."

Zhang Wenyao pulled out the.38 from his waist and pulled the trigger at Tiger.

‘Bang, bang, bang~'

After a burst of gunfire, Tiger stopped struggling.

Then, Zhang Wenyao rearranged the scene, picked up the Type 64 pistol, pointed the muzzle at his arm, gritted his teeth, and pulled the trigger.

‘After the sound of"bang", Zhang Wenyao wiped the fingerprints off the gun with great pain, and then put it in Lao Hu's hand. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed 999.

"I’m Superintendent Zhang Wenyao of the Serious Crime Unit. I’m now at the Hung Wang Dog Meat Restaurant in Kowloon Walled City. I just had a gunfight with the robbers and I shot one of them dead on the spot. Please send support quickly!"

"Also, I was shot, call an ambulance for me!"


On the other side, on Mount Kellett Road in Hong Kong Island, a black car was parked beside the road.

Tian Yangsheng and Shen Qiu were sitting in the front and rear seats respectively. Not far from the car, there was a villa that was more magnificent than the Governor's Residence.

The wealthy people in Hong Kong Island like to live in high places, so the top wealthy people live in mountains like Victoria Peak, Mount Kellett, and Mount Nicholas.

For example, the president of Shimao Real Estate, Wang Baiwan, and his wife Tang Judy live in a villa on the top of Mount Kellett.

"A poor family can only live in a 200-square-meter public housing unit, while the doghouses of rich families are more spacious than theirs. Ah Sheng, do you think this is fair?"

Shen Qiu looked at the villa not far away and asked with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, we brothers have been fighting for our lives since we were young. I beat someone to death for a bite of pig food. I don’t know what is fair. I only know that the strong survive and the weak die.

Tian Yangsheng said calmly.

"I shouldn't have asked you this question."

Shen Qiu covered his forehead, shook his head and smiled.

Then, Shen Qiu continued:"But what you said, Asheng, makes sense. I just don't know what those so-called strong people living here will look like when they become weak."

At this moment, another black car stopped behind the car Shen Qiu was riding in. After the door opened, Tian Yangyi, who was holding a bag of information, first observed the movements around him, then quickly walked to the car Shen Qiu was riding in, opened the door, and quickly got in the car

"Brother Qiu, this is what I just took from Zhang Wenyao."

"I also told Zhang Wenyao about the gift you asked me to give.

Tian Yangyi handed the information bag to Shen Qiu who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Shen Qiu nodded slightly, then opened the information bag, took out the information inside, and handed it to Tian Yangsheng who was sitting in the main driving seat, and said with a smile:"Asheng, look at these people, who is Wang Baiwan's bodyguard." After

Tian Yangsheng took the information, he looked through it carefully, then took out 4 sheets of paper from the information and said:"These four people have appeared beside Wang Baiwan"

"Okay, Ayi, tomorrow you take Awu, Azhi and others to purchase equipment according to the plan. Asheng, you will continue to keep an eye on Wang Baiwan for a day tomorrow, and we will take action the day after tomorrow."

Shen Qiu nodded slightly and spoke slowly.

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