That night, just like the sky covered with dark clouds, Yau Ma Tei seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud.

Everyone in the entire Hong Kong underworld knew that a new society called the Hop Shing Gang had swallowed up the Zhong Xin Yi's place and planted a flag in Yau Ma Tei. Tonight, all the societies in Yau Ma Tei would definitely fight with the Hop Shing Gang.

Almost everyone in the underworld believed that after tonight, either Yau Ma Tei would have one more society, or other societies would be left with nothing. There was no third possibility.

Only a few people knew that the water in Yau Ma Tei tonight was very deep...

Yau Ma Tei, Golden Ocean Bath City, this is the largest bath city in Yau Ma Tei, and it is also Hua Fu's place. His office is on the third floor of the bath city.

A little after nine o'clock that night, in Hua Fu's office

"Ah Kun, you bring people to the Hesheng Gang's place, make some noise, and then leave after the show is over. Do you understand?"

Hua Fu looked at his head horse Hua Bikun in front of him and repeatedly warned him.

"Boss, what kind of people are the Hesheng Gang? What are you afraid of? What will happen if we really take over their territory?"

Hua Bikun obviously didn't understand Hua Fu's good intentions.’

"Damn you, are you the boss or am I the boss? You should do whatever I tell you to do!"

Hua Fu was too lazy to explain to this simple-minded and strong subordinate.

"Ok, ok, boss, you have the final say."

Hua Bikun saw Hua Fu getting angry and had to give up.

"Let's go, finish the show early and rest early."

Hua Fu waved his hand, indicating that Hua Bikun could leave

"Boss, I'm leaving now."

Hua Bikun turned around and left Hua Fu's office with a look of deep confusion.

"If I don't take action, how can Huobao Ming and his gang dare to"make a big fuss"? Unfortunately, the protagonists in Yau Ma Tei tonight are not our gangs, and the good show is yet to come."

After Hua Bikun left, Hua Fu looked out the window, the lights in Yau Ma Tei were bright, and said faintly.

On the other side, in a nightclub called Litchi Bay in Yau Ma Tei

"Brother Ming, Youzai just called back and said that Huafu's leader Huabikun took people to Zhongxinyi's place and they are probably fighting now!"

A Hengji henchman hurriedly ran into Huobaoming's box and reported to Huobaoming.

"Damn it, I knew that old Hua Fu was up to something. He used the name of Organized Crime to scare us? What a loser."

Hearing what his henchman said, Huo Baoming first scolded Hua Fu, and then said to the henchman in front of him:"Notify all the brothers to gather, I will lead the team myself tonight!"

"Ah Ming, you are the eldest brother now, there is no need to do it yourself."

Ai Lian heard Huo Baoming's words and immediately advised

""Tonight is too important. I don't feel comfortable leaving it to anyone. Ailian, you guard the house for me. After tonight, I, Huobaoming, have the final say in Yau Ma Tei!"

Huobaoming was full of pride and high spirits at this moment.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen societies in Yau Ma Tei received the news that Hua Fu had taken action. Without exception, all societies chose to take action, scrambling to get a bite of meat.

Soon, the whole Yau Ma Tei was in chaos. Various societies fought each other. Some fought the newly established Hop Shing Gang, and some had old grudges. When they met halfway, they did not fight the Hop Shing Gang, but fought directly.

All of this was seen by Shen Qiu.

At the same time, the West Kowloon Headquarters

"Ah Zhan, we meet again."

Shen Qiu looked at He Wenzhan standing in front of him and greeted him with a smile.

In order to let Shen Qiu do his job, Chen Zhijie used his connections to transfer 4 PTU teams and 2 assault teams to Shen Qiu, a total of 70 police officers, plus the entire O-Ji operation, Shen Qiu had more than 100 people under his command tonight.

Among these 4 PTU teams, one team was the team where He Wenzhan was.

""Sir Shen, you are the superior tonight. Just tell me what you need me to do."

He Wenzhan looked at Shen Qiu in front of him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

In just a few days, Shen Qiu has made great achievements one after another and has become a star policeman who is known to everyone in the West Kowloon headquarters. He

Wenzhan dared to conclude that as long as Shen Qiu did not make any mistakes, his future would be limitless.

"Azhan, I won't hide it from you. I'm meeting you alone because I have a task I want to assign to your team."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then said sincerely,"However, Azhan, this task will be a little bit against the rules, are you willing to do it?"

"Mr. Shen, you helped me, so of course I have to help you. Just tell me what task you want."

He Wenzhan answered without hesitation.

"You'll lead the team later.……"

Shen Qiu told He Wenzhan the task

""Sir Shen, I will definitely complete the task!"

He Wenzhan nodded immediately after hearing the task.

""Okay, I'll leave it to you, Ah Zhan."

Shen Qiu smiled and patted He Wenzhan on the shoulder. Then he looked at the watch on his wrist and said with a smile,"It's half past nine. The action is about to begin."

A few minutes later, in the West Kowloon headquarters, in the O-Ji meeting room.

More than 100 police officers from O-Ji, PTU, and the Stormtroopers filled the meeting room. Everyone's eyes were on Chen Zhijie standing on the stage, and Shen Qiu next to Chen Zhijie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, time is precious, so I won't waste any more time. Now, tonight's action commander, Inspector Shen Qiu, will arrange the action tasks."

After Chen Zhijie finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Shen Qiu.

""My dear colleagues, I will make it short."

Shen Qiu nodded to the boy who was sitting not far away while speaking.

The boy immediately operated the projector and projected photos of several men on the screen behind Shen Qiu, with Huo Baoming at the head.

Since Zhang Shihao and the Hesheng Gang were going to eat meat, they naturally had to choose the fattest meat for them so that they could eat until they were full!

"Du Liming, nicknamed Huobaoming, is the leader of the Hengji Yau Ma Tei Gang. Our mission tonight is to arrest Huobaoming and his subordinates. During this period, anyone who causes trouble, arrests, or resists will be taken back to the police station. This is the code name for this operation."

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then said loudly:"Operation Dawn Breaking"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I heard that there is a popular saying among the underworld in Hong Kong Island, that Hong Kong Island is ruled by our Hong Kong Island Police Force during the day, and Hong Kong Island is ruled by their gangs at night. Today, we will tell these short mules who is in charge of Hong Kong Island at night!"

Shen Qiu's tone became higher and higher, and some young policemen in the audience had shining eyes, as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Even the older policemen had subtle changes in their eyes and expressions.

"Everyone, start the action!"

Seeing that the emotions were in place, Shen Qiu shouted loudly

"Yes, sir!"

More than 100 police officers on the scene stood up and shouted in unison.

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