Huo Wenyao said: "I need to focus on touting Oriental Coke in the movie as clean and delicious," he said

"It should be like brainwashing, so that all the viewers who have watched the movie will go and buy a bottle of Oriental Coke to try it".

Wang Jing nodded knowingly, pondered for a moment, and then said

"To keep the movie going well, I recommend bringing in some big-name actors!".

Huo Wenyao's eyes signaled, and Wang Jing followed closely

"I see... Hong Jiaban is the best!".

"Hong Jiaban?!".

It's a familiar name

Immediately, Huo Wenyao smiled faintly and said

"This is easy!".

Wang Fatzi would not doubt the authenticity of Huo Wenyao's words at all.

Immediately, Wang Fatzi was given 5 million funds and asked him to build the team of the shooting team

Of course, these little things are not difficult for Wang Fatzi, it's just a piece of cake!



Hong Jinbao, the founder of the Hong family class, is still very young, but in his twenties

Although there is no appearance, fortunately, the audience in this era does not care much about their appearance, but they care more about the acting skills and level of the actors

And Hong Jinbao, who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, was born to eat this bowl of rice

When he was a child, he was a senior brother, and then after he became famous, he easily built a team through his own appeal

The current Hong family class is still very young, and most of them are Hong Jinbao's junior disciples, and everyone has a skill

After that, as the Hong family class gradually became famous, more and more people joined

There used to be such a sentence that everyone in the Hong family class is the protagonist

And his junior brother Long's class is far from the same, although he doesn't make less money, but there will always be only one protagonist

Today, a group of people in Hong's class are after a busy day

Senior brother Hong Jinbao generously paid out of his own pocket and invited his brothers to have supper

"Add a bowl of noodles!

The strong Hong Jinbao shouted loudly

The food stall owner was smiling

Hong Jinbao's group of people are all from martial arts, and while they are all physically strong, the amount of food naturally goes without saying.

And the owner of the food stall rarely met such a delicious guest, and he was also very attentive, and hurriedly agreed and rushed to get busy

However, at this moment,

Several cars were parked at the door of the food stalls

The doors open

Zhao Yi looked around privately, and soon locked on to the target

With a group of plainclothes soldiers, no one walked into the food stall

His eyes were locked on Hong Jinbao


Hong Jinbao, who noticed Zhao Yi's eyes, frowned

The juniors and disciples on the side also put down their chopsticks one after another and looked at Zhao Yi's group of soldiers

Should I say it or not, although each member of the Hong family class has martial arts, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with ordinary gangsters

It's normal to pick more than one!

But it may not be the opponent of Huo Wenyao's soldiers!

After all, these soldiers have fought bloody battles on the battlefield

A fight is not guaranteed to win against the people of the Hong family's class, but in a battle of life and death, the chance of winning is at least eighty percent!

In particular, when a group of soldiers gathered together, whether it was from their demeanor, expression, or momentum, they all made the Hong family class and his group feel a sense of oppression

The soldiers scattered,

Plug the food stalls

Fortunately, there are nearly twenty of them, and they are not worthy of Zhao Yi and others

Zhao Yi grinned, looked at Hong Jinbao and his party, and then said

"Hong Jiaban?".

"That's right!" Hong Jinbao asked rhetorically

"What are you doing?".

Zhao Yi nodded unceremoniously and continued

"That's right, it's expensive!".

Hong Jinbao: "···".

Then he took the initiative to speak,

"We don't seem to have met each other, I don't know what a few of you are looking for us?"

"Of course it's a good thing!" Zhao Yixiao replied with a smile that he had learned from Huo Wenyao at some point

"Find your Hong family class to make a movie!".

While Zhao Yi spoke, he put the script of "Best Partner" on the table

Hong Jinbao looked unhappy and frowned

"I'm sorry, we're filming during this time, and if you want our Hong family class to star, the schedule will be in the second half of next year!".

"But we can't wait so long!" replied Zhao Yiman nonchalantly

"Well, you stop here and shoot us first,"

he said

"The salary will not be less than yours, my boss has always been very generous!".

Zhao Yi's attitude of speaking immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in the Hong family's class

They are all young people now, and they have always felt that they are good, seeing that Zhao Yi is so arrogant, the grumpy Yuan Kui suddenly got up, slapped the table angrily and shouted,

"What are you guys, and we're going to do what we want to do?"


ps: The second update....

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