"Does this woman have any other purpose?"

Liang Xiaotang had a bad feeling in his heart.

In fact, Liang Xiaotang had thought of it in an instant.

That is, this woman may have the so-called ambition, hoping to get more power through him.

So in this case, this woman is no longer the Ding Yao who only wanted to avenge her brother at the beginning.

She has completely changed and hopes to use her power to get to the top.

Liang Xiaotang can easily think of this idea.

And indeed, Ding Yao is such a woman.

After careful thinking and observation over the past few days, Ding Yao's temper, which was originally angry because of the loss of her brother, began to calm down gradually.

And because it calmed down, Ding Yao would make more plans for herself in her heart.

My brother died, and it was not too difficult to take revenge with Liang Xiaotang's strength.

But more importantly, how should I live in the future.

Especially the Viper Gang, because I only care about avenging my brother.

But if I think about it carefully, the Viper Gang originally belonged to my Ding family.

After her brother died, the Ding family should belong to her.

But who knew that the current situation was that the Viper Gang was causing trouble.

She was excluded, and the elders were killing each other for power.

At this time, the woman naturally remembered that Liang Xiaotang had said another thing besides avenging her brother.

Just now when she was taking a shower, the hot water brought her thoughts back to the normal range.

And within the normal range, Ding Yao could think about the rest of the things.

And those things were very simple, that is, she had to take back the Viper Gang and everything that originally belonged to her.

But relying on herself, she could not accomplish anything with her weak strength.

And the only person who could help her was, of course, Liang Xiaotang.

Because of this, Ding Yao already knew what she should do.

That is, this man liked her and now helped her to avenge herself.

Then I can rely on this man's power to take back everything that originally belonged to me. At this time, I must cherish this opportunity.

So this woman finally had a showdown with Liang Xiaotang now.

She was willing to sacrifice herself and let Liang Xiaotang help her.

Liang Xiaotang had already thought of this in an instant.

The problem is, should I accept this woman's kindness at this time?

After all, if I do so, it is possible to keep an ambitious woman by my side.

However, this idea was abandoned by Liang Xiaotang in just a moment, and it didn't even exist for more than three seconds.

"Isn't it just a woman? What's the big deal? I don't believe that I can't deal with a woman!"

As the saying goes, alcohol makes a coward bold, and food makes the third person stupid. Liang Xiaotang is not a coward. Second, now he is facing a beauty who is better than alcohol. How can he admit his weakness?

So there is no need to say some things, just do what you should do. Liang Xiaotang is not afraid of anything, so why is he afraid of a mere woman?

Poor Liang Kun became a chess piece for Liang Xiaotang and Ding Yao to take what they wanted from each other.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. Who in this world is not a chess piece? Who doesn't live involuntarily?

We can only blame this guy for being unlucky and eventually becoming a stepping stone for others...

About two hours later, Liang Xiaotang and Ding Yao had already sat down in the living room.

At that time, both of them were wearing pajamas, and Ding Yao poured herself a glass of red wine, while Liang Xiaotang took out some lettuce and other side dishes, and the two began to have a so-called conversation afterwards.

"Now I am yours, how do you want to deal with me in the future?"

After taking a sip of red wine, Ding Yao asked Liang Xiaotang.

Liang Xiaotang smiled and said, "I said, I want you to be the leader of the Viper Gang!"

After hearing this, Ding Yao was silent for a moment, and then said, "Venom Gang, can you take it down?"

When this sentence was said, it already showed the attitude of this woman, that is, this woman must take the position of the leader of the Viper Gang and will not refuse.

At the same time, this woman also understood one thing, that is, once she became the leader of the Viper Gang, she would most likely become a puppet of this man.

And this man is the actual controller of the Viper Gang.

But for Ding Yao, she doesn't care about these things.

It's just that Ding Yao doesn't know whether Liang Xiaotang has the ability to help her take back the Viper Gang.

Therefore, Ding YaoThat's why I asked this question!

"That's not a problem!"

Liang Xiaotang was confident about this matter.

"I have learned about the situation inside the Viper Gang. Now the party is divided into about three forces, all of which are your brother and the three elders your father mentioned back then."

Liang Xiaotang took a breath and said, "Now the three forces inside the Viper Gang are deadlocked, so we are preparing to hold the so-called democratic election inside the gang on the first of next month. Whoever has more votes will be elected as the so-called new gang leader."

The so-called democratic election is also a feature in the underworld gangs.

That is, once the gang has such internal fighting, there will generally be middlemen who propose democratic elections.

And the people who can vote in this democratic election must also be well-known figures in the gang.

For example, the hall master and the local incense master, etc.

And for these people, they themselves represent all levels of the entire gang.

The votes of these people add up to about 70 or 80 people, and they can elect a suitable gang leader.

"I can't believe it. My brother's body is still warm and his revenge is not yet taken. They are going to democratically elect a new leader."

Ding Yao nodded and said, "So how are you going to deal with this matter? How can we stop them?"

Liang Xiaotang laughed and said, "Need I say this? Of course, we should fight violence with violence to deal with these gang members."

"I have already sent people to infiltrate the Viper Gang. They are trying to win over some of them. They originally said they didn't like the three elders, but they are still supporting your brother's men."

"With this At the same time, I am also using a lot of money to win over those gang members who are loyal to the three elders. "

"You should know that the interests of the small Viper Gang are not a big deal in my eyes."

"As long as I give enough money, it will be enough to turn a large group of people under the three elders against the Viper Gang."

"At the same time, they should also know that if the person I support is the leader, the Viper Gang will be extremely powerful."

"When that time comes, are you still afraid that you won't be the leader?"

Liang Xiaotang told Ding Yao about his plan bit by bit.

It must be said that for Ding Yao, Liang Xiaotang's plan is indeed perfect.

According to this, there is no problem for him to sit on the position of gang leader.

When she thought that she could be the leader of the Viper Gang, Ding Yao, who was originally very strong-willed and hoped to be a strong woman, could not help but have the so-called desire for power in her heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Liang."

Ding Yao barely suppressed the excitement in her heart and thanked Liang Xiaotang.

Seeing this woman apologizing to him, Liang Xiaotang laughed and said, "What's this? I can tell you the truth, as long as you help me do things well, I will not be the leader of the Viper Gang there in the future, and I can make the Viper Gang the first gang in Taiwan or even Asia. I hope you can believe me!"

When Ding Yao heard Liang Xiaotang's big pie, she didn't believe it in her heart.

But after all, for Ding Yao, this woman is still very interested in the position of the leader of the Viper Gang.

So Liang Xiaotang now has such a good thing and can give herself such an opportunity, Ding Yao naturally agreed.

And now Liang Xiaotang can start to make arrangements to completely operate and disintegrate the internal structure of the Viper Gang.

Hong Kong at night has never lacked the so-called red lights, green wine, and brilliant neon lights.

This is another quiet night, but at the same time, it is also the time when Hong Kong enters the city that never sleeps after night.

The former Magic City is also a city that never sleeps.

The so-called Night Demon City, Night Demon City, you are a city that never sleeps, will appear in any TV series describing Warcraft.

It's just that the current Demon City has temporarily declined.

As for Hong Kong, it has successfully replaced it, which goes without saying.

At this time, a rich second-generation was driving a luxury car, driving on the road in a good mood.

This rich second-generation was none other than Xu Jinheng, the son of the Xu family, who had met Liang Xiaotang in Macau.

By the way, Liang Xiaotang met this guy in the bar last time.

That day was also a coincidence. This guy was unlucky. When he was discussing some things with his friends there, Liang Xiaotang heard everything clearly...

If it was other things, Liang Xiaotang would definitely not care. After all, it was none of his business, so he just hung up his head. The Xu family was still quite famous in Hong Kong, so he would not provoke them if he could.

But who knew that he would run into some trouble this time, because Xu Jinheng, the son of the Xu family, was plotting something in the bar that was related to him.

To be honest,When Liang Xiaotang knew what this guy was going to do, he was stunned for a moment.

But then, he knew what he should do.

But it's a pity that Xu Jinheng doesn't care about these things now...

Xu Jinheng's favorite thing is to go to bars at night.

You know, those rich second-generations now like to go to bars!

For these rich second-generations, there is no place more fun than those places. This is also human nature, nothing big. This night, he is going to the Mengyuan Bar that he likes very much to have fun.

"Damn, you bastard, you are trying to steal my woman, I will kill you!"

At this time, when Xu Jinheng entered the bar, he thought of He Chaoqiong again.

To put it bluntly, Xu Jinheng didn't know his power in the family, and he must find a way to marry He Chaoqiong.

Not to mention that there is another thing now, that is, Liang Xiaotang and himself are fighting for women. No matter what, he can't lose to that damn upstart!

Obviously, in the eyes of these so-called rich sons, Liang Xiaotang is just a typical nouveau riche.

They think they are aristocrats and great figures, looking down on ordinary people and ordinary entrepreneurs.

But they are not that great, right?

In short, at this time, after arriving at the bar, tonight, Xu Jinheng was thinking about what was about to happen, while thinking in his heart what he should do.

Of course, more importantly, this damn Xu Jinheng wanted to see if there were any beauties here that he could chat up.

In other words, the biggest purpose of people who like to go to bars at this time, going to various bars and nightclubs, is to find women.

Especially these rich second-generations, who spend a lot of money and are generous, and there are countless beauties who are attracted by their attention, which is good.

And at this time, for Xu Jinheng at this time, after coming here, it is the familiar scene again.

You should know that at this time, under the dazzling and dark lights and music, countless young men and women were dancing in the dance floor.

And this scene after scene is available in any bar, and there are even some people dancing on poles there.

Of course, the people dancing on poles are all women, this is beyond doubt.

As a regular customer, Xu Jinheng walked to the bar counter of the bar alone, and the waiter hooked his finger.

"A glass of XO!"

This guy came here to drink foreign wine, and it was good wine.

After all, for someone like him, the money spent on drinking and so on is no big deal.

The waiter had already known this famous rich young man in Hong Kong, so when he saw him coming, he immediately smiled and brought him the wine.

And for him, after the wine was brought, he did not ask the rich young man for money, because he knew that this guy was not someone who could not afford to pay.

After the waiter brought out the wine, he also respectfully poured a glass for Xu Jinheng.

Because he knew that this would definitely be beneficial.

"Good job, here's a tip!"

Xu Jinheng casually took out a 100-yuan note from his pocket and handed it to the waiter.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu! Take your time drinking, and call me if you need anything!"

The waiter was very happy to get the tip, and at the same time he became more polite to Xu Jinheng in front of him.

Seeing these waiters being so respectful to him, Xu Jinheng also felt a kind of powerful power happiness at this moment.

But in his heart, Xu Jinheng was still very angry.

This was not caused by Liang Xiaotang, the street kid.

In short, for Xu Jinheng, this time he must make Liang Xiaotang's reputation stinky.

For the sake of the subsequent victory, Xu Jinheng happily drank a glass of wine.

At the same time, this guy was still looking for prey here to see if there was any woman he could chat up.

Especially after a few drinks, this guy's consciousness has become a little blurry.

In other words, Liang Xiaotang and He Chaoqiong, at this time, have become gradually blurred to Xu Jinheng.

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