My children should also have this kind of happy school life

Here, they arrived at the school.

Liang Xiaotang and He Chaoqiong sat in the principal's office for a while.

The principal discussed the school's rules with them.

There are also requirements for how to stay in school and how to abide by the rules.

"These must be made clear to the children."

The principal smiled and said, "You two are also from school, you should know how to treat children, and what your teachers asked of you in school, do you remember?"

He Chaoqiong flipped through some pages in his hand and nodded and smiled, "Of course, we all came from the student days, we know how to treat children, how to ask children according to the school's rules, and we will cooperate with the school to educate the children well."

"That's right."

"It's just that you have to let your children know how to abide by the school's rules, how to study well, and cooperate well with the school. It is the responsibility of parents, but you can't force your children, and you can't not guide your children at home and impose a high-pressure policy."

"This is what many parents do wrong."

"Of course. Sometimes I also feel that my parents set too high expectations on me when I was a child. I was under too much pressure and I could hardly breathe."

"So, I feel very stressed when I study, not as relaxed as others."

"That's right. Relaxing makes me feel like sharing the joy of learning and studying seriously."

This kind of mood is subtly integrated into me when I don't pay attention.

"So, as a parent, you should be strict with yourself at home and be able to guide your children subtly. This is the most important thing."

"Good parents are good role models."

Liang Xiaotang smiled.

"You two don't look like you have a family and children, right? Are there any of your children among these children?"

"No, definitely not."

The two laughed.

"Don't you see that these children are already grown up?"

"That's true, but you two should pay attention to one thing. Some children live with you. You should pay more attention to them and take care of them. Don't guide them with wrong ideas."

"Letting them enter society too early will make them unable to distinguish right from wrong, and they will easily make mistakes and fall."

"That's right. They don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong yet, and sometimes they are prone to go astray in society."

"This is troublesome. We should educate children well and study hard in school. There is no need to let them get involved in society too early. When they grow up, they will naturally mature psychologically and they will handle some things."

"Schools must take care of children, and parents must guide them at home, so that children can handle their own affairs step by step."

"So, it is certain that children of different ages should handle things in a certain way. After all, they have a psychological age that is difficult to surpass."

"This requires you to have kind guidance when you get along with them, and never lead these children astray."

The principal said this and laughed.

What responsibility do these two young people have?

They just helped the children find a school and helped them enter the school to study according to the regulations.

They haven't started a family yet, so it's good enough that they can take care of themselves.

What responsibility can be put on them?

After all, these children still have parents and their own family life.

They spend the longest time with their parents.

So, there is no need to blame these two young people.

However, try to tell them some ways to get along with the children, let them get along with the children, how to communicate with the children correctly, and guide the children not to take detours, that's good. "

The principal smiled again and said, "I don't know if you pay attention to whether the children can rest early in the evening or play with their mobile phones for a while?" "I understand what you mean."

He Chaoqiong took his mobile phone and handed it over and said, "Look, all the apps downloaded on my phone are about painting, and there are no apps for playing electronic games. I used to play games."

"The older I get, the less interested I am in those things. I cleared them all. ”

“That’s right. Who wouldn’t be interested in video games? The younger they are, the more interested they are.”

“So, there are just some people who are easily immersed in games and love to play them. However, they need to be guided by good methods, otherwise they will go further and further down this path.”

“Only with the right thoughts can we take the right path. Therefore, some bad hobbies will affectChildren."

"It is also right to guide them with thoughts,

Let them distinguish right from wrong, and distinguish good from bad. This is what we as ordinary people should do.

It should help these children.

"However, you should pay attention to one thing in your daily life. Don't tell your children some of your thoughts and ideas in society, don't influence them. However, if there are some bad influences, you should help children distinguish right from wrong."

"Of course this is right, we will do so."

I didn't expect the principal to throw so many words at me.

Now, they understand that although this school is not very good and the facilities are a bit old, it is a school that meets national requirements after all.

Schools that meet national standards will require children to follow the most formal and traditional education.

The school is for the sake of children, and it should lead them to a correct path, so that they can be good people, go in the right direction, and handle things correctly.

Don't let yourself fall and fall into the vortex of right and wrong.

"It's good enough that we didn't take a detour."

The principal said, "If we take a detour, we will have to start from scratch and become a new person after many years."

"To become a new person, most of us have to waste our youth. If we have so much time to make ourselves successful, why do we need to take a detour?"

The principal smiled.

"But everyone knows these words. For example, if a young man is not diligent, he will be sad when he is old. Everyone knows this poem."

"Of course I understand. Therefore, everyone can say a few of these famous sayings that have been known since ancient times, but few people really learn and do them, and not many people become successful."

"Many people have to turn around in the maze of their youth. It is understandable that they are young. Every age has its own psychology that cannot be surpassed."

"So when they encounter setbacks and crossroads, you elders should help them guide them out, point them a way, or help them. This is the care of society."

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