The two sides of the battle are still in a mess.

"Boss, I understand. So as long as they dare to take action, we will kill them without hesitation, even if they are from the four major families?"

"Of course, if they make such a choice, they will naturally bear the consequences of their choice. They are all adults. I don't think I need to tell them this truth."

"I understand, boss. The death squad can take action at any time. It doesn't even require the society to take action to clean up these scum."

"Solve it as soon as possible. After completely cleaning up these scum in Xiangjiang, we still have a big thing to do."

After finalizing the plan, Gu Hao directly asked Ah Yi to take action as soon as possible and told him in advance.

This time, the matter did not end so easily. If Gu Hao was threatened again and again, Gu Hao would naturally retaliate.

"Boss, is it about the Golden Triangle?"

Ayi subconsciously thought that his boss was reminding him about the Golden Triangle, but he was also a little confused.

Hasn't the Golden Triangle been decided long ago? He shouldn't participate in this plan.

Let the death squad handle it completely.

Looking at the time, if there is no accident, the first batch of death squads may have arrived in the Golden Triangle area.

Just wait for the personnel to gather and contact the death squad insiders under the Eight-Faced Buddha, and then we can start directly.

There is no need to bring up this matter at this time.

"No, starting with the Yamaguchi-gumi, I will clean up all the forces behind these bastards."

Gu Hao would not bring up the Golden Triangle at this time. What he had to prepare was actually very simple, just to completely solve these bastards.

If he just swept these guys away, Gu Hao would indeed be able to get temporary peace.

But it doesn't mean that no one will come to trouble him after this.

Whether it is the Mafia in Sicily or the Yamaguchi-gumi of Sakura.

Or the Thunder God on the island, as long as they don't get rid of their headquarters, just deal with these insignificant bastards.

That can only bring temporary peace.

Before, Gu Hao thought that these guys would be more sensible and would not make trouble for themselves. At least the power of the society has made these guys dare not take action at all.

In fact, the development of things is the same as Gu Hao's idea.

Whether it is the foreigners or the societies behind them, even the Yamaguchi group, the mafia and other regional societies dare not take action against the Xiangjiang society under the control of the death squad.

Even some conflicts with the society are avoided as much as possible.

Up to here, the development of things is completely within Gu Hao's expectations, and even better than expected.

So Gu Hao naturally will not take the initiative to kill all these guys, but ignore them directly.

As long as they don't come to Gu Hao for trouble, Gu Hao will not take the initiative to deal with them.

If the stalemate continues, the biggest beneficiary is actually Gu Hao.

Gu Hao has everything, including people, money, power, and territory, but he lacks time.

Given enough time, Gu Hao can use the death warriors to completely infiltrate all forces, and he won't even need to fight head-on.

Just relying on the death warriors who have already infiltrated the internal forces can disintegrate all these forces without bloodshed.

Why did Gu Hao take action under such circumstances?

The death warriors can indeed be resurrected without loss, but each resurrection requires the death warriors to bear the pain of death.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Hao would not let the death warriors die for no reason.

The best option is to disintegrate these forces from the inside without bloodshed.

But Gu Hao didn't expect that things would come to this point, and even in most cases, they were developing according to his expected progress.

Even the members of the society have been inserted into these forces, waiting to insert more death warriors into these death warriors as time goes by.

Then he can take action at a suitable opportunity.

As a result, these scoundrels did not attack the gang under Gu Hao, but attacked him because of his public identity.

At this point, Gu Hao had already understood that he had to take action.

He even used a thunderous hand to completely eliminate these bastards, and the same solution was used for the forces behind them.

Directly make the world without forces such as Thunder God, Mafia, and Yamaguchi Group.

Only in this way can all the troubles be solved, and then these guys will not have the opportunity to harass him again.

So Gu Hao took over

What needs to be done is actually very simple.

First, clean up these bad guys in Hong Kong, and then take A Yi and a large number of death squads to the Yamaguchi-gumi, the territory of the mafia.

Use the power of the death squads to clean them up one by one.

Why do you want to provoke me? Then Gu Hao will naturally let them know what the price of provoking me is.



No, no, no, Gu Hao wants these forces to doubt their lives!

"Haha, let's start with Sicily. I heard that the scenery here is nice."

A Yi, who was about to lead the team to clean up these small fish, also gave his own suggestion before leaving.

In fact, he wanted to attack the Yamaguchi-gumi in Sakura Country at the first time, but after thinking about it, the most exciting things are often the best things to leave until the end.

And the mafia...

It happened to be the first force to provoke him, so Gu Hao naturally wanted to attack the mafia first.

Other forces are not in a hurry, anyway, Gu Hao will deal with all these guys.

It's just a matter of time.

"Sicily, this place is not bad, listen to the boss."

At this point, A Yi had a clear idea of ​​the plan, and he led the team to set off without any hesitation.

After completely cleaning up these scum in Hong Kong, Sicily was his next target.

"Go, it's time to let them know that even if I'm just the boss of a security company, they can't mess with me."

Gu Hao had no objection to A Yi's idea of ​​leading the team to take action.

The purpose of this action is actually very simple, just to make these scum dare not mess with me.

Maybe the society will have a better effect, but Gu Hao hopes to do this with his public identity this time.

Being low-key is a good thing, it's not easy to make enemies, and it won't attract too much attention to yourself, but...

Being too low-key is actually not a good thing.

Once you are targeted by someone, being too low-key will cause more trouble.


This is also the best time for Gu Hao to show his strength, and to perfectly demonstrate his strength as the boss of a security company.

As for the social group's death squad wanting to take action...

Gu Hao did not mean to object.

What does it have to do with him, Gu Hao, if the social group takes action? Don't forget that the most powerful enemy is the Hong Kong social group alliance!

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