The more you run, the more you will be in trouble.

"Don't be timid when doing things. If I were as timid as you, I would have died thirty years ago instead of standing here and enjoying life."

"I didn't have any fear when the mountains of corpses and seas of bones crawled out, but now you tell me that there are risks in doing things and ask me to leave Hong Kong directly?"

"Don't you understand that as long as we run away first this time, I, Lei Gong, will be a laughing stock in the Hong Kong forces in the future?"

Looking at Ke Wen's anxious eyes, Lei Gong stopped pretending and directly scolded Ke Wen in front of him with an angry voice.

When did he, Lei Gong, become so timid?

Would he scare away an insignificant young man directly?

At this time, let alone ordinary young people, even if a big boss is placed in front of Lei Gong, he will never choose to run away.

Yes, the relationship between Gu Hao and the Xiangjiang Society is definitely not as simple as they imagined, but how complicated can it be?

The fundamental reason for helping Gu Hao is because Gu Hao has some interests.

But it is only some interests. In this case, as long as Gu Hao is dead.

Lei Gong believes that the society will never continue to take action.

And there is another point. In this case, Lei Gong cannot retreat directly.

Can't afford to lose face.

"Understand, boss, our people can take action at any time!"

Seeing this, Ke Wen also realized that there is no possibility that he can persuade Lei Gong successfully.

This time he did not say any nonsense, but a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this time, any action is not important. The most important thing is to solve this guy Gu Hao as quickly as possible.

So as not to have more dreams at night.

"Hurry up. I think even Gu Hao wouldn't expect us to dare to take action at this time. Take advantage of this gap and kill Gu Hao directly."

Though Lei Gong didn't plan to personally take action at this time and participate in the plan to get rid of Gu Hao, Lei Gong took out a gun from his waist at this moment.

He handed it to Ke Wen.

"You can use the gun directly when necessary. The sooner the better. As long as we kill Gu Hao, we will leave. There is no need to worry about what will happen later."

"I understand, boss, even if you don't say this, I will use the gun. Nothing is more useful than this thing to kill people."

After leaving a few words, Ke Wen took the gun in his hand without any hesitation.

He went out, gathered people, and went to find Gu Hao according to the intelligence of Gu Hao's whereabouts that he had previously mastered.

This task was not too simple for Ke Wen. He could get rid of him with one bullet!

But something that Ke Wen and Lei Gong could never have dreamed of happened.

It was just the next second after they had just gone out and decided to kill Gu Hao and leave Hong Kong.

A team of assassins had quietly told Gu Hao the news.

"Boss, there are two things. Let's talk about the first one first. The remaining one is not very important. There is still some time before Lei Gong's people will come to our vicinity."

As for A Yi, he actually returned to Gu Hao as soon as he killed the mafia and the Yamaguchi group.

While telling Gu Hao about the previous action, he also said that he had a piece of news that was not very important at the moment.

"Let's talk about the current situation of the mafia and the Yamaguchi group. I already knew the news about Lei Gong in advance. When they were about to take action, I had received a call from the assassins around them."

But what A Yi didn't expect was that before he had time to speak, Gu Hao directly said that he had known the news from Lei Gong.

"Boss, the Mafia and the Yamaguchi-gumi basically cannot exist in Hong Kong anymore. We have even destroyed some intelligence bases at sea."

"After seeing the gangs making trouble at this time, the foreigners dared not even go out, as if they didn't know about it at all."

"On the contrary, the people from the four major families don't seem to be planning to back down. They still want to attack us directly. In addition, they seem to have some desperate feelings, and there are more people than we expected."

After seeing that the boss had already known the news about Lei Gong, A Yi's face returned to normal.

Since the boss already knew about this matter, A Yi naturally didn't need to repeat it. He just felt that he wanted to shake the boss.

After the board couldn't do it.

A Yi's face also had some inexplicable boredom.

But the next second, A Yi still honestly told all the situations of some forces such as the Yamaguchi Group and the Mafia.

It was basically the same as Gu Hao expected.

After the death squad took action, these guys were completely wiped out, and any bases in Hong Kong were also swept away by the death squad of the society.

The foreigners who originally wanted to take this opportunity to see if they could kill Gu Hao also became honest after seeing such a scene.

Even spread the word that they were absolutely not involved in this matter.

On the other side, the side branches of the four major families gathered had completely different reactions from the foreigners.

After they heard that Gu Hao had an unusual relationship with the society, and even the news that the Yamaguchi Group and the Mafia had been completely wiped out.

They did not choose to retreat, but still chose to continue to take action.

Even after noticing this news, they felt that the number of people on hand was not enough.

He also went outside to find some people, and chose to cooperate with some fighters in Southeast Asia, hoping to use some small warlords in Southeast Asia to attack Gu Hao.

He didn't feel afraid of death at all.

When Ayi heard the news, his first thought was actually very simple.

These guys are really not afraid of death.

"I won't be surprised by any choice made by a group of gamblers who are already in a state of panic. Since they want to gather people, I will give them time to see what surprises they can bring me in the end."

Gu Hao's reaction to this news was actually very simple.

Aren't these collateral branches afraid of death? Then I will give them a chance to gamble.

If you have the ability, kill him. If you don't have the ability...

Then he will kill you!

Anyway, before the four major family members, there is a Thunder God who is even more fearless of death.

Coincidentally, Gu Hao needs a little time to deal with this guy Thunder God first.

"Where are the people?"

"They are coming soon. There are quite a few people, more than 200 of them, all with guns. They will arrive on our territory in about 15 minutes."

"I hope to see these people fall to the ground the next second after they enter our territory."

"Don't worry, boss. It will only take a few minutes to kill these guys."

Lei Gong's men have been completely locked by the death squad.

A Yike will not slack off.

Of course, as for the ending.

There is no suspense anymore. These guys will definitely die.

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