The dead body was buried in the ground.

"It died very quickly. I thought you couldn't hit it."

"If you can't hit it, I can go back to retirement. How can I live with my boss?"

"Just kill these guys. Before I started, I didn't expect these guys to dare to come and bring a gun."

Looking at Liao Dong and Ke Wen, who were completely dead on the ground, they had already fallen on the ground.

The dead soldiers in charge of the shot ignored it directly.

It's just two corpses. They will be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

It will take some time to deal with the remaining fish. It's not because these guys are difficult to deal with, but mainly because they can run too fast.

After Ke Wen and Liao Dong were killed without any reaction, the bastards on the scene ran away.

They even left without looking back, without any thought of resistance.

The death soldiers could only sigh and followed to kill all these guys.


The next second these guys appeared in the block, they had actually stepped into the underworld, and there was no chance of escape.

Running now would be useless.

The action ability of the death soldiers was several times higher than these guys.

What's more, when they took action before, the death soldiers had already anticipated this matter and had completely blocked the surroundings before they ran away.

It was simply impossible to escape from the block.

"Don't rush to do it, let me deal with this guy."

"Leave it to you to deal with it? I finally caught one, and you go find the unlucky guy yourself!"

"Damn, do you see anyone else around here besides our people?"

Sure enough, the speed of the death soldiers' actions even shocked them themselves.

Although the two hundred people under Lei Gong looked like a lot, and even gathered together in a huge crowd, there was a terrifying feeling.

In addition, these guys were desperate criminals, and gathering together released an invisible deterrent.

Unfortunately, such people may have a certain deterrent effect on ordinary people, but for Gu Hao's death squads.

The so-called momentum has no effect at all.

Murderous aura? Deterrence?

Sorry, the death squads are really not afraid of this kind of thing.

In addition, the number of death squads formed a crushing situation against them, so just after they took action, a situation that the death squads did not expect appeared.

Before they could even take action, there was no opponent.

Some of the later death squads could only be responsible for peripheral alert, focusing on a start.

Because they knew that even if they participated in it, they would not find a chance to take action, so it was better to wait outside and not join in the fun.

"Boss, it's done. We have already locked on Lei Gong. He is in a villa in the suburbs. There is no one around except some gunmen."

The efficiency brought by the death squad is naturally unparalleled.

In less than ten minutes, all the guys who were originally planning to assassinate Gu Hao had been dealt with by Gu Hao's death squad.

While A Yi told Gu Hao the news that the matter was over, he also told him the current location of Lei Gong.

In fact, the next second after receiving the news that Lei Gong was going to assassinate his boss, A Yi had arranged for people to go to the vicinity of Lei Gong's residence.

"Boss, do you think we should kill Lei Gong directly or bring him here?"

Now A Yi's meaning is very clear. There are two ways to deal with Lei Gong.

The first one is to kill Lei Gong directly. As long as his boss agrees, it will only take a few minutes.

Being able to know Lei Gong's residence means that the death squad can easily kill him in the next second.

The so-called gunmen are of no use at this time.

It's just a waste of a few more bullets.

The second idea is to see if his boss still wants to get some information from Lei Gong.

If he wants, it's not impossible to bring Lei Gong to his boss.

It's not impossible to ask something, or to kill him if you can get some information from Lei Gong.

"I'll go there in person. Lei Gong has no other value, but it's still worth killing a chicken to scare the monkey."

It's a pity that Ah Yi guessed wrong this time. Gu Hao plans to go to Lei Gong in person.

Even the reason is different from what Ah Yi thought.

It's not that he wants to get some information from Lei Gong.

He didn't want to get the so-called benefits from the guy, nor did he want to know anything else.

He just wanted to make Lei Gong a tool to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

The information, resources and benefits that Lei Gong possessed were of no use to Gu Hao.

It's not that Gu Hao didn't care about these things, Lei Gong had accumulated a lot of wealth on the island.

But it would take a lot of time to get all the things in Lei Gong's hands.

And it's easy to attract some enemies. Under this circumstance, it's a completely unprofitable deal for Gu Hao.

As for the so-called intelligence...

Gu Hao looked down on it even more.

Gu Hao, who had the dead soldiers in his hands, had almost no intelligence that he couldn't get.

The difference was just whether Gu Hao wanted it or not. Besides, the things that Lei Gong knew in his heart were not important to Gu Hao at all.

So Lei Gong had no value to Gu Hao at all, and even in terms of material, Lei Gong was not Gu Hao's target at all.

But this didn't mean that Gu Hao didn't need the things in Lei Gong at all.


The reputation of Lei Gong is what Gu Hao wants. In this case, it is more of an inexplicable thing that can make Gu Hao act.

Before this, no one dared to attack Gu Hao after he exposed his relationship with the Xiangjiang Society.

After all, the Xiangjiang Society has grown into a behemoth from now on.

Anyone who wants to provoke it will have to pay a price.

But what Gu Hao didn't expect was that even if he was tied to the Xiangjiang Society and killed the members of the Yamaguchi Group at the same time.

In this case, there are still people who dare to provoke him.

This is something Gu Hao didn't expect.

So the reputation of Lei Gong and his nickname are the best tools for Gu Hao to deter the scoundrels.

Killing a Yamaguchi Group is not enough to deter these trash, so what about adding a Lei Gong?

Gu Hao believes that as long as he kills Lei Gong, I'm afraid no one in the whole Xiangjiang will dare to provoke him!

"Boss, let's go now?"

A Yi also understood what Gu Hao meant, and directly prepared the vehicle, indicating that Gu Hao could get in the car.

"Let's go, let old Lei Gong know who he shouldn't mess with!"

Without any hesitation.

Gu Hao got in the car.

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