The enemy was in danger, and the enemy was in danger.

"Open fire freely, and attack the core members of the Mafia and Dongxing in a pincer attack from the northwest and northeast directions at the same time."

"After the first wave of firepower assault is completed, carry out close-range shooting according to the tactical team's plan, and prioritize your own safety. Don't be too aggressive."

"The action starts now, do you understand?"

Gu Hao has already made a decision, and even ordered that there is no need to hide. A Yi instantly commanded the death squad to start the action.

This is also the complete form of the death squad.

No fear of life and death, absolute trust in each other, psychological stability, professional tactical skills, and almost perfect marksmanship.

Plus absolutely crushing equipment.

Such death squads are comparable to the top special forces of various countries, and are very stable, except for the lack of heavy firepower attack capabilities.

They are not good at positional warfare, and fighting in such small-scale open scenes is almost their home ground.

Even if the people in front of them are not Dongxing scoundrels, but a professional special forces.

The death squad can also be easily dealt with, it may just take a longer time.

In fact, what happened next also proved this point.

The death squad launched an attack according to A Yi's deployment, and it was almost certain that these scoundrels were crushed.

After a wave of sweeping, almost no one could stand.

"Brothers, fight, go!"

"Tell the big guys quickly that there are mafia people nearby. If we are faster, we will not die!"

"What's the point of going? In this situation, don't you run and wait for death!"

At the same time, some Dongxing personnel still wanted to escape, and some wanted to fight to the death, with the help of adrenaline.

They hacked at Gu Hao, trying to kill Gu Hao at this time, even if they died, they would not lose money.

But at this time, people always have some unrealistic ideas, such as using a machete to deal with a submachine gun.

Gu Hao, who was not far away, didn't even look at this madman, but chose to walk directly in the direction of Dongxing Camel and Keith.

These two people were Gu Hao's main target.

As for a certain unknown Dongxing scoundrel...

The final outcome was that he was hit in the head by the gun in the hands of the assassin, and a shot to the head.

White tofu-like objects mixed with scarlet liquid flowed on the ground, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He killed several people and was able to get along well in Hong Kong, but he died here inexplicably?

No one answered his question, and the subsequent assassins stepped over his body and continued to clean up these scum-like scoundrels.

"Boss, it's bad, there are gunshots nearby, it could be the cops!"

"Damn it, I spent five million to relieve those foreigners, how could the cops show up at this time, if it's firecrackers, I'll kill you!"

Camel, who had been despised by Miss Case all the way, was already full of anger, and was startled by this sudden sound.

A pale-faced little brother still said such words in front of him?

If it weren't for the fact that this kid had been with him for many years, he would still be considered loyal.

Camel really wanted to give him a peanut.

It was already a time and he didn't use his brain to think about it. He spent money to find foreigners and didn't mind his own business. In addition, the entire port was full of Dongxing and Mafia people.

In this situation, Camel's first reaction was that it was impossible.

Although other societies also had guns, they were all some broken pistols. Except for some assassins, basically no one would use them in a fight.

Moreover, the noises in front were more of a dense crackling sound. How many guns would have to be fired at the same time to make such a sound.

In addition, when he came to the port before, Camel passed by the hotel entrance and happened to see someone getting married.

Naturally, he thought that this was not the sound of gunfire, but the sound of firecrackers.

"Take the goods back quickly, don't panic!"

Although Camel also felt a little uneasy at this moment, after thinking that this was almost impossible to happen.

He still chose to believe his own judgment.

Such dense firearm sounds could not appear in Hong Kong!

"Ms. Keith, hurry up, the dense gunfire of the MP5 is in the southeast direction. It seems that there are at least dozens of gunmen, less than a hundred meters away from us!"

On the other side, the mafia, who were already on high alert, heard the gunshots as soon as they heard them.

All members looked for shelters that could defend against bullets.

They were not the bad boys of the East Star Society. It was almost a compulsory course for them to distinguish the sound of guns, models, and the approximate direction of the sound.

Especially Hughes was an absolute expert in this area.

While letting Hughes cover Keith's retreat, he also took out a pistol from his arms and looked at the direction of the gunshots he had judged as if he was facing a great enemy.

A trace of regret also appeared on his face.

I shouldn't have listened to my predecessors, saying that it was a very troublesome thing to carry a gun in Hong Kong, and even encounter unnecessary troubles.

If I could bring the Barrett sniper rifle at this moment, the situation would definitely not be as passive as it is now.

After all...

In the case of occupying the high ground, holding a sniper rifle and the cooperation of the Silver Star team.

Even if the unknown targets of the other side really have dozens of people, Hughes can guarantee that he can easily kill these mobs.

But now...

Looking at the gold-plated Desert Eagle in his hand, which is more like a work of art, Hughes was silent.

I can only hope that the other side is all trash, otherwise I will most likely stay here.

"Don't worry, Hughes still has people. It is unlikely that a large number of light weapons will appear in a place like Hong Kong."

Compared with Hughes' nervousness, Ryan, who was protecting Keith, was relatively calm.

It's not that he underestimated the enemy, but that he was absolutely confident in the Mafia Legion.

In Northern Europe, they can sweep away all hostile forces not only by talking.

A small Hong Kong island...


"Asshole, are these guys really not the army?"

"Ryan, Hughes, what did Miss Keith do to provoke such an opponent?!"

"Impossible, these people are not the official forces of Hong Kong, they are more like mercenaries!"

Before Ryan could say what he thought.

As the first batch of Hughes to fight the dead, his originally calm face was already full of anxiety.

Countless enemies poured in from all directions like a tide, and the bullets fired from their guns were dense as raindrops.

The seemingly sturdy container was like tofu dregs after just one wave.

Full of holes.

More importantly...

Hussel found that these countless armed personnel were not a mob like African tribes.

Instead, they were absolutely elite, comparable to the Nordic special forces!

No, they were even more terrifying than the elite special forces, because Hussel found that these armed personnel did not have obvious signs to prove their identity.

There was not even a logo on their clothes.

Then there was only one possibility, they were not official forces at all, but special mercenaries similar to Blackwater!

"If they are really mercenaries, then it will be troublesome..."

Hussel fell into silence, and his face became more gloomy.

After all, if the person coming was the former, he could seek political asylum, and Hong Kong was still in the hands of the foreigners, and surrendering on the spot would only lose money.

But if they are mercenaries...

Huxel thought of a terrible possibility.

These guys are likely to...

try to kill them.


"Boss, are these guys the Mafia?"

"Well, if the intelligence is correct, these guys are indeed."

"That's too weak..."

Just as Huxel was sad, Gu Hao and A Yi just watched everything quietly.

At the same time, they had some doubts about the strength of the Mafia...

Can such guys who break at the slightest touch really be considered the Mafia?

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