The first floor was cleaned up, and the drone provided thermal imaging to confirm that there were no survivors.

"The second floor was also cleaned up!"

"The third floor is also cleaned up, and there are basically no survivors."

"Except for a small number of people who chose to evacuate before our operation began, the whole area has been basically wiped out."

"Retreat, all personnel participating in the operation will return to the headquarters of the mercenary group for vacation!"


With Gu Hao's order to start the cleaning plan half an hour later.

Relying on professional tactical skills and personnel coordination, coupled with a fearless charge.

Just half an hour.

The dead soldiers wiped out all the survivors in the ghost camp.

"It's OK, let's evacuate. The brothers can have a midnight snack before going to sleep, and we can go back to the company directly."

"Notify them and take a day off."

After seeing the detailed results of the battle, Gu Hao nodded.

While signaling the personnel to evacuate, he and A Yi left by car.

It's almost dawn, so it's time to eat something and sleep!

I just arranged for the death squads to take over various societies, and I also need to arrange for these death squads in the official to be promoted.

In addition, I have to face the business changes in Hong Kong after I did this.

So many things are waiting for Gu Hao, if I don't sleep...

It's really easy to make mistakes.

Of course, in this case, Gu Hao is not in a hurry.

After all, the operation ended perfectly, and there was no risk of his identity being exposed.

Although in this process, he did not completely kill the mouths.

There are still some survivors, and there are almost no actions against any Chinese in this operation.

Such strange behavior will inevitably leave some clues in the general direction.

For example, the person who did this must be Chinese.

And there are some armed forces and powerful forces in Hong Kong.


What does this have to do with Gu Hao?

The assassins can return to the headquarters in Florida in ten minutes. Even if some Chinese policemen passing by see the faces of the assassins, they will definitely not be found in Hong Kong.

As for these so-called general clues, it is even more nonsense.

There are millions of Chinese in Hong Kong, and there are many major forces, families, finance, and armed organizations.

How could it be connected to Gu Hao.

On the contrary, the four major families, financial chaebols, and even the Hongmen, 14k, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand behind the society that have long been resentful of the foreigners are the targets of suspicion of the foreigners.

Even Gu Hao is sure that even if he turns himself in during the day, he will say that he did it.

Others will think he is crazy...

The identity, status, and power that Gu Hao has shown on the surface...

It is really difficult for others to suspect him.

With only more than 100 employees, how can the boss of a shoe factory have such personnel and power?

If you tell others, people will laugh and say you are bragging!

These are the reasons why Gu Hao can be calm and composed.

Eat beef offal noodles and then go to sleep!


"Governor, everyone is gone, and the military camp has suffered heavy losses..."

"In addition, the weapons and equipment in the hands of this group of armed personnel even surpass the active equipment of most countries. Brigadier General Caesar is ready to return to Ireland overnight."

"He will report this matter to the Army Headquarters!"

Gu Hao can eat beef offal and go to sleep peacefully, but many people in Hong Kong can't sleep.

Especially Peng, the Governor of Hong Kong, heard the news that the military camp was attacked and the casualties were heavy.

He slumped on the sofa and said nothing.

"Did the North take action? I need to hear the truth. If not, which force would it be?"

After a long time, Governor Peng asked the point he was most worried about.

He was worried that the North couldn't help but take action.

"No, first, the North doesn't have such advanced weapons. Second, according to the survivors' description, most of these armed personnel have Western faces and speak fluent English."

The assistant next to him gave an accurate answer: "And the North will never use such means at this time, so your worries can be eliminated."

"What is that? It can't be just a society. I'm not stupid enough to believe that these people are just members of the society!"

After the biggest guess in his mind was ruled out, Governor Peng still looked embarrassed.

He really couldn't figure out anything except the North.

What kind of forces can come up with such a family to target the society and themselves in Hong Kong.

Yes, after combining more information, Governor Peng has basically ruled out the idea that these armed forces are members of the society.

It is very likely that other foreign forces want to target the entire Hong Kong!

Not just the society, but also the society, the Hong Kong government, and even the family forces behind it.

They are all their targets.

The society took action first, and then the government...

It is very likely that the local financial and commercial families in Hong Kong will be attacked afterwards.

"It's more like a killer group accepted the mission, but their mission target is not one person, but the entire Hong Kong..."

At this moment, Governor Peng said his guess in a soliloquy.

"I also agree that this group of armed forces came from an international assassin group, but I don't know what their goal is."

"It can be said that after this operation, they have no benefits at all, and they will even offend many forces."

Speaking of this, the assistant next to him looked a little pale: "It is definitely not something a normal person can do."

"No matter what they want to do, we must be on guard. I suspect that they will still do it. This time it is very likely that they will not target the society and us, but the families in Hong Kong!"

At this time, Governor Peng stood up: "Apply for armed forces to enter Hong Kong, contact the north, and impose security forces at the same time. In addition, use some means to ensure that such things will not happen again!"

"I understand, I will notify each family of this news."

The Governor of Hong Kong couldn't think of any clues at the moment, but it didn't mean that he would do nothing.

Ensure that the forces in Hong Kong are not threatened in the future.

It is urgent to prevent such similar things from happening.

As for how to deal with this group of armed forces and even the assassin group behind them...

The Governor of Hong Kong believes that Britain behind them will deal with it.

He just needs to ensure the stability of Hong Kong now.

"What? Something happened in Hong Kong?"

"Contact all the major security groups in Hong Kong immediately. Don't worry about the price. I want to ensure that there are no problems with our industry!"

"Understood. We will contact them immediately..."

"Mr. Li, something happened in Hong Kong."

"Not our people? But they only targeted the foreigners?"

"Well, it's quite troublesome."

"Troublesome? In my opinion, it's an opportunity. Investigate it and then insert the people we prepared."

"Understood, Mr. Li..."

The end of a storm does not mean that Hong Kong will be stable.

Except for Gu Hao.

It seems that all forces can't sleep well this night.

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