The police said that the situation was not serious.

"Report this news to the Hong Kong government quickly and ask them to send people to suppress these social groups immediately."

"Also, let the Black Dragon Society, the Mafia, the Yamaguchi Group and other foreign social groups send people out. Once the situation is completely out of control, they will directly cooperate with the police station to suppress it!"

"No matter what behind-the-scenes personnel or forces are behind these social groups to do such things, we must first cooperate with the Hong Kong government to completely suppress this matter!"

The members of the intelligence agencies of various countries are absolutely elite.

In fact, what they do also proves their honor as elites.

It has only been ten minutes since they received the news.

In such a short time, they have done a lot.

Contact other intelligence agencies to verify the news and then take countermeasures.

FBI, MI6, Sakura Intelligence Headquarters, South Korea's Intelligence Bureau, these people even passed the news to the headquarters at the first time.

In particular, MI6 applied to the British Empire for active military personnel to enter Hong Kong in secret as civilians.

To suppress these community members.

The reason for using such extreme means to intervene in Hong Kong is also very simple.

Hong Kong, which has always been at least calm on the surface, has seen two such terrible things in such a short period of time.

This is already beyond everyone's expectations.

Whether it is the armed forces attacking the military camps of the Hong Kong foreigners, or the community members taking to the streets to march.

These are all things they did not expect.

Even they have some inexplicable sense of powerlessness in the face of such emergencies.

On the one hand, they are confused about who has such a powerful force that can mobilize such powerful armed personnel to do such things.

On the other hand...

They did not expect that there is a force that can unite all the community members in Hong Kong.

Aren't these societies just the black gloves of the top forces in Hong Kong?

It would be better if they didn't fight each other for the interests of the big guys behind them.

In the end, they could unite and protest together?


This kind of thing was only known to their intelligence department after it happened.

Before the incident, the forces that originally controlled these societies were completely unaware of it.

Of course, if those forces knew that they were evaluated like this by these intelligence departments, they would definitely say loudly that they were wronged.

After the armed forces had strongly purged the leaders and decision-makers of the societies in the previous incident.

The major business tycoons and Hong Kong family forces had almost zero control over the societies under their hands.

The people they had planted in the societies were killed, so how could they control the societies?

But it was obvious that the personnel of these intelligence departments were almost unaware of this matter, and they had a more headache right now.

At this time.

They found that the phone of the personnel of the Hong Kong foreign government could not be reached.

The reason is very simple...

The Governor is resting, and the staff of other departments have not arrived for work.

Some foreigners on duty did not answer the phone.

In an instant, the intelligence personnel who originally planned to share the intelligence of the movement of the community members with the foreigners as soon as possible were so angry that they wanted to kill people.

What kind of pig teammates have they met!

If there were no missions in Hong Kong, they needed to investigate the mysterious armed forces and crack the forces behind this group of armed personnel.

And the source of the remote control equipment of the drones in their hands.

And this matter needs to be coordinated by the British Hong Kong government

Intelligence organizations of various countries will never interfere in the troubles of the Hong Kong government and local communities.


I wish these foreign pig teammates would die!

“William is dead. His body was found near the target of the previous mission. He was shot in the head.”

“How is it possible? All the members of Hell Poker have gone there. Why is this happening?”

“The specific situation is unknown at the moment, but something happened in Hong Kong. All the societies in Hong Kong have united together. A large number of society members have appeared on the streets.”

“Why are they appearing on the streets? Do they want to fight against the authorities?”

“No, they are not prepared to do it, but they are prepared to take to the streets to protest the death of their boss and hope to get fair treatment.”


Hong Kong, Tuen Mun Port.

Several mafia ships are docked at the shore, and two old men in gorgeous black suits are standing on the deck.

A brief account of the current situation in Hong Kong

After the conversation, the two gentlemen showed a hint of helplessness on their calm faces.

They have experienced years of decline. As mafia members, what have they not seen?

But this kind of community members taking to the streets to march.

They have really never seen it.

At this moment, the two people in charge of the revenge operation in Hong Kong were silent.

If you want to find the most unlucky force in Hong Kong now.

It is definitely not the foreign government.

It is not the intelligence organizations of various countries that are scolding their teammates.

It is not the other foreign communities that are still on the sidelines.

It is the most unlucky mafia.

They never dreamed that they were going to use the East Star Community as a breakthrough point the day before.

They hoped to get some intelligence to avenge their young master.

They even mobilized all the most powerful members of the Hell Poker in the family.

On the one hand, it was to show the strength of the mafia family, and on the other hand, they wanted to find out the murderer behind it as quickly as possible.

But the result was only one day later.

Bad news came.

The second in command of the Arno family, the old secretary Arno Sco, found that all the members of Hell Poker and the silver medal killers they brought with them had lost contact.

After sending out an investigation, they found out.

King William was dead, and all the members of Hell Poker were probably killed.

More importantly...

There was a huge change in the society!

All the members of the society in Hong Kong gathered together, which meant that they basically lost the possibility of attacking the society.

The Mafia was not afraid of dealing with a single society, and it could even be said to be easy.

But if it was against the entire Hong Kong society.

This was no longer a question of whether the force was sufficient, but that they did not dare to do it at all.

"This mission failed, and we cannot continue the mission with our strength."

After a moment of silence, the old man next to Arno Sco, who was also the assistant of this operation, suddenly spoke.

"It's not a big deal if the mission fails. There will be another chance next time, but..."

Obviously, Arno Scobe is more pessimistic than his assistant: "Whether we can leave Hong Kong safely and smoothly and return to the family is a problem..."

Arno Scobe is so pessimistic not because he is afraid of anything.

But he...

saw a group of armed men appearing not far away and slowly surrounding them.

There was even more than one unknown cargo ship on the sea.

It completely blocked their retreat.

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