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"Who has the ability to mobilize both the black and white worlds?"

"I'm not sure, Mr. Li, but it seems to be the Chinese forces at the moment. Everything he does seems to be for the Chinese forces in Hong Kong. "See if you can find him. I suspect he may have other purposes in making such a plan, and he may even be connected to the people who attacked the Xiangjiang military camp." "It seems that he has a deep connection with the society. Contact, mobilize domestic intelligence departments, ask if there are any of our people in the society, and start the investigation based on this clue. "

"Mr. Li, if we find him, what attitude should we take?"

"What attitude? As long as he is patriotic, we will treat him in a friendly manner no matter what he does, and also help him clean up the mess in the military camp. There are many things that we cannot do, but if there is such a guy who is willing to help..."

"It can be considered Not bad."

Hong Kong, Northern Hotel.

In an office with simple decoration but extremely strict security.

An old man in a Zhongshan suit listened to the flat-headed assistant in front of him telling the news of the current social group and police parade in Hong Kong.

Combined with several major events that Hong Kong had discovered before.

His slightly old face was sometimes thoughtful, sometimes happy, but more There are still some doubts.

When did such a Chinese force that has never been heard of appear in Hong Kong?

Hongmen? The Chinese mutual aid force in Chinatown?

Labor Union?

Or some forces in the north united?

Or is it that Hong Kong's How many families?

After eliminating these familiar names from his mind one by one, Mr. Li simply stopped thinking about it.

Because it was useless to think about such a clueless thing.

Anyway, at least for now...

This person who has never Anyone with a discerning eye can see what the forces they have met have done.

They are extremely friendly to the Chinese and are targeting foreign forces.

Currently in Hong Kong, there is such a force willing to help the North deal with the foreigners...

It is already very good."I have to help clean up the mess. This guy did something really big. He even dared to do it in the military camp!"

Putting down the newspaper, Mr. Li shook his head and then made a call in China.

After all, Hong Kong is still in his hands. If they are in the military camp, then the North has to show up.

Of course, the North showing up does not mean giving in. It is mainly to express deep sympathy, but it has nothing to do with me.

In short, it is just one word.

Serves you right!

“Have you heard that the local community groups and Chinese police officers in Hong Kong have chosen to strike and march today!”

“What? Such a big thing happened today?”

“You just know, I heard from my friend, This morning, the foreigners wanted these Chinese police officers to suppress the gang members, but they unexpectedly united and went on strike! "

"Could the gang members and the police station have united? Otherwise, how could this be possible? Did they choose the same day to hold the parade? "

"It's just a coincidence, how could the community and the police station work together? This is even more outrageous than a cat not catching a mouse!"

The two opposing circles of the Hong Kong Chinese police circle and the community are actually The fact that they chose to march on the same day spread like wildfire throughout Hong Kong.

Whether it was the four major families, the community, or the police station itself.

The financial elites working in financial institutions, the aunties buying groceries on the street.

Even the intelligence agencies of various countries, Communities from all over the world who want to enter Hong Kong.

Anyway, all locals in Hong Kong knew about this big event within the next half hour!

Of course, most of the ideas are actually very simple.

They just watch this incident with a spectator's mentality.

Some people who join in the fun even skipped work to go to both sides of the parade to see how big the scene is. Big.

For the people at the bottom of Hong Kong.

This matter is more of a joke.

Anyway, whether it is the community, the police station, or the foreigners who are extremely troubled by this matter.

There is nothing wrong with the vast majority of the people at the bottom. Relationship.

The idea of ​​most people is actually very simple, just want to join in the fun.

But for the middle and upper class people in Hong Kong...

This matter is absolutely shocking!

The middle and upper level Chinese sirs who did not participate in this matter even I felt a sense of suffocation.

Some people even wondered if this was an operation to eliminate a traitor.

I did not participate in this march.

The Chinese sirs are biased towards the foreigners.

Or they are simply foreigners.

On weekdays, because there are good and bad people among the Chinese sirs, as long as they don't do things too much.

Or they are deliberately investigated, it is actually difficult to find the identity of the insider or the foreigner's lackey.

But when this protest march came out...

These people who didn't participate in the march instantly became clowns.

They couldn't figure out why such a thing that would obviously be regarded as a thorn in the eye would be done away.

There would be so many people doing it.

And these fence-sitters and insiders are not fools. Considering that the community also chose to march today.

An inexplicable sense of crisis instantly appeared in their hearts.

They really couldn't understand why they didn't participate in this march to protest the salary issue.

Why were they inexplicably found out as insiders?

"Hey, are you the only one who didn't go to the police station?"

"Me too, it's not that I have something to do today..."

"I've asked for leave, where are you now, I'll come over right away, help me prepare a banner too!"

"What? It's not easy to go now, it's full?"

After realizing that only a few people did not participate in the parade, these fence-sitters and insiders suddenly realized.

If they continue to stay in the police station and hang out with the foreigners.

It's unclear whether the foreigners will take action against those sirs who participated in the action.

But after this parade is over, they will definitely be cleared out of the Chinese police station.

Immediately, they also began to prepare various banners in a hurry, intending to participate in this parade.

But they were still a step late...

No matter who they called, the words they received were extremely perfunctory.

They didn't even tell them where the parade was.

They just told these insiders in a light tone that they could continue to sit in the police station and drink tea.

In such hot weather, there is no need to follow them out for a parade.

Instantly, there was a hint of despair in the eyes of those who still wanted to make amends.

They also knew...

No one is a fool. Under this situation, their identities as traitors have been completely exposed.

Immediately, the personnel in the Chinese police station were divided into two factions.

The vast majority of Chinese police officers chose to confront the foreigners head-on under the leadership of their death squad colleagues.

And a small number of Chinese police officers also became the running dogs of the foreigners.

They also understood that under this situation, they could only help the foreigners.

Only then would they have a chance to survive.

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