The old man was in trouble.

If Gu Hao had to choose a force that he hated the most, then the foreigners were not the most annoying.

The forces of Sakura Country and Korean Country that were entrenched in Hong Kong were the ones that Gu Hao hated the most.

Before, Gu Hao wanted to find an opportunity to attack them, but it was because of the foreigners and various unexpected things.

In addition, these guys were hiding in the corners of Hong Kong and did not show their heads at all, so Gu Hao could not spare any time to deal with them.

But what Gu Hao did not expect was that he did not go to trouble these sewer rats, but they came out on their own.

Then there was only one choice in front of Gu Hao.

That was to send these sewer rats to hell!

The so-called head showed up in seconds.

There was nothing to say.

"Boss, should we use all the idle death squads or send the members of the society back?"

While mobilizing the death squads, A Yi also asked Gu Hao about the choice of personnel.

After all, although it is convenient to mobilize the death squads, there is still a risk of being targeted.

Once they are used, it is very likely that in the subsequent plans, these death squads may not be so convenient to mobilize.

And if the members of the society are asked to kill these Yamaguchi-gumi and Black Dragon Society members before continuing the parade.

In fact, it has little impact on the overall plan.

"The members of the society do not need to do anything except the parade. Our ultimate goal is to make these foreigners surrender with the greatest pressure."

"Do you believe that the Yamaguchi-gumi and Black Dragon Society will appear in Hong Kong at this time? In fact, they are instructed by the foreigners behind them. They directly use the death squads to kill all these guys!"

"This time, we will do it ourselves!"

What A Yi said is indeed reasonable, but Gu Hao does not listen.

Gu Hao would not know what these foreigners were thinking?

They just wanted to contain these members of the society, and then return to their own territory to fight against the forces of the societies in other areas.

Thus, the parade activities were automatically disbanded, thus relieving the pressure on the foreigners themselves.

It must be said that such a plan is absolutely a perfect plan if it is under normal circumstances, or for the previous societies.

The reason is very simple. No society will hold the so-called parade activities just to give up the territory.

After all, for the society, the territory represents business and the channel for making money.

With money, the younger brothers and bad guys will follow this society. If there is no money...

The so-called big guys are shit.

So such a society structure has created one thing. In the eyes of the members of the society, nothing can compare to the territory in hand.

Once their territory is attacked.

Then no matter what they were doing before, these societies will definitely return to the territory as soon as possible to deal with the people or forces that invaded the territory.

The foreigner knows the society very well, so he can think of such a trick that can be called cutting off the source of funds.

But it's a pity.

Such a trick is only useful for the previous society, or for the society before the dead soldiers became the bosses.


It's bullshit.

In terms of personnel, the dead soldiers who entered the society have basically become middle and high-level.

Even 90% of the bosses of the society have been controlled by the dead soldiers.

This means that the right to speak in the Hong Kong society is basically Gu Hao's.

As long as the boss doesn't ask people to go back, the people under his command will never leave.

On the other hand, the income of the society does not necessarily rely on the illegal and criminal business on the territory.

Instead, the society's expenses are guaranteed by the sufficient funds in Gu Hao's hands.

Of course, Gu Hao can't support these societies forever. Now giving money is just a stopgap measure until all external resistance is resolved.

Gu Hao's idea for the society is actually to slowly transform.

Kick out some hopeless bad guys from the society, integrate the entire Xiangjiang society into a group, and then use regular business to maintain the personnel expenses of the society after the group.

Then switch to fisheries, security, real estate and other businesses.

Finally, completely eliminate the negative impact of the society in this aspect, and let the middle and high-level death squad leaders and leaders become executives of the group company.

This is the path that Gu Hao hopes his society can take.

It is also the way that Gu Hao can make a living without relying on illegal and criminal activities such as selling flour, doing piracy, running chicken coops, and lending usury.

The fundamental reason for the existence of the group.

So the so-called territorial threat...

It is of no use to Gu Hao at all.

Even though the current club is called a club on the surface, it is actually a group company with full action capabilities.

The death soldiers are the executives and middle and senior management of this group company.

The clubs with different names are equivalent to different departments of the company.

The vast majority of non-death soldier club members are more like employees in the internship period.

If the internship period is qualified, they will be regular employees. If the internship period is not qualified...

Then Gu Hao will have to say goodbye to him.

So it is useless for the foreigners to use the tactics they used to deal with the original club to deal with the club controlled by Gu Hao.

"Go ahead, these guys don't need to be treated as human beings, and I believe that these forces will never dare to use guns in Hong Kong. There is no problem for our death soldiers to use cold weapons."

But the foreigners tacitly agreed that these external forces acted recklessly, which still made Gu Hao very unhappy.

In addition, they have the support of Sakura Country and South Korea behind them...

Then Gu Hao's attitude towards these people is actually very simple, just send them to the sea to feed the fish.

In addition, I want to tell them...

Hong Kong is not a place where anyone can run wild, even the controllers in the open, these foreigners who are usually high and mighty cannot do that!

"How many death warriors will be mobilized?"

"Ten thousand people, if not enough, we can send more, and also be prepared for the white-skinned death warriors to march."

"Boss, I understand, the death warriors can be assembled in as fast as fifteen minutes, and within half an hour, the death warriors can be dispersed to the territories of various societies!"

After making a plan, A Yi did not hesitate at all and directly called the personnel.

In an instant, all the various death warriors hidden in Hong Kong took off their disguises, put on professional protective equipment and easy-to-hide pistols.

Then they took the explosion-proof shield and military long stick and rushed to the territories of various societies according to the principle of proximity.

Especially knowing that the target of this mission is the Yamaguchi-gumi of Sakura Country

There was also a hint of cruel smile on the faces of these death warriors.

Although they were summoned by the death warrior system, it did not mean that they did not have real emotions, especially the blood hatred buried in their hearts.

It made them look forward to this mission.

They wanted to let these Yamaguchi-gumi people understand.

What is real cruelty!

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