The death of the enemy is a big deal.

"When you offend our boss, you are already seeking death. We can bear any consequences."

Threat yourself?

Sorry, the death warriors are never afraid of any threats. Anyway, they can be resurrected in a day.

This also makes the death warriors abandon their fear of death.

The so-called threats are just like children's jokes in the eyes of the death warriors, and they have no effect at all.

For the so-called threats, the death warriors' solution is actually very simple.

Just kill the person who created the threat completely.

And the threat from the little devil in front of him is not directed at the death warriors, but at his boss...

There is nothing to say.

Ayi will definitely let this little devil know what the consequences are of offending someone who should not be offended.

Even dare to threaten his boss?

"You like to talk, then let me see if you can still speak later."

This time, Ayi did not give Yamamoto Ichiryu a chance to speak, and even did not give Yamamoto Ichiryu a chance to wail.

"Control it, Ayi, you can do it with confidence, I promise he won't move."

"Hahaha, let him enjoy what a real death service is!"

At this moment, two death warriors also appeared beside Ayi very tacitly, one of them controlled Yamamoto Ichiryu's upper body.

Fix his head.

And Linwa was ready to directly break Yamamoto Ichiryu's spine with his feet.

Ensure that he will not have any extra movements to interfere with Ayi's torture.

"No, no, I can give you a lot of money, don't do this..."

"I was wrong, I shouldn't talk, I shut up..."


At this time, Yamamoto Ichiryu's face was no longer arrogant, only fear remained.

He finally began to beg for mercy. The so-called threats and cooperation became a bubble under the huge threat of death.

He even dared not speak loudly, for fear of angering Gu Hao and the several strong men in front of him.

And Yamamoto Ichiryu finally understood a truth at this time.

There are really people in this world who don't like money and will not be threatened by anything.


Ayi smiled: "It's too late."

After that, Ayi ignored Yamamoto Ichiryu's begging for mercy and began to hit Yamamoto Ichiryu's mouth with the baton.

All the teeth in his mouth were knocked out directly.

At the same time.

Another dead man also stepped on Yamamoto Ichiryu's spine and broke it completely.

In an instant, Yamamoto Ichiryu also fainted completely.

Just like a dead dog, lying on the ground.

"Boss, fainted."

Ayi didn't expect this guy to be so fragile. He fainted without even exerting any strength.

After reporting the situation to Gu Hao with an embarrassed face, Ayi was a little embarrassed to stand behind.

"It's okay, let's clean up the scene. There are still many societies left that we need to deal with."

Gu Hao didn't have much emotional fluctuations about Yamamoto Ichiryu's fainting.

In his opinion, Yamamoto Ichiryu is nothing but a thing that is not even as good as a dog, more like a rat in the sewer.

Would anyone care about the life and death of a rat?

Obviously not, and the threat he mentioned is just like farting.

Gu Hao is not afraid of or cares about the so-called Yamaguchi-gumi.

Gu Hao can confront the mafia head-on, so is he afraid of a so-called Yamaguchi-gumi?

It's really not that Gu Hao is arrogant, but the Yamaguchi-gumi, in front of Gu Hao now...

is really not worthy of talking about revenge in front of him.

What Gu Hao really needs to do now is to solve all the external forces that have attacked the local society's territory.

Then force the foreigners to surrender and bow to the society.

Finally, solve this matter as soon as possible and achieve his own goal.

After all, the more time you give the foreigners, the more variables there will be in this matter.

It's not that Gu Hao is afraid of the so-called foreigner's trump card or the unexpected changes in this matter.

It's just that Gu Hao doesn't want this matter to go beyond his plan and become too troublesome.

The reason is also very simple...

Gu Hao doesn't want to waste too much time on the foreigner.

The most correct choice is to solve this matter quickly.

"Boss, don't worry, only some of our people have returned, and the rest of the dead men are doing things. What should we do with these people now?"

"We have received the news in the car ahead,

Many small groups have already cleared out the forces that have appeared on their territory. "

"There are many people in the Black Dragon Society, so it will take some time to take action, and of course more time is spent on the journey."

After hearing Gu Hao's words, A Yi did not care about Yamamoto Ichiryu who had completely fainted.

Instead, he reported the actions of the death squads in other areas.

Gu Hao did not need to worry about anything, everything was as planned, and those bad guys could not pose any threat to the death squads.

And how to deal with these Yamaguchi-gumi members at the moment is a problem.

After all, such a large group of beasts lying on the street affects the city appearance.

"Throw them into the sea to feed the fish, or solve them secretly? "

Seeing that Gu Hao was still thinking, A Yi also gave his own suggestions.

There are many people in the Yamaguchi-gumi, and these two methods can handle it cleanly without leaving any clues.

Although the nearby streets had been blocked by the death squad before the action, basically no outsiders saw it.

But it is still better to handle it cleanly.

"Throw it into the sea, and call Liu Zhihui and tell him that our company was attacked and ask him to take Yamamoto Ichiryu away. So many people still have to go through the process."

"In addition, let the death squad of the society be more radical. If the foreigners play tricks, we must retaliate!"

"Boss, how to be radical?"

"It's cool inside the city hall. Let the brothers go in and sit for a while, so that these foreigners don't have any reaction!"

Speaking of this, Gu Hao also looked into the distance. His plan...

After all, it was too gentle.

"I understand, boss, I will handle this matter! "

After understanding what to do next, Ah Yi immediately took action.

While arranging death squads to deal with the Yamaguchi-gumi members on the scene, he also called death squads in other areas to act quickly.

As for the society...

After receiving the call.

Without any hesitation, he entered the city hall under the leadership of the death squad.

The foreigners at the scene originally wanted to stop them.

But after just one look, these foreigners ran away.

There are too many people.

There are only a dozen foreigners on the side, and the opposite society...

It can almost be described as a sea of ​​people.

How to stop them?

In addition, these foreigners who went out are the bottom level and have no right to decide this matter.

Just give up...


The headaches are all the higher-level foreigners.

"I want to see how you solve this matter!"

At this time, Gu Hao returned to the scene!

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