Everyone in the car was discussing enthusiastically.

Zhong Liwen was describing it vividly.

"When Brother Qiang saw the thief, he jumped down without hesitation!

Sister E also had stars in her eyes.

"You are indeed our brave detective!"

Lin Qiang said with a smile.

"Well, if you keep praising me, I will be proud!"

After that, nothing happened that day, and the patrol ended.

Sister E stretched and said,

"What a happy day!"

Lin Qiang clapped his hands.

"Everyone, today is our team's first day on patrol, let's go out for a meal, I'll treat you."

Sister E's eyes lit up,

""Boss, you are much more generous than the butter crab." Everyone was already eating at the food stalls on Temple Street. Sister E made way for the store owner to put the freshly fried Typhoon Shelter Crab on the table. The oil was bright red, the crab meat was golden and bright, and the aroma was overflowing.

"The fried crab here is the most authentic. Bring your girlfriend here to eat it next time."

Lin Qiang took a bite and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Good, the aroma of burnt, crab meat, garlic and pepper all in one, really good."

He glanced at Sister E,

���I don't have a girlfriend yet, how about you introduce one to me?"

Sister E was delighted, she knew that the one who is close to the water gets the moon first.

Lin Qiang nodded secretly, he also knew that high-end hunters always appear as prey.

Uncle Quan smiled and said,

""Boss, our sister E has only been working for two years, but she can remember the tastes and work numbers of everyone in the police station. She is amazing."

Lin Qiang used the public chopsticks to pick up a piece of fried crab for sister E.


Sister E , a talent like you should be working as an office worker.

"Boss, you are absolutely right. I have been out of the police academy for two years and now I have forgotten how to shoot."

"If there is an EU emergency, I don’t know what to do."

After saying that, she gulped down a glass of juice.

"Boss, I decided to practice shooting with you and become a skilled shooting expert that everyone can trust!"

"Let the butter crab take a good look!"

Lin Qiang filled Sister E's cup.

"Okay, since you are so ambitious, I will definitely teach you."

"However, your fingers are too weak to pull the trigger, let alone hit the target."

"Go home every day and practice your finger strength with a watering can."

Lin Qiang showed it to Sister E.

Sister E felt warm at heart as she watched Lin Qiang teaching her seriously.

"He looks so handsome when he is serious!"

Zhong Liwen suddenly sighed.

"We all received training at the police academy, so why is my shooting so much worse than my brother's?"

Justice also had something to say,

"I've practiced martial arts for so long, but I still can't withstand Brother Qiang's three moves!"

Just when everyone was chatting enthusiastically, a few more people walked into the store.

Lin Qiang took a glance and saw that they were the people from the West Kowloon Serious Crime Unit.

Ye Zhaorong also saw Lin Qiang, and his unyielding expression was not concealed at all.

"Isn't this the news police? How impressive!"

Lin Qiang ignored Ye Zhaorong and took out his cell phone.

"Let me tell you a joke. Someone called me and scolded me before, but ended up scolding Brother Yi. He is really awesome!"

Zhengyi said curiously,

"Who is so awesome that he doesn't want to get involved anymore?"

Ye Zhaorong was furious. He walked over a few steps and

"Lin Qiang, it’s not enough that you framed me, you even laughed at me!"

Lin Qiang was calm and composed.

"Which ear of yours could tell that I said that to you?"

Ye Zhaorong's eyes almost spit fire.

"Don’t think that being promoted to sheriff is a big deal. You are still a long way from me!"

"Don’t dream about getting promoted to an inspector!"

Lin Qiang smiled.

"You seem to be very idle? Whether I get promoted or not has nothing to do with you."

"I heard that the serious crime team hasn't solved any major cases since you took over. No wonder they are so idle."

Ye Zhaoliang was almost angry to death, and before he could say anything,

Lin Qiang stood up suddenly.

"I have shot and killed many gangsters, you?"

Ye Zhaorong was frightened by Lin Qiang and took three steps back.

The other members of the serious crime team looked at each other. Lin Qiang was indeed the one who shot and killed so many gangsters. Their eyes frightened Ye Zhaorong.

Ye Zhaorong was angry and he took a long breath.

"Very good, I hope you will have the opportunity to join the serious crime team in the future"

"Such a powerful policeman, the Serious Crime Unit welcomes you very much."

The others looked at each other, obviously knowing that Ye Zhaorong was threatening Lin Qiang, if he joined the Serious Crime Unit, he would kill him.

As the saying goes, a boss can kill a person, especially for those who are directly under him, where the performance report is written by the boss.

If Lin Qiang really joined the Serious Crime Unit, he would be targeted to death by Ye Zhaorong.

Lin Qiang didn't care.

"Ye Sir, I can join the serious crime team, and you may also leave the serious crime team. Who knows what will happen in the future."

Ye Zhaorong pointed at Lin Qiang and turned away.

"Let's go to another store. This place is disgusting!"

Ye Zhaorong left angrily.

Uncle Quan whispered,

"Boss, this Ye Zhaorong is a notorious villain who treats his subordinates as human beings."

"You have to be careful of his revenge."

Lin Qiang didn't feel anything. Ye Zhaorong was a black policeman.

He had arranged for assassins to investigate secretly. It would only take a minute to get him.

But Zhong Liwen said,

"Brother Qiang, I am very interested in knowing about Ye Zhaorong scolding Brother Yi.

Lin Qiang briefly explained, and everyone laughed.

Sister E even laughed so hard that her body shook.

"Haha, no wonder Ye Zhaorong hates you so much"

"I heard that he might have been recommended for the upgrade test this time, but it fell through."

"But he deserved it, he was arrogant and treated his subordinates badly."

The shop assistant also said,

"This Ye Sir is the most stingy. He never treated his subordinates to a meal once."

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