Two days passed quickly,

Hong Kong Island Headquarters,

"Dear colleagues, today is the final of our police force's free fighting competition held every three years."

Superintendent Fang Jiexia held the microphone and hosted the competition.

Commissioner of Police Ding Ye, two deputy commissioners Li Wenbin and Liu Jiehui also came to watch the competition.

There is also CIB's Chief Superintendent Guo Sir, Zhuo Kai's master, who is also a black policeman.

Lin Qiang's head, the deadly scissor kick, also came to cheer.

Wan Xihua came, and her subordinate was Ma Jun, a guy who could beat people into idiots with one punch, and he was also very strong.

Lin Qiang looked around and couldn't help but sigh,

"The police force is really full of talents and beauties."

The young sister E under his command, girlfriend 1 Amy Yip, girlfriend 2 Xing Jingjing.

His opponent, the royal sister Hu Huizhong with sharp eyes, cold temperament, and heroic appearance.

There is also the short-haired beauty Long Jiu, whose figure and temperament are both amazing.

Lin Qiang observed them and was also observed.

Hu Huizhong came over, glanced at Lin Qiang, and secretly praised that this man was really handsome.

"I heard you are a good fighter, I hope you don’t lose too quickly."

Lin Qiang smiled.

"Madam, I heard that you are a female instructor of PTU, I really want to meet you."

Hu Huizhong said lightly,

"As long as you can hold on to the finals, you will see it."

After saying that, she left, like a proud peacock.

Lin Qiang glanced at the beautiful, cool and cold Long Jiu, and saw that she was also looking at him, and couldn't help but smile at her.

Long Jiu's eyes swept over Zhu Su'e, Ye Zimei, and Xing Jingjing beside Lin Qiang, with unfriendly eyes,

"A beauty pageant? Are they here to compete or to show off their affection?"

"What are these women thinking? Men will only slow down my speed in drawing my gun!"

Seeing Lin Qiang's gaze, Ye Zimei felt a little jealous.

"Brother Qiang, those people in the Political Department are not easy to deal with. They don't do their job all day long!"

Xing Jingjing waved her hand.

"Ah Qiang, I will help you deal with Long Jiu later!"

Lin Qiang smiled.

"Jingjing, you better be careful. From what I've seen, Long Jiu is not easy to deal with."

"And that Madam Hu, she is also very good at fighting."

Just as they were chatting,

Ma Jun came over and stared at Lin Qiang without saying anything.

Lin Qiang shrugged,

"Brother, I am normal, it is useless to stare at me."

Sister E couldn't help laughing.

The cold atmosphere that Ma Jun had created with great difficulty was instantly destroyed.

He said coldly,

"I heard that your fighting skills are as good as your shooting skills. You must persist until the finals."

After saying that, he turned around to prepare.

Lin Qiang shook his head.

"Why are there always people who want to harm me? They all come to protest against me.

Fang Jiexia came over and said sarcastically,

"Who told you to act like an idiot all the time!"

"You are now known as a super policeman, and everyone wants to defeat you.

Fang Jiexia naturally hoped that Lin Qiang would become the champion of this fighting competition and continue to promote the image of the police force.

But she looked at Ye Zimei and Xing Jingjing and felt very unhappy.

"I hope he gets beaten up by Hu Huizhong or Long Jiu. We women are also very powerful.

The draw for the competition begins.

"In the first match, Lin Qiang, the police chief of Yau Ma Tei EU, faced Ma Dezhong, the captain of the Flying Tiger A team!"

Everyone was shocked. Lin Qiang, the recently rising super policeman, met the last champion Ma Sir in his first match.

Wan Xihua smiled, and almost laughed to death in his heart.

"This kid is still so arrogant, just go home in one round!"

Sir, the King of Scissor Feet, exclaimed,

"There must be no inside information, Lin Qiang is just too unlucky!"

Ma Dezhong is the best fighter in the Flying Tigers. He is tall and strong, and has a good kung fu. He won the championship three years ago. He has been training in the Flying Tigers for three years and has become even stronger.

While everyone was talking,

Ma Dezhong slowly walked onto the ring.

Lin Qiang also walked to the edge of the ring and landed steadily in the ring with a standard hurdle jump.


"I give full marks to Lin Sir for this hurdle jump."

Wan Xihua's mouth twitched.


Ma Dezhong looked at Lin Qiang seriously.

"You are quite skilled, you will be a good opponent."

Lin Qiang nodded.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

The competition began.


Ma Dezhong took a step forward and punched Lin Qiang with his right fist, as fast as a tiger and unstoppable!

Lin Qiang was not afraid and punched Ma Dezhong too!

The two fists collided with a dull sound, and

Ma Dezhong was shocked and took three steps back.

Although he was protected by the gloves, he still felt the powerful strength of Lin Qiang and the hardness of his fist.

The spectators under the ring were all in an uproar.

Ma Dezhong was famous for his great strength, but he didn't expect to be knocked back three steps by Lin Qiang with one punch.

How strong was Lin Qiang?

"His spear and leg skills are already very impressive, is it possible that Lin Qiang's fighting skills are also top-notch?"

Hu Huizhong, Ma Jun and others all looked at each other with a frown, this Lin Qiang is really strong, and his reaction speed is also top-notch.

Ma Dezhong in the field also felt depressed, he didn't expect to meet a strong opponent in the first battle.

But he would not back down, he was the champion of the last session, and he lost in the first round, he didn't want to save face?

"Watch out!"

Madzhong's fist as big as a casserole came at him again.

Lin Qiang blocked it with his hand and deflected his fist.


Ma Dezhong's punch was actually a feint, the real killer move was the sweeping kick that followed.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaim,

"Sir Ma is really powerful. I would have fallen into his trap!"


There was another muffled sound, and

Lin Qiang's foot collided heavily with Ma Dezhong's foot.

Ma Dezhong's mouth twitched. Damn it! This guy's legs are so hard!

"This guy won’t bring a steel plate with him!"

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