Big Brother B is drinking in the bar, looking a little uneasy.

The movie is released today, and

Big Brother B is thinking,

I wonder what Wen Dong is doing?

After all, this movie was organized by him, and

Han Bin and Shisan Mei invested because of his face, although Wen Dong did a good job of accounting and helped them to clean up the money.

However, they still have 3 million invested in the movie, if the movie loses money… it will be embarrassing for themselves.

Although Wen Dong said that even if the movie loses money, he can offset the investment capital by inflating the box office… but Big Brother B also knows that although it is said so, it is still very embarrassing to actually do it.

“Where is Wendong?”

The younger brother said,”Boss, Dong is still in the game room.”


Big Brother B thought,

Wen Dong knows he has no confidence, so he simply doesn’t come out.

Thinking of this,

Big Brother B’s heart sank.

“Yo, who is this?”

“Isn’t this our Causeway Bay’s boss, Brother B?”

Big Brother B looked up and saw that Liang Kun and his group were walking towards him.

His eyebrows were immediately furrowed!


Liang Kun was a fish ball seller, nicknamed Fish Ball Kun!

He was often bullied by the underworld, and then joined Hongxing.

When he first joined the gang, this guy had to ask for help every time he did something.

Later, he got trembling and wanted to erase the past like chalk writing.

“” Brother Kun, why does your mouth stink so much? Have you brushed your teeth?””

Brother Kun hugged the woman next to him and said,”Did you hear that? Brother B said my mouth stinks, why don’t you lick it clean for me?”

The woman kissed him and said,”Brother Kun, it doesn’t stink at all, it smells good.”


Liang Kun said proudly:”Brother B, how are you today?”

“Chen Haonan and Lu Wendong are not with you”

“What? It’s just a movie release, why are you treating it like a war?”


Brother B said coldly,”Are you playing tricks on me?”

He thought that Brother Kun might have come to see him specially.

“I mean, we all start with the same letter. I’m introducing a friend to you.”

“”Come here.”

Liang Kun pointed to a few middle-aged men in suits behind him and said,”Look, these are film producers from Southeast Asia. They know that I, Liang Kun, make movies, so they come to me to discuss copyrights.”

“Brother B, I told you before, if you want to make a movie, come to me”

“Young people are of no use!”

“I heard that you sent people to the cinema to support Lu Wendong’s movie?”

Liang Kun laughed:”Did you pay for it or did your younger brother pay for it himself?”


Boss B raised his hand and splashed the wine in his glass onto Liang Kun’s face:”I see you don’t want to leave.”

Although they are from the same group, it doesn’t mean that everyone is working together.

Generally speaking, it is normal to undermine each other, which is what Jiang Tiansheng is happy to see.

“Brother B, look at yourself. We are all people of status, but you are so unclassy.”

“It’s a joke for no reason.”

The angrier Big Brother B got, the happier Liang Kun was.

He wiped the wine off his face and said with a smile,”I’m here to support you.”

“Come on.”

Liang Kun asked the people around him to find a place to sit down:”This is our Hongxing B brother’s place, everyone please don’t be polite”

“We are here to have fun!”

Big Brother B was so angry that he almost crushed the wine glass.

He realized that the bastard Liang Kun was deliberately trying to embarrass him!

“Big brother.”

The younger brother said angrily:”How dare you be so arrogant in our place.”

“I’ll teach him a lesson”


Boss B stopped him and said,”We opened the door to do business, and they paid us money, so why should we teach them a lesson?”


Then I heard the people at Liangkun’s table shouting and laughing:”What era is this? Are you still afraid of gun battle movies?”

“It’s too late”

“What everyone wants to watch now is a romantic action movie.”

“Hey, bosses, our Qiankun International Films is well-known in the industry for its good reputation.”

“Boss Li knows that he has never lost money on the movies he bought from me.

Boss Li is the small film distributor who terminated the contract with Lu Wendong today.

He smiled reservedly and said,”Brother Kun is right. I saw at a glance that the movie was a failure.”

“It doesn’t matter. If the east doesn’t shine, the west will. Qiankun International has many good films. As long as everyone cooperates, we will make a lot of money in the future.”

Big Brother B heard it and thought, great, this bastard Liang Kun is actually behind this!

He gritted his teeth and said,”Let Wendong come over”

“How can we be embarrassed like this when we are in the gang?”

As they were talking, they heard someone in the bar shouting,”I have waited for three years just for an opportunity. I want to fight for it. I don’t want to prove how great I am. I want to tell others that I must take back what I lost with my own hands!”

“Fuck! That feels so good!”

“Hey, what the hell are you still drinking? Come on, come and watch A Better Tomorrow with me again. This movie is so damn good, fuck!”

“I’ve never felt so good before! It’s more enjoyable than drinking!”

As soon as these words came out,

Big Brother B was stunned, and the laughter at Liang Kun’s table stopped abruptly!

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