Gege pointed at the suitcase and said, "You have a saying in Longguo, 'a poor family means a rich road'. I know you are not short of money, but you still need cash, right?"

"Not much, 10 million per box, 20 million in total, that's my support for you!"

Ye Feng was not polite and asked Greyhound to take it.

He whispered, "Keep a low profile during this period. I can't help you if something happens. And if you secretly go out to take private work under the name of my team in the future, remember to tell me!"

Gege saw that Ye Feng's team went on missions, ranging from a few million US dollars to tens of millions of US dollars, and occasionally there was extra money.

He secretly asked George and Luo Meng to take it several times.

Now that Ye Feng had exposed him, Gege could only cover it up with a silly smile, "Well, Venom Bee, I'm leaving first. I've arranged your ship and will be here soon!"

Dyke also left with Gege.

"Well, contact me again!"

Looking at the backs of the people leaving, Ye Feng stretched his neck and waist.

"Old Nine, are you ready?"

Greyhound joked, "Brother Feng, I, Greyhound, have been waiting for this day for a long time. My hands are itching!"

It's not that Greyhound is overconfident, but that Ye Feng and Greyhound have both made great progress during this period.

Ye Feng is now at the peak level of six stars, and Greyhound has also reached five and a half stars!

Ordinary people may not be enough for the two of them.

Tebo said blankly, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Feng did not explain, "Tebo, when you get to the next place, I will send you a car factory as soon as possible. As for what car you want to modify, you can modify it. I promise that there will be no more than five missions a year!"

Hearing Ye Feng's promise, Tebo's blood boiled instantly.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Feng stared at the direction of Hong Kong Island with his eyes, and said to himself evilly, "Are you ready?"


Hong Kong Island Mong Kok, Ladies Street, Maple Leaf Group

Ling Chengfeng held up the phone and cursed:

"Why did you mess with them? What did I tell you? Harmony brings wealth. Since they want a share of Mong Kok, just give it to them. At most, we can ship more goods to the mainland, right?"

After hanging up the phone, Ling Chengfeng took out the key and prepared to open the car door.

"Master Feng, is this a retro style? Changed to Mazda? Aren't you afraid of traffic jams?"

Ling Chengfeng's hands froze, and his pupils shrank.

He turned slowly, as if he was hallucinating.

When he saw that it was Ye Feng and Greyhound, Ling Chengfeng's lips kept trembling, and his body was trembling.

"Feng...Feng...Brother Feng, is it are back?"

"Hehe..." Ye Feng smiled slightly: "What do you think!"

Ling Chengfeng was completely stunned at this moment, and at this moment Ling Chengfeng couldn't hold it back anymore.

With tears in his eyes, he hugged Ye Feng.

"Feng...Brother, do you know that we all thought you were dead!"

"Okay, I'm back safely, right? And, you're a grown man, what's there to cry about? Don't forget that the mask you wore back then was that of Shura!"

"Ring, ring, ring..."

Ling Chengfeng's phone rang again.

Ling Chengfeng quickly controlled his emotions and wiped his tears and snot on his sleeves.

With a trembling voice, he said, "Hello, brother-in-law!"

"Chengfeng, where are you? Today is the day to settle accounts. How much did you earn this month..."

Listening to a familiar voice.

Ye Feng took the phone, "Brother Zheng, I haven't seen you for so many years, you look so energetic, the operation must have been successful, right?"


The phone in Huang Yongzheng's hand fell to the ground.

Ling Liying on the side asked with concern, "What's wrong, Zheng?"

Huang Yongzheng, who had come back to his senses, shouted to the family members who were settling accounts, "Be quiet!"

Huang Yongzheng's hand, which was about to take the phone, twitched uncontrollably.

Opened and closed, did it several times in a row, Huang Yongzheng put it to his ear again.

"Just... what did you call me just now? Can... can you... call me again, I... I... I... I... I don't seem to hear it clearly!"

"Brother Zheng... Brother Zheng... Brother Zheng, it's me, I'm back, did you hear it clearly!"

Huang Yongzheng was so excited that he pressed the phone tightly against his chest.

Tears flowed down instantly.

The other hand pressed the microphone tightly.

Don't let the sound be transmitted.

Huang Yongchang and Ling Liying ran to Huang Yongzheng and said.

"Brother, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"A Zheng, don't scare us?"

Huang Yongzheng said nothing, waited until he had cried enough, rolled his face on the sofa, and sniffed his nose.

He lowered his voice and said: "Where are you, brother, I'll pick you up! "

Ye Feng on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Brother Zheng, wait until I finish my work, I will go to your house in person, and we will not return until we are drunk!"

"No, we moved, you can't find it, where are you now, I will pick you up now!"

"By the way, are you worried about my health? I tell you, my operation was very successful and it will not be affected at all!"

"I don't care, I will definitely pick you up anyway, it's settled, wait for me!"

Huang Yongzheng was extremely excited and didn't give Ye Feng a chance to refuse!

"Beep beep..."

Then, Huang Yongzheng hung up the phone directly.

Huang Yongchang and Ling Liying were both confused and didn't understand the situation at all. They just saw his face full of tears, and they couldn't help but become more anxious.

"Ah Zheng, what's going on? Who called!"

"Brother, you should speak, what's wrong?"

"Yes, don't scare us! "

You asked one after another.

Huang Yongzheng wiped his tears and said: "Brother Ye, it's Brother Ye who is back, he is still alive, he is back alive!"

"Wow! Really!"

"Haha! Great!"

"We finally have a backer!"

Liang Zan and others said excitedly.

Huang Yongzheng was so anxious that he kept spinning and slapping himself.

"Where are my car keys? Where are the car keys? Has anyone seen the car keys!"

Huang Yongchang hurriedly handed over the car keys.

Huang Yongzheng took the car keys and got into the driver's seat without saying a word.

Slammed the car door

"A Zheng, wait for me!"

"Brother, there is still me!"


Huang Yongzheng urged: "Hurry up! "

Boom boom.....

The broken van rushed towards Mong Kok like a whirlwind.

When Huang Yongzheng and his family arrived at Maple Leaf Group.

Huang Yongzheng was the first to jump out of the car and ran towards Ye Feng.

He grabbed Ye Feng's arm and patted it.

"Not bad, it's very solid!"

Ye Feng, who didn't think much about it at first, now found something wrong.

People like Ling Chengfeng said that he played retro Ye Feng Xin.

But the clothes and cars of Huang Yongzheng's family were simply not in line with their status.

Huang Yongzheng didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, and looked in the direction of Ye Feng's gaze.

Immediately understood Ye Feng's doubts.

Awkward smile.

"It's okay, the old doesn't go and the new doesn't come! "

Liang Zan cried and said, "Brother Feng, do you know how we have been doing these years..."

Huang Yongzheng scolded, "Liang Zan, shut up. If you can't control your mouth, Achang and I will choose to separate. You and your sister, get out of here!"

Ye Feng pinched Huang Yongzheng's shoulder and said, "Brother Zheng, are we still estranged? Have you treated me as an outsider after not seeing me for a few years?"

Huang Yongzheng shook his head and said, "How is it possible? I will never be estranged from anyone, but you!"

"Still not saying it, right?"

Huang Yongzheng saw that he couldn't avoid it, and stared at Liang Zan and said, "You are so tactless. Go buy some food and come back. I will drink and talk with my brother Ye!"

"Oh oh oh!" Liang Zan replied and hurried away.


Ye Feng and others sat on the cement floor of the group. Ye Feng, who grabbed a handful of peanuts, took a sip of wine and said.

"So, you have been helping me pay off my debts in the past few years? ”

Huang Yongzheng said casually: "What do you mean by you and me? Didn't you stand up for me back then? The settlement fee and medicine fee are so big, of course I have to shoulder it after you leave. I can't let the underworld ruin your reputation!"

Huang Yongzheng, who was a little drunk, hugged Ye Feng and pointed at himself drunkenly and said: "Brother, this is not a big deal. There are still 2.87 million. I will pay it off completely, and I even think of a new name!"

Huang Yongzheng cried again halfway through his speech, "In fact, among these people, the one I feel most sorry for is the locust. He had two fingers chopped off for our family. Do you know that? Brother!"

"Two fingers, just gone, when I wanted to compensate him!"

"Do you know what they say? My boss Feng asked us to protect you. As long as we are not dead, we will protect me, your brother, to be fine!"

Huang Yongzheng became more and more excited and kept patting his chest.

"Protect me to be fine! "

Ling Chengfeng pulled Huang Yongzheng aside and kept explaining: "Brother Feng, my brother-in-law is drunk, too drunk, don't take it seriously!"

Ye Feng felt sad and asked: "Where is the locust?"

"That... Brother Feng... Brother Locust..."

Ye Feng couldn't help but raise his voice and said: "I asked you where is the locust?"

"It's selling fish balls at the entrance of the cinema on Xiyang South Street!"

"Selling fish balls?"Ling Chengfeng nodded, and seeing that he could no longer hide it, he told the story.

"Brother Kun came out, and Jiang Tiansheng of Hongxing gave Mong Kok to Brother Kun. Liang's mother went to Sham Shui Po, but Brother Locust didn't go. He said he would wait for you in Mong Kok!"

"Brother Feng, you also know that a new emperor appoints new ministers. How could Brother Locust be valued by Brother Kun?"

Ye Feng laughed at himself, "Where is the madman?"

"Brother Kuang Ren is a close friend of Liang Kun, and he has no time to take care of us!"

Ye Feng didn't know what to say for a moment, and his mouth opened and closed.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he said, "What happened to Locust Fingers?"

"The united Black Water caused trouble for my brother-in-law, and Brother Locust led people to fight them back. During the fight, Black Water chopped off two of his fingers!"

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Great, that's great! Joining forces with Blackwater, yeah! Not bad!"

"Brother Feng, you just came back, why don't you..."

Ye Feng helped the sleeping Huang Yongzheng into Ling Liying's arms.

He got up and pulled Ling Chengfeng into the Mazda.

"Tell me, what about the others? How many things do I not know!"

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