Ba Bi shook his head and said, "Forget it this time. They made such a big fuss that Jiang Tiansheng will definitely stand up!"

"Brother, they are the ones who swept our place. After all, we are in the right!"

Tian Yangzhi saw that Ba Bi seemed to be a little scared, and kept tempting him, "Now Big Boss B and his men are all lying in the hospital. If we don't do it, it will be easy for others to get it!"

"Opportunities are rare. If others find this piece of meat, it may not be so easy for us to get it!"

Ba Bi frowned and thought for a moment.

Then he looked at Tian Yangzhi and asked, "Are you sure Jiang Tiansheng won't cause trouble for me because of this?"

"They, Hongxing, are still busy with their own affairs. How can they have time to cause trouble for us? I think you are just worrying too much!"

"Okay, if that's the case, let's give it a try!"

Ba Bi no longer hesitated and called his men to rush out.

And Jiang Feng, who was responsible for observing Ye Feng, couldn't sit still.

Each of the eight secret guards considered himself a member of the Jiang family.

Hongxing was even more of a private property in their eyes.

Jiang Feng, who couldn't stand it, got out of the car and walked towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, who was smoking, was surprised when he saw Jiang Feng appear.

Jiang Feng looked at Ye Feng viciously and said, "Stop!"

Ye Feng chuckled and said, "You told me to stop? Who do you think you are?"

Jiang Feng, who had exposed himself rashly, realized that he was secretly a secret guard of the Jiang family.

But he had no identity on the surface, so how could Ye Feng listen to him?

When Ye Feng came to Sham Shui Po, he found someone following him.

Now Jiang Feng suddenly jumped out, and Ye Feng was also sure of this, so he gave an explanation.

If the explanation is not good, don't blame him for slapping his face, as for whether it is Jiang Tiansheng's face or Jiang Feng's face.

It all depends on the other party's choice.

Jiang Feng stammered, "They are all... all... our own people. You deserve no death..."

Ye Feng interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Don't mention our own people to your mother. Has any of your own people pointed at your brother and said they would kill your whole family?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng was very excited and pretended to be extremely angry.

"Come on, I'm asking you, if someone stood in front of you and said he was going to kill your whole family, would you still consider him as your own person, ah!"

Ye Feng grabbed Jiang Feng's collar and roared.

"I, I..."

Jiang Feng didn't know how to refute for a moment, so he could only stammer and delay time, thinking about how to face it in his mind.

The main reason was that Jiang Feng was really not good at socializing. If you gave him a task, he could complete it excellently.

But talking also involved his blind spots in knowledge. His identity was unclear and he only had a half-understanding of the matter.

Facing the well-prepared Ye Feng's full firepower, he was speechless.

Ye Feng snorted coldly and continued: "You are speechless, right? I tell you, if a person encounters such a thing, he will never swallow his anger, even if he risks his life!"

After that, Ye Feng grabbed Jiang Feng's collar and pushed Jiang Feng to the side of the car.

"If Mr. Jiang has any explanation, please ask for me, what is this, and whether it is as the North Point person in charge Fatty Li said, our Hongxing rules are shit!"

When Jiang Feng's mind was blank just now, he subconsciously thought of pulling Jiang Tiansheng's tiger skin to suppress Ye Feng.

As for how to explain it when he goes back, it is their Jiang family's business.

Now that Ye Feng is aggressive, Jiang Feng realizes that the matter is not something he can handle at all.

And if Jiang Tiansheng is involved, it may cause Jiang Tiansheng a lot of trouble.

Swallowing his saliva to cover up the embarrassment, while Ye Feng stopped talking, Jiang Feng was ready to leave in disgrace.

Ye Feng asked, "No, I remember you weren't Mr. Jiang's man. How did you end up here? Is Mr. Jiang nearby?"

Jiang Feng was startled, turned around quickly, and waved his hand, "No, no, I was just passing by!"

After that, Jiang Feng quickly got into his car and headed straight for Jiang's house.

Looking at Jiang Feng's back as he left, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and complained, "Waste!"

Because of the news of the internal conflict between Ye Feng and Big Brother B, and Ba Bi's first reaction.

Hua Shanming, who had been obsessed with Causeway Bay before, also took action. Coincidentally, Hengzi Huobaoming and his boss Ma Zijian also came to Causeway Bay.

The two Mings looked at each other, Hua Shanming pointed to the east, Huobaoming smiled and nodded and walked to the west.

Big Brother B, Chen Haonan and others were still in the hospital, and Ah Xiang and Ah Bao couldn't stand the fierce attack of the three.

In the end, the two could only gather all the people and retreat to the "base camp", which was the Wufang Nightclub of the former Fourth Master.

As for other places and streetsDao, Hengzi Huobaoming and Huashanming will take over.

Jiang family villa, Jiang Feng came back to find Jiang Tiansheng.

"Mr. Jiang, Ye..."

Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand to interrupt, and turned his body to show the other side of the phone to Jiang Feng.

The latter shut up immediately after seeing it.

"Well, Ayao, you are responsible for notifying them, but don't notify a large number of people this time, just call a few parties!"

When Jiang Tiansheng was about to hang up the phone.

came from the other end of the phone.


"Brother Yao, it's bad. Brother B's place in Causeway Bay was swept by the 14K and Hengzi group. Abao and Axiang couldn't get through to you no matter how hard they tried. They called me!"

Chen Yao said, "Mr. Jiang, look at this..."

Jiang Tiansheng, who heard it, was not as calm as before. He cursed, "This useless person who can't do anything but always makes trouble. The plan remains unchanged. Arrange it quickly!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tiansheng doubted his previous choice for a while.

Was it a mistake to choose Big Brother B to take the position?

This idea was quickly thrown away by him.

Although Big Brother B has many shortcomings now, he is loyal and easy to control.

After thinking it through, he looked at Jiang Feng.

Because of Ye Feng's rebuke, Jiang Feng belittled Big Brother B again.

Even a clay man still has a little temper. Jiang Feng wanted to be a good guy, but he was scolded by others and couldn't even return his mouth. It would be strange if he could say anything good.

After listening to Jiang Feng's narration, Jiang Tiansheng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He really didn't expect that a big boss B could actually disrupt his layout.

Jiang Tiansheng knew what Jiang Feng was like to their Jiang family better than anyone else, and he didn't blame him at all.

He took two deep breaths, threw his head on the sofa, rubbed his head and said, "I know, I will solve it, you go down first!"


Jiang Feng nodded.

After Jiang Feng closed the door and left, Jiang Tiansheng took out a pack of cigarettes from the bottom of the coffee table, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a slow puff.

On the other side, Ye Feng watched Chen Yao's number ring over and over again.

He opened the car door and threw it in.

An hour later, Chen Yao brought people over in person.

Ye Feng took the lead and said, "Stop, Brother Yao, I think our relationship is still 'close'. If you are here to plead for me, please step aside. If you are here to help, I appreciate it, but I can't drag you into the water!"

After hearing this, Chen Yao completely dispelled his vigilance against Ye Feng.

Who can say this to a betrayer?

Chen Yao looked like a good brother, grabbed Ye Feng's hand and said, "Poison Bee, Mr. Jiang asked me to come here. He already knows about this. I believe me, and Mr. Jiang will definitely give you an explanation!"

Ye Feng shook Chen Yao off, "Brother Yao, I believe you, but I don't believe in Xi B. Do you really think that he has been a big brother for a few days, changed his nickname, and regarded himself as a big brother?"

"Fatty Li, Fatty Li did something wrong. He kidnapped your sister-in-law. Did you apologize? Brother Yao, did you apologize?"

"Yes, I apologized!"

" What happened next? What did he do? Ah? He led people to burn and beat people, and almost broke their jobs! "

"I went to Causeway Bay because of a personal grudge. Did the pretty mother give me any benefits? Without me, can he settle the sand hopper?"

Chen Yao couldn't help but nod and said, "Yes... yes, yes..."

"Okay, don't come in and stir up this muddy water. I don't believe it. Kill my brother's family? I'll see how brave he is!"

Chen Yao knew that he was not as strong as Ye Feng, and he was so anxious that he almost hung on Ye Feng.

"Forget it, Mr. Jiang said this time that he would definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

While pushing and shoving with Chen Yao, Ye Feng found that there was a light flashing inside Chen Yao's suit from time to time.

Ye Feng thought of something, no matter if there was a date or not, he would hit him with a stick first.

"Brother Yao, I'm not trying to pick a fight. Go ask around and find out how Mr. Jiang got the news?"

"You act like a big shot, you're crooked, and you're in the air-conditioned room all day long ordering people around!"

"Ask me what I told my subordinates, and I'll beat them up if I hear them!"

The younger brother next to Ye Feng nodded in agreement.

"Really, Brother Yao, our Brother Feng has defended Mr. Jiang a lot!"

Ye Feng acted as if it were real.

"Spread the word, and we'll be like everyone else in the future, we won't defend or slander, we won't get involved, and we'll just let it go!"

"No, no... Mr. Jiang is the leader of our Hongxing, we have to defend him!"

Chen Yao said with a bitter face.

"What am I defending? Everyone can see that, even people outside say that we have direct and indirect lines in Hongxing, and the little B dares to do that, relying on hisOthers are the direct descendants, while I am not the direct descendant, neither my grandmother nor my uncle loves me! "

Ye Feng said it in a very convincing manner, and he acted more and more like it was real.

At this moment, Chen Yao knew the whole story, and he took it seriously.

But the hot potato in his arms was still there, and Chen Yao kept defending Jiang Tiansheng.

After some persuasion, Ye Feng was pulled into the car.

Jiang Tiansheng, who was at the main hall, put down the phone and looked at Jiang Feng and Jiang Shan who followed behind him.

"Do you think I have it?"

Jiang Shan said: "I have been in the villa all the time, how can I know what is going on outside!"

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