One month later....

Gao Jin was about to open the door and walk into the house, but he found that the door was not locked at all.

"This bastard skipped class again!" Gao Jin cursed inwardly, pushed open the door, and saw Ye Feng lying on the bed, his hands on his chest, eyes closed.

Gao Jin took off his shirt and walked to the wooden man, hitting him while complaining: "Didn't you say you didn't skip class last time?"

Ye Feng said without opening his eyes: "You are still talking about me? Didn't you skip class too?"

"Bang Bang..."

Gao Jin explained while hitting the wooden man: "Is it my fault? I didn't have enough time for a nap, and they told me ABC right away. I was almost confused by their A. I feel like I will lose my language ability if I keep listening!"

Ye Feng smiled when he heard this.

When he stood up and was about to say something, the door of his house was opened.

A child about their age walked in with a five or six-year-old child.

The slightly older child said, "I said you two wouldn't be obedient in class, right?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at him, pointed at the apple on the table and said, "Little Wang Jie, take it if you want to eat it!"

Wang Jie said politely, "Thank you, brother Ye Feng!"

After that, Wang Jie walked over.

"Wait a minute, I'll peel the apple for you!"

Wang Jie's brother skillfully picked up a small fruit knife and helped peel the apple.

After finishing, he rubbed his brother's head lovingly.

Wang Jie smiled, then picked up the apple and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Ye Feng on the side also smiled.

"Ye Feng, Gao Jin, are you two not going to celebrate? Today is only the 8th, and you bought some fruit to eat. Are you going to make it through the rest of the days?"

Gao Jin complained, "Wang Yu, don't take me with you. He is not going to celebrate. It has nothing to do with me. My money is still in my pocket!"

Wang Yu leaned on the armrest of the sofa and looked at Ye Feng again, saying, "You can't be fooled by those guys on the 12th floor next door?"

Ye Feng said unhappily, "Even if you are stupid, I can't be stupid!"

"Bullshit, I'm very smart. I can understand the ghost painting you are afraid of even if I don't listen to it!"

"And I tell you, I have an English name now. Please don't call me Wang Yu or my brother Wang Jie in the future!"

Speaking of this, Wang Yu stood up and said, "From today on, my name will be changed to King, which means King!"

"And my brother will be called Jack in the future, you can call him Jack!"

"Are you a fool? (Are you a fool?)"

Ye Feng's casual English sentence immediately stunned Wang Yu, "Ah?"

"You are a fart, you secretly memorized two words, and you are still showing off your knowledge? Let English go!"

Ye Feng stretched out his leg and kicked Wang Yu, but he was easily dodged.

After dodging, Wang Yu said seriously: "Why don't you also come with me to worship Mr. Chen as your master?"

"Welcome him as a master? Can he give us two money to spend?"

Wang Yu shook his head, but said seriously: "No, but he can teach us how to make money to spend!"

Gao Jin also stopped his actions at this time.

Ye Feng asked curiously: "Make money to spend? He hasn't figured out how to support himself yet, and he has to take some wine money from your subsidy every month!"

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't believe it, Wang Yu explained anxiously.

"No, he is really capable. Don't look at him losing a hand. He was once one of the eight generals, right?"

General: a person who makes a living by using tricks to start the game, that is, the host of the game.

"Eight generals?"

Wang Yu nodded, "Yes, eight generals, the Thousand Gates Eight Generals!"

Gao Jin also interrupted with interest, "Thousand Gates? Is he a liar?"

Wang Yu nodded, then shook his head.

Scratching his head, he said, "How can I explain this to you? If you say it's not, it's yes. If you say it's yes, it's not!"

Gao Jin was almost confused by Wang Yu, "Is it true or not? Are you saying a tongue twister?"

Wang Yu tilted his head back, raised it suddenly, and a thin blade came out of his mouth.

Wang Yu pointed at the blade and explained: "This is one of the basic hidden knives, but I just practiced it and need to borrow the force!"

"Our Thousand Gates Eight Generals are divided into "Upper Eight Generals" and "Lower Eight Generals." "

"The upper eight generals are positive, lifting, reverse, escape, wind, fire, removal, rumor!"

"The lower eight generals are collision, flow, sky, wind, seed, horse, cover, Kun!"

"If you want to say liar, it still requires technology, techniques and psychology. If you say it's not, we still, so I don't know the answer!"

Ye Feng looked at Wang Yu, who was about the same age as him, and kept muttering in his heart: Wang Yu; KING? Thousand Gates Eight Generals? Brother;JACK?

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Feng rummaged through boxes and found a few ordinary comic cards.

After seeing the same pattern on the back, Ye Feng asked with confidence: "What about this? Did your master teach you?"

Wang Yu is also a smart man, and responded: "You should be talking about poker, right?"

Ye Feng nodded and said: "Yes!"

Wang Yu took the card from Ye Feng and took a simple look.

He handed it to Ye Feng again.

The latter also hid the cards behind him and kept changing them.

He took out a card and put it on the table, "What card?"

Wang Yu glanced at it, "Siren!"

"What about this one?"


"What about this one?"


Gao Jin said with some confusion: "What are you two keeping in suspense?"

Curious Gao Jin turned over the cards on the table.

The first one was Siren, the second one was Wizard, and when it came to the third one, Gao Jin's hands couldn't help but tremble.

The result was exactly as Wang Yu said, a king similar to the old king in the playing card was printed on it.

Gao Jin's eyes almost popped out, " did you do it?"

Wang Yu pointed to the cards in front of him and said, "There is a broken piece on the back of the siren, there is a dent on the upper left corner of the wizard, and the back of the king with the spiral flower has been squeezed!"

At the same time, he did not forget to look at Ye Feng, "The bottle of fairy water in your hand has a fold on the upper right corner of the back, and I just pinched the middle of the back of the broom, and the four corners will fold upwards when it is placed on the table!"

When Gao Jin checked according to Wang Yu's words, Wang Yu also reminded him, "It's hard to see from this perspective, you can take it to the sun to see!"

Gao Jin put away the three cards on the table, and before leaving, he did not forget to take the two cards from Ye Feng's hand.

Gao Jin looked at the sun at several angles before finding the reflective angle.

Excitedly, "Really? Wang Yu, you are right about everything. That's amazing!"

Wang Yu said in frustration, "What am I amazing about? A deck of cards has 54 cards, and I can now leave a unique mark on eight cards. In our jargon, it's called sweating. My master can leave 54 unique marks!"

Gao Jin continued to ask, "What is a unique mark?"

When Wang Yu took a card from Gao Jin and was about to explain it with a unique mark,

Ye Feng interrupted him and said, "Shut up. Neither of us wants to know!"

Then Ye Feng walked to Wang Yu and pinched Wang Yu's shoulder hard, saying, "Thank you for telling us so much, but we don't want to know the rest. Although I don't understand the ins and outs of your Qianmen, I can analyze the weight of the unique mark from the name!"

Wang Yu was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat on his back after hearing the reminder!

He almost forgot his master's reminder.

Gao Jin also understood the general meaning of the exclusive brand from Ye Feng's words, and immediately stopped asking questions and went to the side to hit the wooden man.

In the room, there was no other sound except Gao Jin hitting the wooden man and Wang Jie chewing, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into a cold atmosphere.

After a long silence, Wang Yu said: "Why don't you come with me to learn? It's good to have multiple skills. Gao Jin can fight and have some martial arts. He is more than enough to be an upper eight fire general!"

Fire general: responsible for solving the problem by force, that is, thugs and killers.

"And Brother Feng, you are calm and quick to react, more than enough to be an upper eight escape general. When Wang Jie grows up, I will teach him the skills of rumor general!"

Escape general: help people escape when a situation is exposed.

Rumor general: specializes in spreading rumors to lure "old people" (the deceived, Yang Gu) to believe the lies and join the game.

"This way, the four of us won't be separated!"

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