This made Ye Feng curious. Logically speaking, a dance hall would not have so much money left after the maintenance costs.

Take the largest nightclub of Liang Kun as an example. Excluding the expenses of drinks and fruits, the fixed amount of daily maintenance is only 200,000.

The extra money was either paid as dividends to the Fourth Master or used to fill the vacancies of other venues.

This double-high and curved flow also aroused Ye Feng's interest.

Ye Feng waved to the charming girls who held their heads in their hands.

Suddenly, seven or eight women began to push and shove.

The last one successfully broke through the siege and quickly came to Ye Feng.

He didn't give Ye Feng a chance to speak at all. The main point was that practice makes perfect.

The moment he knelt down, he unbuttoned Ye Feng's pants. If Ye Feng hadn't reacted quickly.

It is estimated that the zipper could not be kept. This also made Ye Feng understand that the origin of Liang Kun's bad habits was not developed in a day or two.

Take this as a test for cadres, most people can't stand it.

Ye Feng snorted coldly, and swept the other party aside with his calf, "Clean your mind!"

"Yes, brother!" The girl who was kicked to the ground said with fear and trembling body.

Ye Feng pointed at the drawer in Li Zhijiu's hand and said: "What's the matter with this money? Don't tell me that your dance hall is profitable!"

"Brother...this money..." The girl hesitated for a long time before she said in a low voice: "This is really earned by us!"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Or do you think I'm a three-year-old child? You have diamonds?" Ye Feng stared at the other party with a cold face, his eyes full of disgust and anger.

After seeing Ye Feng's attitude, the girl trembled with fear and said hurriedly:

"Brother! Can you listen to me first? I'm not lying to you. Sometimes when we meet a stage outside, if the other party is not a familiar customer, Brother Biao and I will cheat them."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it a trap?"

The girl nodded, "If I'm lucky, I can get about 100,000 yuan at a time, and if I'm unlucky, I can get 30,000 or 40,000 yuan."

"Is it your idea or his idea?"

The girl hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything.

Ye Feng also understood their thoughts. After he and A Biao didn't win or lose, they would not rashly offend either party.

Immediately arranged: "Don't kneel down, go get a mop and clean up these blood stains for me!"

"Thank you, brother, thank you, brother!" The girls hurriedly thanked as if they had been pardoned, and hurried to the bathroom, took out the mop and rag from the bathroom, and started cleaning.

Just as everyone was busy with their duties, Lin Riqing rushed in with his men.

The younger brother who was carrying the corpse hurriedly threw the corpse on the ground, pulled out a steel knife and stood beside Ye Feng.

And the girls hid and trembled.

Ye Feng shouted: "What are you doing? Brother Qing, we are one, don't you recognize us?"

Lin Riqing followed the voice and found Ye Feng, and handed the machete in his hand to the younger brother behind him.

Then he smiled and said: "Your action is good, we received your call just now, and we rushed over immediately, but you finished it?"

"Brother Qing, what are you talking about!" Ye Feng shook his head: "Besides, I didn't call you here to deal with A Biao!"

When Lin Riqing approached, he found A Biao kneeling beside Ye Feng, and one of his ears was still missing.

Lin Riqing taunted, "Oh, isn't this my brother Biao? Why is he so embarrassed?"

A Biao gnashed his teeth and glanced at Lin Riqing, "What are you so proud of? My boss Black Bear will bring people to..."

Gao Jin raised his leg and kicked the wound on the broken ear, "Damn, have you forgotten who scared us to pee our pants just now? Now he's still crazy!"

Gao Jin's kick almost killed A Biao, but at this moment he had no way to do anything but endure the severe pain.

After hearing Gao Jin's words, Lin Riqing looked at A Biao's pants.

Finding that there were indeed traces of liquid that had not dried, his face was full of amusement.

Patting A Biao's cheek, pointing to the scar on his head, he said, "A Biao, do you think we should settle the score?"

Hearing this, A Biao's whole body trembled.

"What do you want?" A Biao felt an extreme sense of danger in his heart.

Lin Riqing laughed, "Can't you guess what I want?"

After that, Lin Riqing grabbed Ah Biao's collar and pulled him up.

Ah Biao was about to beg for mercy when Lin Riqing continued, "Don't worry, didn't you say your boss Black Bear will be here soon? I will definitely let you see him."

Lin Riqing's expression became more and more ferocious, "Ah Biao, do you know what you did wrong?"

"No, I don't know..."A Biao's lips had turned pale and his whole body was shaking.

"The last thing you should have done was to spare my life. That stick should have hit the point!"

Lin Riqing suddenly picked up the bottle in front of Ye Feng and smashed it hard on A Biao's head.

Then he picked up a chair beside him and continued to attack A Biao.

Crack, crack!

There were bursts of bone fractures.

A Biao was beaten to a pulp, blood spurted out of his mouth, his entire nose collapsed, his head swollen, and even his front teeth loosened and fell off.

"Ah! You..."

Before A Biao could continue to speak, he heard several slaps.

Every time Lin Riqing slapped him, a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Scream... scream..."

Finally, Ye Feng pulled Lin Riqing over and said, "Brother Qing, forget it for now. If you hit him again, I'll beat him to death!"

Only after hearing what Ye Feng said did Lin Riqing slowly put down his fist.

He stood up, picked up Ye Feng's cup, and drank half of the wine.

"Thank you, I'll take your favor this time!"

Ye Feng patted Lin Riqing on the shoulder and said, "What are you talking about? It's too polite for us to thank each other, isn't it?"

Lin Riqing calmed down and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Ye Feng spread his hands, "Brother Qing, you see, I will definitely not give up such a big dance hall, of course I have to grab it!"

After listening, Lin Riqing analyzed cautiously, "Black Bear is not a small figure. Although their Changle is not as good as Hongxing, Black Bear is still a hall master!"

Ye Feng bewitched, "He Black Bear is the hall master, but It has to be a living hall master? You know, dead people are useless! "

Lin Riqing was shocked, his eyes showed a strong greed, and he had more thoughts in his mind: "You mean..."

"Black Bear will not let me go, and I hurt his people today, he will definitely retaliate against me! So, he must be eliminated!!!"

"Brother Qing, you are also a gangster, everyone wants face, whether it is A Biao or the dance hall, it may be his excuse to deal with me, only a thief can be a thief for a thousand days, how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days?"

Ye Feng's tone was unusually gloomy.

After listening to this, Lin Riqing nodded in agreement: "Yes! I agree with your point of view! However, how are you going to get rid of him? You should know that Black Bear's men are no less than Brother Kun's!"

Ye Feng touched his chin, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "Brother Qing, you didn't bring so many people here? It seems that there are less than 20 people!"

Lin Riqing's face froze, and when he was about to find an excuse, Ye Feng stretched out two fingers and said lightly: "Brother Qing, I can't let you work in vain. I can give you two points. This is my biggest retreat!"

After hearing the concession of two points, Lin Riqing changed his face and said: "Brother, what are you talking about? Aren't I worried? Many brothers asked me to put them on the periphery. No matter who comes to support Changle, we have a plan in our hearts!"

Ye Feng nodded unnaturally, "Then I'll trouble Brother Qing. I'll go to the back to see how the bodies are handled!"

Seeing Ye Feng leave, Gao Jin and Li Zhijiu hurriedly followed Ye Feng.

Gao Jin, who came out of the back door, said: "Brother Feng, isn't Lin Riqing too much? Isn't this clearly stealing food from our bowls?"

Li Zhijiu also said: "Yes, if we knew he would be like this, we should have delayed it for a while and let him go to see the King of Hell first."

Hearing the two complaining, more than a dozen other brothers put down their work and gathered around.

Ye Feng looked calm and said to Gao Jin and Li Zhijiu: "What's wrong with stealing food? They have people, do we? And why do you want others to help you for free? Are you his son or his father?"

Ye Feng continued to point at the crowd and said: "Take back all your tricks, in the final analysis, being weak is a sin. If you don't understand, get out of here, I don't want idiots here!"

This reprimand made more than a dozen brothers lower their heads.

Ye Feng held Gao Jin and Li Zhijiu's necks with his left and right hands and said, "This is reality, don't complain!"

Gao Jin pointed in the direction of the dance hall and said, "Brother Feng, I'm not complaining, I'm just a little unwilling. Knowing what he is like, we might as well kill A Biao!"

Ye Feng smiled and said, "There's nothing to be unwilling about. Things change. We all work under Liang Kun. Who can guarantee that he won't ask us for help?"

Li Zhijiu gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, when he asks us for help, Brother Feng, you must kill him!"

"Yes, yes, yes, now that we have a dance hall, we can not only make money, but also recruit more brothers. Why should we be afraid of them?"

Everyone was talking, and Ye Feng smiled slightly and reminded, "Control your expressions and don't let people see it!”

Then he took the lead and walked into the ballroom.

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