Jiang Tianyang found that no matter what he said, the other party was talking about him.

So there was no point in chatting.

He waved his hand helplessly and said, "Sister Lan, go and have dinner with them first. I'll take you to have some fun in the evening! It can be regarded as a way to relax!"

The beautiful mother nodded and followed the maid down.

Jiang Tianyang took a puff of cigar and said, "Che Zai!"

A man stood out from the crowd behind Jiang Tianyang and said, "You say!"

Jiang Tianyang narrowed his eyes and said, "From your point of view, do you think we should go back?"

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Jiang Tianyang said again, "No matter what, you have the blood of our Jiang family flowing in your body!"

The Che Zai mentioned by Jiang Tianyang is the illegitimate son of his elder brother Jiang Tiansheng and his stepmother Che Wanying.

Later, when Jiang Tiansheng knew about it, he wanted to kill the other party, but was secretly rescued by Jiang Tianyang and kept by his side to cultivate.

Named Che Baoshan.

"Mr. Jiang..."

Jiang Tianyang snorted: "Hmm? Are there any outsiders here?"

Che Baoshan changed his words and said: "Second Uncle, it's up to you to decide whether to go back or not. Even if you control Hongxing, we are just another place to sell goods. It doesn't affect us that much!"

Jiang Tianyang glared at Che Baoshan, "What's the difference between what you said and not said it? It makes me more entangled!"

Che Baoshan smiled and said: "What's there to be entangled about? And I think you already have the answer, second uncle?"

Jiang Tianyang pressed the cigar into the ashtray and extinguished it.

He said with interest: "Then tell me, what is my answer?"

Che Baoshan pointed at himself and said: "Although I don't know about your previous generation, Hongxing is like your grandfather's blood and bones. You can ignore it, but you, second uncle, will never ignore it. Just like me, as long as there are people or things with the Jiang family label, you will find ways to protect them!"

"You!" Jiang Tianyang shook his head and stood up and said: "You are really grown up. You can even guess my thoughts. By the way, how is the Japanese who was rescued last time?"

"It's almost healed, and I also asked about his identity. He is the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi Kagoshima branch! His name is Yamashita Tadahide!"

Che Baoshan reported.

"Well, except for him, you let Shenxianke, Da Niu (Rhino), Er Niu (ET) and others prepare, I won't take the others! The rest..."

"Leave the rest to my Aunt Lian!"

After that, Che Baoshan strode out.

Jiang Tianyang looked at Che Baoshan's back, "You little brat! You are getting less and less popular as you grow older!"

After complaining, Jiang Tianyang looked towards Hong Kong Island, "You old man, you said I was not ruthless enough, but in the end you still want me to clean up your mess!"

In the evening, Jiang Tianyang took everyone from Hongxing to the most famous boxing gym in Bangkok.

Because the economy of Taiguo is not very developed, many children from poor families have been training since childhood.

They just hope that one day they may become famous to improve their fate, or be noticed by the big boss and be taken in as subordinates to give them a meal.

The boxers on the ring are fighting hard.

Jiang Tianyang, who is sitting in the middle, intends to get closer to everyone from Hongxing.

"Come on, guess who will win. Each person will get 200,000 plants. If you win, it's yours, and if you lose, it's mine!"

Ma Wangjian said immediately: "Okay, when it comes to gambling, I'm in the mood!"

"Hahaha..." Jiang Tianyang smiled, "Okay, then let's guess!"

Jiang Tianyang took care of the pretty mother and said: "Sister Lan, which one do you think is good?"

The pretty mother waved her hand and said: "Mr. Jiang, I'm not good at this, but the prince is good, let the prince do it!"

The prince said excitedly: "Mr. Jiang, we can choose first ? "

"Am I the host? Of course I have to let you guests go first, otherwise what's the point?"

The prince smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite!"

"You come...you come, you're welcome!"

The prince pointed to the boxer in red shorts on the ring and said, "I have seen this man before. He is the apprentice of the last champion Tongtianxi. He has also fought in international boxing matches in Hong Kong Island. Look at his shoulders and arms, and you will know how strong he is. It's right to suppress him!"

Hearing the prince's confidence, Ma Wangjian said, "Me too...Me too!"

Fatty Li picked up the bottle and said, "I support you, prince!"

Jiang Tianyang looked at the others, "Will you all participate?"

Han Bin also said, "Okay, I will listen to the prince!"

"Sister Lan, what about you?"

By observing the pretty mother, I found that things didn't seem that simple, especially after the prince finished his analysis.

Jiang Tianyang's mood became better, and the amplitude of his body language increased a lot.

So he made an excuse: "What's the point of betting all on one person? I'll bet on the one in blue shorts!"

Wei Jixiang"Jiang Jie, I'm with you!"

"Hahaha... OK!" Jiang Tianyang hooked his finger at Rhino and said, "You heard me, go place your bet!"

Not long after Rhino placed his bet, the boxer that the prince favored was knocked out and couldn't even get up.

Everyone looked at the prince.

As if asking you what's going on? Is this what you call powerful?

The prince said awkwardly, "This... This shouldn't be the case!"

Jiang Tianyang stepped out to smooth things over and said, "Don't blame the prince, his analysis is correct, that person's skills and strength are indeed superior, but you should blame him for taking 100,000 plants from me!"

Jiang Tianyang now put himself in the role of the leader of Hongxing.

"You have to remember, strength is useless in this world. If he takes 100,000 plants from me, he will lie down. If a woman takes 100,000 plants from me, she will lie down too!"

"And there's more!"

"There are three conditions for success in doing big things. The first is money, the second is money, and the third is fucking money!"

Ma Wangjian flattered, "Mr. Jiang is right. It's really good advice!"

Jiang Tianyang pressed his hand and said, "I thought a lot this afternoon. I don't know if I can adapt to the management of Hongxing in Hong Kong Island after returning to Taiguo, and whether the people of Hongxing can adapt to me!"

Everyone was silent.

"But I can't watch the hard work of our Jiang family go to waste, so I hope everyone can help and make money together!"

Jiang Tianyang looked around at everyone, "I believe each of you has great ambitions. If it's for some petty profits, there's no need for such people to join the underworld. It's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean by this?" said the pretty mother!

Jiang Tianyang said: "Since everyone has come all the way here, I naturally cannot let you down. Let's do this! I'll go back and give it a try first, and you should continue as usual.

If you have any ideas, you can tell me. I won't do anything that blocks other people's money, but if there is no way to make money, how about you listen to my instructions?"

Jiang Tianyang's words were extremely beautiful. If you can make money, he won't stop you. If there is no way to make money, he will help you make money. Who wouldn't be happy!


Everyone expressed their willingness to follow Jiang Tianyang.


On the Hong Kong Island side, the original Qingnan of the Yamaguchi-gumi did not find Tachibana Masahito.

He set his sights on He Liansheng again.

Who let He Liansheng have so many peripheral brothers?

Deng Bo sat down and complained.

"My Lords, it's not that I don't want to help. You can go ask around. Our club's Big D is going crazy to create a new winning streak, and we can't spare any manpower!"

Deng Bo was still worried about offending the Yamaguchi-gumi, and hurriedly added: "But don't worry, we can give you the quota for the fireworks club, and please don't make things difficult for us!"

Yuan Qingnan looked at He Si.

The latter came over and whispered in Yuan Qingnan's ear: "My Lord, it's just as he said, he didn't lie!"

Yuan Qingnan smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you!"

"Don't dare!"

Yuan Qingnan ordered: "Ichiro, Nifu, take some people to help our Yamaguchi-gumi friends clean up the stall, so that they can work for our Yamaguchi-gumi as soon as possible!"


Deng Bo was also stunned when he saw that there were still people left in the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Asking about a person from the outside is actually not enough to reach the Helian Society, after all, the group of people who have not joined the club are enough.

The reason why he made excuses was that he wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife; secondly, he didn't want the Yamaguchi-gumi to participate in the management of Liansheng.

It was true that he wanted to take advantage of the Yamaguchi-gumi, but he didn't want to be their dog. The Fireworks Society emphasized high-end combat power and personal strength. Anyway, they and Liansheng would just give it up.

But now that he heard it, it seemed that he couldn't avoid it.

He, Uncle Deng, immediately became embarrassed.

Yuan Qingnan smiled and said, "What's wrong? Is it because of insufficient manpower? Or are there other problems?"

Uncle Deng could only bite the bullet and said, "No, I'm here..."


The people of the Yamaguchi-gumi hurriedly stood in front of Yuan Qingnan.

Uncle Deng covered the blood on his forehead, fell to the ground and pointed at Lin Huaile and said, "Ah...Ale...you fucking..."

Lin Huaile kept greeting Uncle Deng with a chair, and the chair kept hitting Uncle Deng's head.

In a moment, Uncle Deng's face was covered with blood.

At this time, the Yamaguchi-gumi also reacted and moved away to let Yuan Qingnan see.

"Bang... Bang... Bang!"

When Deng Bo's head was half deflated, Lin Huaile stopped moving.

He took a few deep breaths to ease his excitement and looked at Yuan Qingnan.Qingnan said, "Sir, this old guy doesn't tell the truth, so I'm going to get rid of him. Do you have any objections?"

Yuan Qingnan stared at Lin Huaile indifferently, with a cold look in his eyes.

This icy feeling seemed to make the air around him much colder.

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