Soon Jiang Tiansheng suppressed his admiration.

He picked up the exclusive teapot in front of him and took a sip.

He slowly put it down and said, "I remember that the leader of Changle Gang, Yalong, called me because of you."

Many of the leaders laughed when they heard this.

And Jiang Tiansheng did not speak, as if he was deliberately giving Ye Feng another chance.

Ye Feng quickly took over the topic.

"I'm sorry to trouble Mr. Jiang. I will listen to the club's arrangements. If necessary, I can return the Black Bear Ballroom to Changle!"

When Ye Feng finished speaking, Liang Kun secretly poked the soft flesh next to Ye Feng's belly with his fingers.

After hearing a satisfactory answer again, Jiang Tiansheng continued to ask: "You won't feel dissatisfied if I ask you to hand over the dance hall just like that?"

Ye Feng hurriedly shook his head, "No, I can be where I am today because of the club. If it weren't for the Hongxing brand, I would have been torn to pieces by Changle long ago!"

Jiang Tiansheng smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Forget it, I was just teasing you. Besides, it's just Changle. I don't take them seriously!"

After saying that, Jiang Tiansheng looked to the right.

At this time, a strong man patted the table.

"When I came here just now, others were talking about how great the poisonous bees were and how much prestige they brought to our Hongxing."

He shook his head halfway through his words and continued: "But I'm really disappointed to see you. Changle can only look at the Four Heavenly Kings."

As he said that, the other party counted on his fingers.

"Eastern Heavenly King Yao Tianluo, Southern Heavenly King Ba Zhixing, Western Heavenly King Lei Qifang, Northern Heavenly King Du Jiang..."

Jiang Tiansheng gave Chen Yao a look, and the latter quickly stood up.

Waving his hand, he said, "Okay, okay, we are having a meeting in Hongxing, why are you introducing Changle? You will expose their underwear in a moment!

Also, can your status be the same as that of Du Feng? You can ignore them, but can Du Feng?"

The sturdy man said, "Fuck, what's wrong with that? If Changle dares to touch one of us in Hongxing, I will sweep them away. Do you believe it?"

Chen Yao ignored the other party's impoliteness.

Instead, he introduced him to Ye Feng.

"He is the Prince who is in charge of our Hongxing Tsim Sha Tsui. He always speaks like this. You don't have to take it to heart. He is not targeting you."

With Chen Yao's words, Baki couldn't help but say: "Yes, Prince, are you angry? It's a pity that Du Feng stood up to speak for you yesterday. He only recognizes you as the Prince in the whole Hong Kong Island!"

The Fourth Master, the person in charge of Causeway Bay, said at this time: "Prince, don't forget how much Baohua (the last person in charge of Tsim Sha Tsui) wiped your ass for you. Du Feng has saved me and A Kun a lot of trouble. Don't lead us in Causeway Bay astray!"

The Prince is not an unreasonable person. With the reminder of the three people.

He realized that his status was not equal to that of the other party, and his qualifications were not on the same level.

Looking at Du Feng, he pointed at his confidant behind him and said, "His name is Matchstick. If Changle and Hongtai dare to cause trouble to you, you can contact him. I want to see if Changle has the courage!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng hurriedly said, "Thank you, Prince!"

The prince used his tongue to touch the left side of his mouth and waved his hand casually.

He looked like he was doing nothing.

Jiang Tiansheng felt that he had tested enough.

He smiled and said, "Okay, okay!"

Everyone turned their attention to Jiang Tiansheng again.

This time, Jiang Tiansheng did not play dumb, but sat up straight.

He said solemnly, "I have taken over Hongxing from my dead father for several years."

"There are many of my uncles here today. I think I am a good leader and have made a lot of money with everyone!"

Jiang Tiansheng paused when he said this.

And many of the older generation of hall masters whispered to each other.

Ye Feng saw all of this.

In his heart, he also labeled Jiang Tiansheng as dangerous.

From the moment Jiang Tiansheng entered the room, Ye Feng did not notice it at first.

It was not until now that Ye Feng realized that it seemed that the rhythm of the whole game was tightly controlled by Jiang Tiansheng.

Just as Ye Feng was thinking.

Chen Yao said: "Mr. Jiang, I think everyone knows your contribution to Hongxing!"

With Chen Yao's lead, Bucky and Pretty Mom also followed suit.

Jiang Tiansheng also stood up from his seat and walked towards Guan Gong behind him.

He bowed naturally.

He stood up and said: "Many people in the underworld say that I, Jiang Tiansheng, am enjoying the benefits of my father. If it weren't for my father, I wouldn't even be qualified to let them know."

After listening to the internalIt became completely silent.

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng turned around indifferently.

"You also know that after I took office, Hongxing's territory shrank dramatically."

Jiang Tiansheng knocked on his chest when he said this.

"But I endured it at that time, because I knew that I was no match for them at that time. If I dared to fight back at that time, the other big societies would eat up Hongxing without leaving any residue!"

"Mr. Jiang..."

Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand to interrupt Chen Yao and continued: "I don't care about my own reputation, but I care about Hongxing's reputation.

The bosses have accumulated enough in the past few years, right? If anyone thinks they are in trouble or don't have enough money, you can stand up now!"

Jiang Tiansheng's eyes moved horizontally from Chen Yao on the left.

Fourth Master, Uncle Xing, A Niu, Ma Wangjian, Pretty Mom, Baki, Fatty Li, Wuliang, Axin, Xiyan, Prince!

After looking around, Jiang Tiansheng clapped his hands.

"Since everyone thinks there is no problem, let's go back and prepare. I don't require your territory to be uniform, but there is no need for the flags of some small societies to appear. What do you think?"

The twelve leaders nodded to each other.

The battle-mad prince took the lead and said, "I will go back and make arrangements!"

Match followed closely behind the prince and walked out the door.

The other leaders did not dare to neglect it.

Jiang Tiansheng looked at the reactions of the crowd and smiled.

"By the way, I will go to Macau to discuss the casino business tomorrow!"

Jiang Tiansheng, who left a word, also led people out.

Ye Feng followed behind Liang Kun honestly and saw the expressions of many people.

He secretly thought in his heart: big stick, sweet dates, and big cakes~!

After returning to Causeway Bay, Liang Kun and Ah B stood on both sides of the Fourth Master.

The two kept nodding.

After about three or four minutes, Liang Kun brought people to Ye Feng.

Patting his shoulder, he said, "Meet at Siye Nightclub at 8pm!"

Ye Feng nodded, waved and led people back to his mahjong hall.

After dispersing Locust and others, Ye Feng told Lao Chen everything he saw today.

Lao Chen took a puff of cigarette and sipped his wine.

Just when Ye Feng was a little anxious.

Lao Chen said, "A calm mind and emotional control, delicate observation, strong leadership and top-notch ability to control subordinates, and of course ambition and confidence are also full!"

After saying that, Lao Chen shook his head and murmured, "It's not easy to make a living under such a person!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to ask again, Lao Chen asked, "What about you? What did you do in the main hall today?"

Although Ye Feng was confused, he still told his actions in the main hall.

Lao Chen put out the cigarette butt, leaned back on the recliner and closed his eyes.

His expression was sometimes frowning, sometimes relaxed...

Finally, Lao Chen opened his eyes and said, "It's quite normal!"

Looking at Ye Feng's expression, Lao Chen continued, "It's perfect for you to keep a low profile now, but it may make others look down on you, and some people with long tongues may even spread the word, which will have some impact on you."

After hearing the explanation, Ye Feng smiled disdainfully.

Lao Chen pretended not to understand and asked, "What are you laughing at? Is it funny?"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw it to Lao Chen, saying, "It's been so long, and you still don't open up? Is it fun to keep testing me?"

"What test?"

Ye Feng didn't get angry when he saw that Lao Chen was going to play it to the end.

"I am a person of average intelligence, not very smart, but not stupid either. Look down on me? Influence? I am a younger brother of Hongxing. Is it wrong for me to be humble to the leader?

The prince is the gold medal fighter of Hongxing, with double flower red sticks, nearly a thousand boxers and knifemen. Is it bad to speak without his confidence?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng tapped the table with his fingers.

"I can't stand this kind of grievance in the world, I might as well go to Lantau Island to farm!"

Old Chen saw that Ye Feng really understood, smiled with satisfaction, and did not forget to remind him.

"Xiao Feng, I like this about you, you can always recognize yourself!"

Ye Feng spit out the smoke in his mouth, and deliberately made a few smoke rings.

He said self-deprecatingly: "It's not about recognizing yourself, but recognizing reality!"

After that, Ye Feng went to the lounge of the Mahjong Hall, "By the way, Old Chen, remember to wake me up when the sun sets!"

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