A moment later, Ye Feng walked into the alley wearing a baseball cap and a mask.

At this time, a voice came from the corner.

"I won't eat you. You are covered so tightly. Aren't you afraid of getting a rash?"

Ye Feng looked in the direction of the voice.

Liang Ma's eyes were clear. She didn't look drunk at all. She leaned against an empty wine box, sat on the ground with her arms on her thighs, and swayed with a bottle in her right hand.

She was so leisurely.

Ye Feng, alert, began to look around.

Liang Ma picked up the bottle from the ground, took a sip and said, "Don't look, there are only two of us here!"

Ye Feng looked around and didn't notice anything unusual, so he took off his hat and mask.

He sighed and applauded, "It's a pity that Liang Jie didn't go to act. You fooled the whole audience today!"

Liang Ma smiled self-deprecatingly and threw the beer she had prepared in advance in the direction of Ye Feng.


Ye Feng grabbed the beer bottle steadily, bit off the bottle cap with his teeth, took a sip and raised the bottle in his hand: "Thank you, Sister Liang!"

"Aren't you curious?"

Ye Feng shrugged and squatted down in a place.

"I think you will give me the answer!"

Mother Liang frowned slightly, but soon laughed out loud.

She raised her head and drank the wine, one bottle... two bottles... until she opened the third bottle.

Ye Feng couldn't help it, "Pretty Mom, I don't think I've done anything wrong to you, right? Do you have fun doing this to me?"

"Is it good?"


Pretty Mom saw that Ye Feng didn't understand what she meant, and explained, "Let me ask you, do you feel good about making money today?"

Ye Feng squatted down, raised the bottle and made a toast to Pretty Mom, drank half a sip and said, "Killing and arson gold belt, it's a lie to say I don't feel good!"

Pretty Mom put down the bottle, stared at Ye Feng and said word by word, "Do you believe me when I say Huang Tianyu was killed by Mr. Jiang?"

Ye Feng's face changed drastically when he heard this, "You can't say that, Pretty Sister, don't do it!"

"Hehe!" Pretty Mom snorted coldly and changed her posture.

"Actually, you can't blame me today. If I don't make a fuss, maybe I'll be the next one!"

Ye Feng pursed his lips. If he could, he didn't want to listen to these bullshit stove things.

But Pretty Mom didn't stop.

"Jiang Tiansheng loves his reputation. Even if he doesn't like something, he doesn't want others to get involved. Do you think you men are too selfish?"


Jiang's mother waved her hand and sneered: "Look at your courage. Even if you say something, do you think I dare to tell Jiang Tiansheng?"

"No, Sister Liang, what do you want to do? Don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

"I want to cooperate with you!"

Ye Feng pointed at his nose and said, "Cooperate with me?"

"Yes, cooperate with you!"

"Jiang Tiansheng and I have talked about it. I can make the decision here in Mong Kok, but on certain days, I need to give it up!"

"You also know that no one dares to touch me with my identity. No one can rely on money!"

Jiang's mother's words are very frank, and there is also some bitterness Shi: "And I will give you what you want!"

"Jiang Jie, how can you be sure that I will help you?"

"I was not sure before, and wanted to do something to you, but today I found that you are not so disciplined, or you can say that you suppress your ambition.

And if I guess correctly, the news that you were suppressed by Liang Kun was spread by you, right?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to explain, Liang's mother said again: "Eyes don't lie. By the way, I remind you that Liang Kun can't be the one who gets promoted. The position of Causeway Bay is 100% on Ah B's head!"

"Do you know? Jiang Tiansheng has his own habit. For example, when he suddenly claps his hands and says OK at a certain point, or suddenly laughs and uses the items around him to cover up, then you must pay attention!"

Liang's mother's words made Ye Feng silent.

At this moment, Ye Feng found that he underestimated Liang's mother.

Ye Feng knew that he relied on foresight to know the temperament of many people and pretended to be in a suitable style to cater to others.

But the pretty mother is not like that. Her simple experience, her vision of people, and her keen insight are even better than Jiang Tiansheng's.

At the same time, Ye Feng also understood that he was not qualified to get off the boat after hearing so many inside stories.

He shook his head with a bitter smile and sat down on the ground.

She said self-deprecatingly: "You are really my dear elder sister. I want to know what if I really don't agree to you?"

"Will you? You are a smart person!"

"For example, suppose!"

The pretty mother pulled the straps on her shoulders.

"The painted face is the close bodyguard assigned to me by Jiang Tiansheng. If I shout a word of indecent assault, what do you think you will do?"

The pretty girl showed a hint ofA smile that kills without paying for it.

Ye Feng swallowed his saliva, "It's cruel enough, you win!"

Liang Ma nodded with satisfaction, picked up the bottle and said: "Then we will have a pleasant cooperation, but don't worry, I only want money, and I promise that if you do my job well, you will have everything you want!"

The nominal superior-subordinate relationship has become a partnership.

Ye Feng relaxed and said: "Sister, forget about the big cake? After all, we are also family members?"

Liang Ma chuckled and said: "Although you are a man, you don't understand men well enough. Do you remember what I said just now? If I don't make trouble today, I will die!"

Ye Feng made a "please" gesture, indicating to continue!

"If I don't make a scene, what will Jiang Tiansheng think? Does it matter? Or is my mother following him for money and treating him like a fool?"

"On the contrary, the more I make a scene, the more Jiang Tiansheng will think I care about him, and I will start overeating from today.

If I turn myself into a fat woman, what about him? He will think he is charming and will be fascinated by me to death, satisfying his inner vanity!"


At this time, Ye Feng was distracted, and his mind recalled the scene when Chen Haonan debuted.

Wasn't my mother a fat woman at that time?

The more my mother talked, the more cold sweat Ye Feng had on his back, and he felt creepy.

What is this? An analysis machine? Including Jiang Tiansheng himself, does he know how terrible the person next to him is?

It can be said that he has calculated people's hearts to the extreme.

Ye Feng had to reach out to interrupt: "Enough, sister, I will do whatever you say in the future, okay?"

My mother noticed that Ye Feng was impatient.

Self-deprecatingly, "Don't dislike my nagging. Don't complain about the filth when you're looking for water in a stinky ditch. Otherwise, you'll die without knowing how. If you can be discovered by me today, you can be discovered by others tomorrow!"

"If Chen Yao doesn't focus all his attention on me today, can you guarantee that he won't discover your ambition?"

Ye Feng was speechless after being rebuked. He thought it made sense and began to listen carefully.

Ye Feng was like a sponge, absorbing Liang Ma's explanation and analysis crazily.

Hongxing's habits from Jiang Tiansheng to the various hall masters.

Two hours passed unknowingly.

Liang Ma drank the last bottle of wine, stood up and patted her butt and said, "Okay, that's all for today. I'll teach you the rest later!

Time is almost up. If I don't pretend, I can't hide it from Jiang Tiansheng, that hypocritical fox!"

Ye Feng nodded contentedly.

Just when Ye Feng was about to leave.

Pretty Mom said, "You won't betray me, will you?"

Ye Feng smiled and pointed to his back without turning his head.

Pretty Mom laughed when she saw Ye Feng's sweat-soaked shirt.

"By the way, my real name is Ma Huilan. When you call me, just call me Sister Lan and I'll understand!"

Ye Feng raised his right hand and waved, indicating that he understood.


Hundreds of sparrows, seeing Ye Feng coming back.

The younger brothers greeted him one after another.

"Brother Poison Bee..."

"Brother Feng..."


They called him all kinds of things.

Ye Feng, who came to the inner hall, was a little tired.

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair and said, "Greyhound, give each of the brothers who came today one thousand!"

Ye Feng's words made everyone cheer.

You know, they only make two thousand a month on average, and sometimes they may not even make two thousand without drying horses.

The main business is to collect protection fees on the street and help other bosses stop cars.

Today, I received the news as usual, and thought it was just a formality.

I never thought that there would be so much money in the account.

It was true that there was a knife, but it was so easy.

It was the two joint hall masters who got it, and there was fame and money.

The house instantly shouted:

"Thank you, brother Poison Bee!"

"Thank you, brother Poison Bee!"

Ye Feng rubbed his temple and said: "Be careful when you go back, come and gather at 8 o'clock tomorrow!"

No one who got the actual benefit refused.

When walking out, there were still many younger brothers discussing to rent a house in Mong Kok, asking if there was anyone to share the house with him.

Hearing the silence in the house.

Ye Feng opened his eyes and looked at his old background.

Half-jokingly, he said, "Bo Zai, how long have you not started working? How much should I give you?"

Bo Zai flattered him, "Brother Feng, you can give as much as you want, the main thing is that the brothers want to hang out with you!"

Ye Feng is also a mortal who likes to hear good words, and Bo Zai and others have already expressed their actions.

Pointing to the money on the table, he said, "Five thousand per person, take it yourself!"

The thirty-two people did not need to be organized, they were divided into two rows, and consciously took their own share.

After they all took it, Ye Feng looked at their primitive desires and scolded, "Get lost!"


“Thank you, Boss!”

“Boss is still very considerate!”

The Thirteenth Sister and Arun came up and didn’t wait for Ye Feng to speak.

The Thirteenth Sister waved her hand and said, “Boss, I....”

“Call Brother Feng!”

“Brother Feng, I’m not here to ask for money. My father just went to the hospital. I heard Arun say that you were looking for him, so I explained to you!”

Ye Feng took out a stack of money from the pile and pointed it.

“Stretch out your hand!”

“Brother Feng, I said I’m not....”

“I asked you to stretch out your hand!”

The Thirteenth Sister was forced to stretch out her hand.


“Here are three thousand yuan. Go back and take care of your father first. When he gets better, bring him here to report. Do you hear me?”

Ye Feng threw the thick banknotes in his hand into the Thirteenth Sister’s hand and said in a serious tone.

The Thirteenth Sister was startled, then shook her head and said, “Brother Feng, I can’t take it....”

“Get out! "

The Thirteenth Sister glanced at Arun and walked out.

"Come here."

Arun came to Ye Feng with some trembling, "Feng...Brother...I..."

Seeing her hesitation, Ye Feng said unhappily: "Why are you so dramatic? Do you think anyone can become my girlfriend!"

Arun was a little dazed, "Ah...Ah!"

"Ah what? Phone!"


Arun then remembered that Ye Feng's phone was in her bag, and hurriedly took it out and handed it over.

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