"Tap, tap, tap..."

A sound of footsteps came, Feng Hua, Greyhound, Locust and even Lao Huo came over.

Ye Feng asked curiously: "How did you know this place?"

Feng Hua explained: "Brother Feng, I notified you. I just separated from you not long ago. I was going back to call people. I was crossing the intersection when I saw your car. Looking at the direction, I think it should be here!"

Greyhound asked with concern: "Brother Feng, who did it? Where is the person?"

Ye Feng patted Greyhound on the shoulder and asked him to stay calm.

Pulled Lao Huo to his side and whispered: "Is there any movement on the road?"

"I don't know the specific news, but when we came here just now, we found that many friends' cars were gathering on the road!"

Ye Feng glanced at the younger brother they brought with him.

Arranged: "You will take Greyhound and our old base back first, and leave those outsiders to hold the storefront. You will listen to my phone for details!"

Although Lao Huo didn't know Ye Feng's plan, he also noticed the trick in this arrangement.

He nodded vigorously and assured, "Don't worry, but be careful yourself. Lao Chen and I are still waiting for you guys to take care of us in our old age!"

Ye Feng also smiled.

Lao Huo, as his name suggests, immediately called out the names and took Greyhound and Ye Feng's direct troops out of the hospital.

Feng Hua saw that Ye Feng had an injury on his back.

He hurried to call a doctor, and this time Ye Feng did not refuse.

He had planned to take a look at Jiang Tiansheng or other people in Hongxing.

Hearing the plan that La Jiao had revealed in full, combined with Lao Huo's words.

When that group of people came, Ye Feng might have to go to get a drip.

Fortunately, Ye Feng's back was only a superficial wound, and the wound was not deep. It was simply disinfected and bandaged with some anti-inflammatory drugs.

The only thing was that the direction of the knife was not very good.

In order to facilitate fixation, Ye Feng's upper body was wrapped as if he was wearing a layer of armor. If you didn't know from a distance, you would think he had long legs.

He also carried a large bag of ice packs on his shoulders for cold compresses.

After everything was done, Ye Feng called Feng Hua and Huang Chong to his side and gave them instructions in a low voice.

Two hours later, Hua Lian and Cun Wang came with their men.

Without waiting for the two to ask, Feng Hua rushed up as if he didn't care about his life.

He slapped Hua Lian in the face.


A crisp slap sounded, and Hua Lian was knocked to the ground.

He was stunned by the slap, touching his swollen left face, staring at Feng Hua with confusion and anger: "Feng Hua, are you fucking brain-spurting?"

Feng Hua cursed: "Damn it! Where did you run when we were fighting with people!" After saying that, he threw Hua Lian to the ground, rode on him and beat him up.

Hua Lian's younger brother saw his boss being beaten, and hurried forward.

Huang Chong led his men to fight at the first time.

Cun Wang, who came with him, stood there and dared not move.

It's wrong to help anyone.

They are both family members, so help Ye Feng, he and Hua Lian have experienced life and death together.

Help Hua Lian, the two of them run away together, now they are looking for trouble with Hua Lian, if he gets close to him, he might get beaten up.

Just when Cun Wang was about to play ostrich.

Chen Yao appeared in the corridor with seven or eight younger brothers, looking at the chaotic corridor, and shouted: "What are you doing? People biting each other?"

The younger brothers of the three parties all knew Chen Yao, and hurriedly made way.

When passing by Feng Hua and Hua Lian, he kicked Feng Hua and separated the two!

"You are so heavy-handed when you are your own people, are there any rules? Is this what your boss taught you?"

Facing Chen Yao's lesson, Feng Hua didn't take it to heart at all.

He didn't know how many punches he had thrown at Hua Lian's head, so what if he was kicked?

But Ye Feng was not going to do it, and said sarcastically.

"Brother Yao is worthy of being Brother Yao. We, a group of young people, have gone through life and death, but we don't get a word of praise. Instead, we have to be criticized by you. What happened to my little brother Ye Feng? Huh?"

Just when Chen Yao was confused, Ye Feng stood up.

Came to Chen Yao and pointed at Hua Lian on the ground.

"Come, explain to your brother Yao, where were you when we were chopped? You said we should run separately, but no one of your little brothers followed us. Do you think I am Superman?"

"And you, Cun Wang, you are good at causing trouble. I can't see any of you when something happened. Did the group of killers chase you? I can't see the support. It's been so long since the incident ended, but you two brought people here!"

"Are you here to collect the bodies? Or are you here to show off? Are you here to show off your awesomeness? I am a waste, so I have to be chopped?"

No one dared to talk to Hua Lian and Cun Wang.

The main reason was that the situation was too chaotic at the time. Anyway, someone in front took the lead and ran, so they followed the big guys.

When they found that there was no one behind them, they were also exhausted.Of course, it wouldn't take so long.

Chen Yao got the general idea from Ye Feng's rebuke and said in a cold voice: "Is what Du Feng said true?"


"Speak up, is what Du Feng said true?"

Cun Wang nodded to admit it.

Chen Yao slapped the other person in the face, "Wait, I'll deal with you later!"

Reached out and pulled Hua Lian up and said: "Why don't you speak? Ah? I'm still speaking for you, you useless thing!"

Pushed Hua Lian against the wall with both hands.

Then put on a smile and approached Ye Feng and said: "Don't be angry, this time it's my fault, I didn't understand the whole story!"

Ye Feng also gave Chen Yao a step down and sat back on the lounge chair.

Chen Yao tried to find out the news and said: "This group of people is so powerful, even you can't deal with it?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng knew that the test was coming.

In his mind, he quickly recalled Chen Yao mentioned by Liang Ma and the news provided by Chili.

He was not afraid of being exposed and started to talk in an exaggerated way.

"Deal with? Deal with shit, just ask those two losers, there were fifty or sixty people, I felt like I was the hero in the movie!"

"Brother Yao, do you know the group of masked men in the movie? Today they are exactly the same, three holes, two eyes and one mouth, with a knife in hand, staring at you and slashing!"

Chen Yao continued: "Are there any characteristics?"

"Characteristics? Can you plan?"

Chen Yao said solemnly: "Seriously, Mr. Jiang was also ambushed today, I don't know the details yet, tell me more, I can be prepared, you know my position!"

Chen Yao covered his mouth with his hand and said: "I heard that two of Mr. Jiang's personal bodyguards died. If the prince hadn't gone in time, it would have been a big deal. Your brother is a blank paper fan, I don't know anything, what do you think I should do?"

"Do you have cigarettes?"

"Yes... yes..." Chen Yao handed them to Ye Feng in a flattering manner.

Ye Feng, who took a few puffs, also covered his mouth with his hand and said, "Brother Yao, tell me the truth, can we get some benefits this time?"

"Of course, I think..."


Chen Yao's mobile phone rang, interrupting the conversation between the two.


Chen Yao stood up, "Can't we send more people to pay?"

"Assholes, they are all fucking assholes!"

After cursing, Chen Yao threw the mobile phone to the ground.

He walked back and forth.

"Can you please stop shaking? I'm losing blood, big brother. I'm fine, so I'll ask you to send me away again!"

With Ye Feng's joke, Chen Yao sat back in his chair angrily and said, "Jiang Kun is screwed!"

"Brother Kun was also chopped?"

"Bullshit, he led people to rush into Tsim Sha Tsui East, killed Chen Qi, and was arrested on the spot by the police, along with his close men Lin Riqing and A Lang!"

Before Ye Feng responded, a noisy sound of footsteps rang out in the corridor.

Cun Wang and Hua Lian's younger brother kept saying, "Mr. Jiang...Brother Prince!"

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng's gray suit was still stained with blood.

One of the prince's arms was in a plaster cast, and the corners of his mouth and the arch of his eyebrows were obviously hit, leaving purple marks.

Jiang Tiansheng walked to Chen Yao and Ye Feng and said, "How is the person?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. We have been rescuing him for several hours!"

Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand, "Come with me, the leaders!"

Several people came to an empty room, and Jiang Tiansheng said coldly, "Tell me what happened?"

As the Hua Lian who was placed next to Liang Ma, he was the first to tell the story.

Ye Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he heard the process.

The details couldn't be more detailed.

"After Liang Ma said they would run away separately, I don't know!"

Jiang Tiansheng then cast his eyes on Ye Feng.

"The target of that group of people gave me the feeling that Liang Ma..."

After Ye Feng finished his story, Jiang Tiansheng looked at the prince, "What do you think?"

Ye Feng added, "By the way, they seem to have tattoos on their arms, red, and I can't really see what they are!"

The prince nodded and said, "They should be the same group of people!"

Chen Yao also told Liang Kun's story at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng kept knocking on the table.

He was extremely gloomy. After a long pause, Jiang Tiansheng gave an order to Chen Yao.

"Go and inform the others. As long as there are societies or gangs that have a grudge against us Hongxing, everyone is our target. Kill them if you have a chance. I will be responsible if anything goes wrong. Also..."

"Where are the patient's family members? Where are the patient's family members?"

Suddenly, a shout came from the corridor.Jiang Tiansheng had to swallow the rest of his words and stood up and walked out.

He said to the nurse: "I am the patient's family member. What happened?"

"The operation is completed, but the doctor asked me to remind you to be prepared. The patient's arm is turned outward and the bone is injured. The knife in the chest is very close to the heart. It takes a long time to recuperate. You go to the hospital to pay the fee........"

Without waiting for Jiang Tiansheng's instructions, Chen Yao went to handle the hospitalization procedures, and the deposit was six figures.

Soon, the bloodless beautiful mother was pushed out.

Her arms were almost full of medicine bottles.

The beautiful mother wanted to raise her hand weakly, and she shouted: "Give birth... Give birth..."

Jiang Tiansheng walked over quickly and held the beautiful mother's hand.

Ye Feng immediately waved to his younger brother.

With Ye Feng's example, others did the same.

Just when Ye Feng raised his leg to leave, the prince said: "You stay. Everyone has left. What about Mr. Jiang's safety!"

Ye Feng and the prince stopped about five meters away from Jiang Tiansheng.

The prince asked curiously, "How many did you kill?"

"I can't remember, but there were eight or nine!"

The prince gave a thumbs up and said, "Great, I guess the only ones who can survive against this group of people are you, me and Dafei!"

Ye Feng pretended to know nothing and asked, "Brother Prince, do you know where they are from? Why do I feel that they are different from the gangsters?"

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