After shouting, Ling Chengfeng clenched his short knife and rushed into the crowd.



Accompanied by bursts of shrill screams.

Fenghua saw Ling Chengfeng so brave and immediately quit.

Although they were all Ye Feng's brothers, who didn't fight for face?

After kicking a brother, Fenghua went straight to Dashengfa.

Seeing that the support could not come up, and the brothers upstairs fell frequently.

Dashengfa's forehead also broke out in cold sweat, and he kept swallowing saliva.

Urged: "Awu, hurry up, help me kill them, as long as you kill them, I am willing to give you any money, if not enough, I will borrow usury for you!"

But Awu, who loves money like his life, has no time to answer him.

Just when Awu swung his knife to kill Ye Feng's brother, he was stopped from the air by Ye Feng.

Ah Wu is an expert and knows that it takes keen observation and insight to block such an attack.

He can see through his knife angle and force point at a glance, obviously he is not an ordinary person.

Ye Feng stood in front of Ah Wu, staring at him without saying a word, giving Ah Wu enough pressure.

Until there were only a few people left on the second floor, Ah Wu couldn't help it and took the lead in attacking Ye Feng!

He raised his knife and aimed at Ye Feng's neck, but Ye Feng saw all of this.

Ye Feng had observed when Ah Wu dealt with his elder brother Pan Xiaodi just now.

Fast, accurate and ruthless, without those fancy tricks, it is usually the most direct and effective way to kill the opponent.

Obviously, these are all experiences honed from actual combat.

But this time, Ye Feng found that the attack was not just slow, but not at all the opponent's speed.

So much so that Ye Feng held the knife in his backhand and blocked it without much effort.

The next second, a side kick went straight to the soft spot on Ye Feng's waist.

Ye Feng smiled.

"Shua shua..." Ah Wu's kick made a series of air-breaking sounds.

Unfortunately, Ye Feng, who was well prepared, dodged easily, and his left leg also swept out. This attack was faster and more explosive than Ah Wu's, and Ah Wu hurriedly raised his arm to block it.


Ah Wu's arm blocked the ribs at the waist, but Ye Feng's right leg swept across his shoulder, causing Ah Wu to kneel on one knee on the ground sideways, his face turning pale.

At this time, Ye Feng grabbed his shoulder, twisted and pushed.


The sound of bone fracture spread throughout the room.

Ah Wu's face was hideous with pain.

Just as Ah Wu looked up, he felt a huge gust of wind coming.


A kick landed on Ah Wu's cheek, and the whole person flew into the air and fell downstairs.


It hit the freezer that the madman used to block it hard.


Awu felt a sweetness in his mouth, and spit out a large mouthful of blood. His head was dizzy and he fainted.

Ye Feng looked calm and arranged to his younger brother: "Bring him back to me later!"

Without waiting for the younger brother to answer, "Ah... Ah... Woo...!"

Dashengfa's painful voice came out.

Ye Feng turned his head and saw.

Fenghua was riding on Dashengfa's body, holding a bloody thing in his hand.

Ye Feng couldn't tell what it was with his naked eyes.

Fenghua threw the object in his hand aside with disgust.

He pulled Dashengfa's right hand out with force and placed it between his legs.

"Was it this hand just now?"

"I'm asking you a question? Is it this hand?"

"Pointing at my boss, how dare you?"

Fenghua was obviously helping Ye Feng vent his anger. Whatever you shouted, I will give it back to you unconditionally, and it will be doubled!

Da Shengfa had blood in his mouth, and he shook his head, saying "Woo woo woo..." continuously.

In Feng Hua's eyes, Da Shengfa's begging for mercy was useless.

On the contrary, it aroused Feng Hua's ferocity, and he exerted force suddenly!


Three fingers on Da Shengfa's right hand were broken by Feng Hua, making a tooth-grinding crunching sound.

The severe pain made Da Shengfa scream: "...Woo woo woo..."

At this time, everyone realized that what Feng Hua had just thrown away was Da Shengfa's tongue.

Da Shengfa howled heartbreakingly, but Feng Hua had no mercy and grabbed the other finger and broke it hard!



"Woo woo!"

Da Shengfa howled again!

At this moment, all the younger brothers of Hong Le who were about to rush up were silent.

Many people jumped on the spot, wanting to see what happened on the second floor.

Because Da Shengfa lost his tongue, his wailing sound was too much like the background music in horror movies.

Feng Hua seemed unsatisfied, so he put down his weapon and carried Da Shengfa on his shoulders.

He came to the stairs and looked at the group of people downstairs with cold eyes.Hong Le's younger brother.

"Ah...!" He roared with a breath, twisting his waist and stretching his shoulders.

Da Shengfa was thrown down from the second floor by Feng Hua.

Seeing this, a group of Hong Le's younger brothers quickly avoided him.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After a series of muffled sounds, Da Shengfa fell heavily on the ground on the first floor like a slide.

At this time, everyone noticed that Da Shengfa was breathing out more than breathing in.

Under the mask, Ling Chengfeng panted unwillingly.

It was not jealousy, but he was unwilling to let Feng Hua steal his limelight. This time, it was his first battle anyway.

He should be the protagonist!

Seeing that Da Shengfa had left a large vacuum area under the stairs.

Ling Chengfeng leaned on the stairs with one hand and jumped to the first and a half floor.

Ling Chengfeng, who stabilized his body, said nothing and vented his unwillingness on the group of Hong Le's younger brothers.

The knife flashed on the stairs, blood splattered, and there was chaos.

Hong Le's little brother hadn't recovered from the loud fall, and heard the cries of his own people.

The first thing he saw was four or five corpses on the ground, and he was immediately scared.

He completely forgot who was more and who was less, and kept retreating.

It was originally a staircase, and the sudden retreat in front would make it difficult for the people standing behind.

He rolled down without paying attention, like making glutinous rice balls for the festival.

At the entrance of the stairs, Ling Chengfeng was covered in blood, but in good spirits.

He raised the knife and pointed it at Hong Le's little brother, "What are you afraid of? Come up? Let's see who kills who?"

Feng Hua looked at the madman, and when the madman was puzzled, Feng Hua's hand was already on the iron rod.

The madman didn't resist but smiled.

Feng Hua, who took the weapon, jumped down in the same way.


Ling Chengfeng said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you coming down?"

"If I don't come down, do I let you perform a one-man show?"

Neither of them gave in to the other, and they looked like they were going to compete with each other.

Ye Feng watched all this quietly and did not step forward.

There is nothing to say about healthy competition. He doesn't want his younger brothers to be a group of good kids!

When he was about to arrange for his younger brothers to move the bunkers blocking the stairs.

A fighting spirit broke out in the madman.

Ye Feng smiled mysteriously, bent down and tore a piece of cloth from Kang Cheng's clothes.

Wrapped it around his palm, and finally pulled it hard with his left hand and teeth.

Instantly, the madman jumped down, and Ye Feng was not slow either.

For those who play extreme, body coordination is the foundation of their craziness.

Running up, one foot stepped on the handrail on the second floor, and jumped down with a side flip.

After landing, Ye Feng pressed the handrail with one hand and slid down along the handrail.

He even surpassed Ling Chengfeng and Feng Hua, after all, many people fell on the stairs, which affected their pace.

Ling Chengfeng saw Ye Feng's cool reversal and couldn't help but complain: "Why didn't I think of it?"

Ye Feng, who rushed to the first floor, almost lost interest.

Because the frightened Hong Le brothers had no intention of blocking him, they all ran out of the door.

The madman saw that Ye Feng had reached the first floor and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Ling Chengfeng and Feng Hua turned their heads and saw the madman like a human bomb.

The whole person rushed to the first floor, "Hutong!"

Ye Feng, who heard the noise, seemed to have come to a bowling alley, and the madman was the white ball.

Anyone who was touched by him or knocked down by him was howling like a ghost.

"Ah~! Ah~ah~!"

The scene was quite spectacular.

After landing, the madman quickly got up and swept the iron rod in his hand towards the Hong Le brothers.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Every time he was swept, a younger brother screamed and then fell to the ground.


Ling Chengfeng and Fenghua were stunned and shocked.

Although they could do it, they would never dare to do it like the madman, who knocked him down with a stick and did not give him the right to resist.

When Hong Le's other younger brothers saw this scene, they didn't care about the previous orders and ran towards the door frantically.

Seeing this, Ye Feng shook his head slightly and his face suddenly turned cold.

The dog-leg knife in his hand was also not slow.

"Ah~! Ah~! Help~!"

"Puchi! Puchi...!"


Ye Feng raised his knife and screamed continuously.

Ling Chengfeng, who noticed it, admired him even more, compared to the madman.

He liked Ye Feng's knife skills more, which were weird and tricky, clean and neat!

A few minutes later, dozens of Hong Le's brothers were lying on the ground, and those who were not injured also ran away.

Ye Feng put away his knife and stopped attacking. Fighting like catching pigs was not what he needed.

And in Ye Feng's eyes, these people were not worthy of his knife.

It was like playing chess with a bad chess player.

The madman also lost the meaning of comparison.


The door of the hot pot restaurant opened, and the grayDog and Locust rushed in first.

"Brother Feng, are you okay?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "How's it going outside?"

"It's been solved!"

Ye Feng patted Greyhound on the shoulder, "Tell the brothers to work harder, I want the poisonous bee in Xiyang South Street today!"

The younger brother who heard this did not feel that his boss was arrogant, but rather that this was as it should be.

Raising the thing in his hand.


Greyhound and Locust were full of smiles.

Especially Locust, he had long advocated for expansion.

After all, there are too many fourth-generation younger brothers, so many that there is no way to arrange them!

(Ye Feng = first generation, Ye Feng's younger brother belongs to the second generation)

It's not enough, it can be used for parking at night and going out to dry horses.

There are also some people who follow the crowd. They don't know each other, but their friends worship under the younger brother of Ye Feng's younger brother. They borrow the light of their friends and call themselves the fourth generation.

In the end, when there was nothing to do, there were hundreds of people watching over a place.

Who needs so many good people? Can't customers get in?

Now that he heard that he could expand, Locust was the first to shout.

"Didn't you hear what the boss said? Sweep it for me. Only one sound can be left on Xiyang South Street!"

"I heard it!"

"Haha! I've been waiting for it!"


The younger brothers shouted excitedly.

For a while, the scene was boiling, with chickens flying and dogs jumping, and the noise resounded all around.

Ye Feng looked at the chaotic scene, with a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, and walked out.

The younger brothers around saw that it was their boss and hurriedly made way.

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