The old man was very angry, but he was not very happy.

Zhang Hao knew it a long time ago. This kind of thing is definitely not easy to solve, so he must make some efforts to control the fermentation of this thing.

He looked at the people in front of him, each of them was angry and wanted to beat him up.

These were all the big gangsters in the fire prevention of the little devils. They were all tough heroes and had some special skills.

But is Zhang Hao just an ordinary person when he came here? He has his own awareness and operation.

The guys under his command surrounded him one after another, and each of them was carrying a weapon, especially the black tower. He threw the stick in his hand out directly.

This stick knocked down several men directly. These men never thought about the guy who crashed into the black tower in front of them, and he looked like a little devil. He actually helped Zhang Hao to do things.

And Heita had a relaxed expression. He put on a posture and started to output a burst of output to the people in front of him, and knocked several people's heads hard on the table.

In this beach, they were originally a peaceful group, and there was no intersection between them, but now there was friction and collision, which was incredible.

Zhang Hao knew that someone must have installed something to operate and wanted to go against him. At this time, everything must be controlled to let them know what the result will be after going against him, so Zhang Hao decided to take action.

Heita rushed to the front and knocked down a man with a stick, and hit the guy on the opposite side with a bloody head.

Heita jumped up and kicked another man in the stomach, making the guy's head full of stars. This Heita was quite good at clearing soldiers, and few people could defeat him.

A large number of people fell to the ground, and round after round was simply horrible. Zhang Hao lit a cigarette and sat here, watching the group of guys rushing over.

These guys were all very tough, and now Zhang Hao was wondering who was behind this and who made such a move.

Some things really make people feel incredible, so Zhang Hao must investigate all of this, after all, he arrived here but received some unfair treatment.

Zhang Hao is powerful, and when he was treated unfairly, he decided to resist, and to resist the strongest.

Only after this kind of resistance can he get a glimmer of hope and be able to regain all the rights he deserves.

Zhang Hao thought about it and decided to do it hard and started to do it.

After Heita and his men finished dealing with the little brothers, they marched away in a mighty force and arrived at a core office in the harbor.

After hearing that these people were Zhang Hao, a group of people here stared at him, thinking it was incredible and thought it was impossible for Zhang Hao.

After Zhang Hao showed his ID, the office staff in front of him started to make a phone call directly, as if calling someone.

They had done this kind of thing many times in their position and territory, and now these little devils came up with such a dirty trick.

Heita punched the office staff in the hand at that time, breaking the man's arm on the spot.

The office staff was dumbfounded at the time. He had never thought that he would be beaten by such a guy.

And this was on the chassis of their island harbor. Generally speaking, almost no one dared to do it. He didn't expect that he would dare to touch him now.

Seeing that these guys were particularly tough, Zhang Hao also spit directly and made it clear to Heita.

If he wants to find someone, just let him come. I don’t care about these things. Just let him do it.

This sentence was very clear, and Heita didn’t change. Heita lit a cigarette and spit.

There was still a murderous aura in his hand, and the staff of the office was already scared silly, but he still made a call according to Zhang Hao’s request.

Since they want to fight, then they have to have a fight, and Zhang Hao mainly wants to know who their boss and big brother behind the scenes are?

About ten minutes later, a group of men in black clothes, they wore that

The leader came over wearing the special clothes of the Japanese, and there were shoes made of wooden boards tied to his feet.

The leader was holding a wooden sword, and the people behind him were aggressive and oppressive, rushing towards Zhang Hao.

None of the brothers behind Zhang Hao were idle. They stopped the boy directly, and then pushed him to the front, pointing at the guy in front of them with wide eyes.

The knives and weapons in the hands of the people in front of them were raised above their heads, and they were sneering at the people on the opposite side.

The leader on the opposite side looked at Zhang Hao in front of him and couldn't help but tilt his neck with a smirk on his face. He didn't expect that Zhang Hao in front of him was actually the person they wanted.

The leader directly threw a wooden stick and pointed it at Marco's head, wanting to deal with Zhang Hao in the next step.

But now there is still a group of men beside him, in addition to this black tower, there is also a kid who has just been promoted.

This guy was a former Taekwondo master who had practiced boxing skills. His name was Jiang Tianfeng.

When this man saw the guys on the opposite side rushing over, he started to show off his legs and dance, and knocked down several men in a quick move.

This operation made the people from the Japanese gang on the opposite side look a little shocked and helpless.

They didn't expect that their opponents would have such a high level of people, but these people in front of them saw that they couldn't beat them and quickly went to find someone else.

At this time, Zhang Hao thought carefully. This group of guys was definitely not the group of guys from the Japanese gang.

These were just some street thugs. Their strength was far from those of the people back then. They were just some of the lowest-level people.

At this time, Zhang Hao also thought that they were in public now, and they didn't want to create any public opinion.

If something really happened, no one would be able to explain it clearly, so it would be the clearest to wait until night.

When Zhang Hao thought about this, he couldn't help but start to confirm the location of the hotel where he had booked a house. He had to solve this matter as soon as possible.

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