The whole Causeway Bay, even the whole Wan Chai District, was in a mess.

At this moment, in the whole Causeway Bay, outside bars and nightclubs of all sizes.

Everywhere you can see, Zhang Hao's people and He Shenghe's people are fighting!

The whole Causeway Bay, even the whole Wan Chai District, was in chaos.

At the same time, with Sha Tin Hao being sniped.

The rest of the brothers were quickly cleaned up by Fei Quan and Da Tou.

In the bar, Chen Haonan and others saw this, with complicated expressions.

Some people were excited, some were relieved, and some were melancholy.

All kinds of emotions appeared in the hearts of Chen Haonan and others.

After a while, Zhang Hao stepped into the bar.

Chen Haonan and others saw this, with embarrassment and shame on their faces.

Before, they were still making trouble in Zhang Hao's Buguiren nightclub.

Now, they have caused a big trouble.

Their eldest brother did not come to save them.

Instead, Zhang Hao, who had been fighting, brought people to save them.

Zhang Hao saw the awkward atmosphere and took the initiative to say:

"Haonan, are you okay?"

At the beginning, Chen Haonan and others also came from Tsz Wan Shan.

They knew each other since childhood, and he didn't want Chen Haonan to be too ugly.

At the same time, for Chen Haonan and others in front of him.

He actually had the intention to recruit them a long time ago.

After so many years of observation, he was sure that this was Chen Haonan in the world of Hong Kong movies.

Rather than Chen Haonan in the comic world he knew in his previous life.

So, he wanted to recruit him for his own use!

Facing Zhang Hao's kindness.

Chen Haonan shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay, thank you brother Hao!"

"Brother Hao..."

Chen Haonan was a little entangled, or he didn't know how to say it.

Zhang Hao smiled and threw a cigarette and said:

"Haonan, you want to talk about Brother B?"

"Don't worry, my people have already gone!"

"Brother B will be back in a while!"

Hearing this, Chen Haonan was stunned, and then he felt mixed emotions.

In fact, he was already very surprised by Zhang Hao's sudden appearance.

After all, it was him who wanted to take over and kill Babi.

He Shenghe wanted someone, and he wanted him.

Zhang Hao had tried to recruit him several times before, but he refused.

Now, he never expected that Zhang Hao was willing to save him.

Not only that, what he didn't expect was.

Zhang Hao actually sent someone to help Brother B!

In his opinion, this was incredible!

Because, among the gangsters, how many of them are really loyal?

What's more, they are just related by the same initials!

In today's incident, Zhang Hao didn't add insult to injury, which was considered righteousness!

But Zhang Hao, turned around and not only saved him, but also saved Brother B!

At this moment, he finally believed the rumor in the world that Zhang Hao was the most loyal!

At this moment, Chen Haonan's eyes had changed when he looked at Zhang Hao.

Fei Quan and Datou, who were standing by, looked at each other and said nothing.

However, they could all see that Brother Hao wanted to poach someone!

Although Chen Haonan was with Brother B.

However, if Chen Haonan was willing, he could completely join Zhang Hao.

After all, it was not as troublesome to poach someone from the same group as it was to poach someone from another group.

Just as they were talking, Big Brother B walked in covered in blood.

Chen Haonan and others saw this and immediately surrounded him.

"Big Brother, are you okay?"

"Brother B, go get bandaged first!"

"Brother B........."

Big Brother B waved his hand, motioning everyone to leave, and then walked towards Zhang Hao.

"Ah Hao, this time I, Big Boss B, owe you!"

Zhang Hao laughed and said, "Haha, Brother B, you are being polite."

"What do you mean by owed!"

"You and I joined Hongxing at the same time."

"At the beginning, we both followed Big Boss Hot!"

"Now, they are fighting with Shenghe at our doorstep."

"As the Double Flower Red Stick of Hongxing, I, Zhang Hao, have no choice but to do my part!"

Zhang Hao's words made Big Boss B even more embarrassed.

Although, he knew in his heart that Zhang Hao's intentions were not pure.

But no matter what, he owed Zhang Hao for what happened today.

Big Boss B sighed and said, "Ah Hao, you know my character."

"I, Big Boss B, always keep my word!"

"If you need me in the future, I can help you, just ask!"

After that, Big Boss B waved his hand and walked out of the bar with Chen Haonan and others.

At the door of the bar, Big Boss B hesitated for a moment and turned his head to say.

"Ah Hao, there will be a meeting tomorrow..."

Having said this, Big Boss B turned and left.

Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes when he heard this. Big Boss B

Is he hinting at him?

Actually, he could guess it more or less.

With such a big scene tonight, he was in the limelight.

At the same time, Causeway Bay, which was making a fortune every day, was now under his command.

If Jiang Tiansheng could sit still, that would be strange!

Beep, beep.

Zhang Hao picked up the phone and laughed, "Haha, Brother Bin, why did you think of calling me?"

That's right, the caller was Han Bin, one of the leaders of Hongxing!

He was also one of the few friends he had in Hongxing over the years!

Han Bin complained, "Zhao, why do you think I called?"

"Such a big thing tonight, you didn't tell me?"

"Wait, my thirteenth sister and I will be here soon!"

Zhang Hao laughed when he heard it, "Haha, come on, just in time, a new batch of good wine arrived yesterday!"

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Zhang Hao waved his hand and said, "Big Head, take the brothers to retreat."

Big Head nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Hao!"

After that, Zhang Hao drove away.

At the same time, Li Xian came to a warehouse according to the news.

This warehouse was the gift Zhang Hao gave him.

Looking at the piles of white powder in front of him, Li Xian was numb!

This batch of goods from He Shenghe is worth at least 80 million!

You know, Hong Kong in this era.

Ordinary workers only make two or three thousand yuan a month.

With such a large batch of goods, He Shenghe suffered heavy losses!

But for him, this is the best gift before promotion!

At the same time, it is not just about achievements.

He is more aware of the meaning of Zhang Hao's gift.

This is telling him that he, Zhang Hao, will never touch the white powder business.

Li Xian couldn't help laughing and said, "Haha, stinky boy!"

"Old Zhang, notify the police station..."

At this moment, Zhang Guozhan looked at the scene in front of him and was already numb.

He didn't expect Zhang Hao to be so "generous"!

He looked at his immediate boss Li Xian, and his face was almost laughing.

He secretly made a note in his heart that even if he took over the anti-black group in the future, he would not provoke Zhang Hao.

It's not that he is cowardly, but he can see the reality clearly.

The relationship between Zhang Hao and Li Xian is definitely not that simple.

Besides, his target is the Hezi head.

As for the reason, his wife died in the hands of the Hezi people.........

He once swore that he would not be a human being if he didn't take revenge.

Now, Zhang Hao is confronting the Hezi head, and he has to help him out of emotion and reason!

The headquarters of He Shenghe.

The bigwigs of the Hezi head gathered together.

Big Brother Cheng pondered and said: "Everyone, now Hongxing Zhang Hao has stepped on our heads!"

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Hearing Big Brother Cheng's words, the old foxes looked at each other.

No one wanted to be the first bird to stand out.

After all, most of the territory in Causeway Bay and the "He" group belong to He Shenghe.

Their respective groups do not have much territory in Causeway Bay.

At most, they only have one or two bars or chicken coops.

This little loss is not worth fighting with Gui Jianchou!

Big Brother Cheng naturally understands this, but he has to bring up the topic.

"Shenye, among all the families, you have the longest seniority. What do you think..."

Shenye, the leader of He Xingsheng, heard this and said with a fake smile.

"If you ask me..."

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