The situation is not good, but the truth is.

A large number of people, such as Zhang Hao, are keeping this matter under reasonable conditions.

They don't want this danger to expand and become difficult to control.

But an old and confused editor like this is still trying to criticize Zhang Hao.

This kind of thing is really too unbelievable.

"I tell you, I'm getting rid of harm for the people now, you can decide for yourself!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the old editor in front of him was a little numb.

Feng Kejin has been trying to uphold justice for so many years.

He doesn't want the power of this evil force to expand any further.

So he wants to attack someone like Zhang Hao.

But he didn't expect that the decisions he made were completely vicious.

And the little devil in front of him fell to the ground.

He didn't look like a good person, and the editor-in-chief Feng Kejin decided to continue observing.

And Feng Kejin also knew it in his heart.

If a bad guy saw what he wrote now, I'm afraid his legs would have been broken long ago.

Feng Kejin is a veteran.

He came from those more chaotic times.

What did he know long ago? What did the bad guys do, killing and arson, doing all kinds of evil.

But Zhang Hao in front of him seemed a little peaceful.

This man didn't have that kind of hostility.

"Okay, I don't want to waste time with you, old guy, you can do whatever you want!"

The group of brothers beside Zhang Hao continued to search, and soon they had an answer.

There was a woman with a pistol on her waist, which was a more serious problem.

Because who would bring a gun to drink in this bar?

The woman was wearing a tight black dress.

And this kind of dress didn't look simple, it wasn't what the rich ladies and noble ladies who came here to cut off were wearing.

It was obvious that there was something wrong.

"What's wrong with you?"

At this time, Zhang Hao walked over and grabbed the woman's arm and asked.

And the woman widened her eyes and felt that this was too insulting.

She didn't take him seriously at all.

"Do you know who I am? You are here to yell at me!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Hao in front of him was a little shocked.

Is there anyone more powerful than Zhang Hao in this area?

Doesn't this guy know what his identity and status are?

At this time, the woman took out the knife in her hand and wanted to chop Zhang Hao directly.

This speed was particularly fast, and it didn't look like an ordinary person.

This made the surrounding brothers a little dumbfounded, thinking that they had encountered the faction of the little devil again.

If they met those characters next, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to bear it.

Because just now a guy disguised as a waiter had beaten them to a pulp.

If they had been beaten up again and fought again, they would probably have met their death on the spot.

At this moment, they all began to retreat, but one of them was called Dong Jianyu, who had been following Zhang Hao for a long time.

Seeing that the guys were retreating, he went over and kicked each of them.

"Brother has raised you in vain, are you all here to eat dry rice?"

After saying that, he went up and kicked them hard, and the guys were a little numb from being kicked.

They saw the big brothers behind them, Dong Jianyu and the others had been following Zhang Hao for a long time.

At this time, they had all rushed to the front, and the little brothers did not dare to say anything about retreating.

Zhang Hao glanced at the woman and felt that this guy was not like the little devils.

The little devils no longer had any magic weapons in their eyes, and they even had that kind of despair.

Because they knew that coming here would probably be a sure death.

Or maybe they have been specially domesticated into an emotionless killing machine.

The woman in front of him looked particularly magical, not like that.

"I'm interested now, who are you?"

Zhang Hao couldn't help but stop and wanted to ask about the situation of the woman in front of him.

The people around were observing this moment calmly, and they all knew that the situation was too tense.

Even Feng Kejin thought this was a big thing worth recording.

When being besieged by Zhang Hao, there was actually

The woman stepped forward to confront Zhang Hao.

Although it is unknown what level Zhang Hao is, he is the big brother of the society in this area.

Even if this woman has some skills and some wealth, she can't confront such a person.

This is really incredible.

Sometimes these things are out of control.

And this woman raised her eyebrows directly.

She looked at Zhang Hao in front of her coldly and directly said a conclusion.

"I am the one you can never provoke in your life! You have to see my face clearly!"

After saying that, the woman retreated directly behind her like a swallow.

His speed was very fast, and he took out a gun and shot Zhang Hao with his backhand.

However, this gun did not shoot Zhang Hao's head, otherwise Zhang Hao might have been headshot at this moment.

Instead, he retreated quickly and escaped from this area.

Even the group of brothers under Zhang Hao did not stop him directly, and Dong Jianyu looked a little confused.

He went to assist Zhang Hao directly, but he didn't expect that Zhang Hao's arm was shot with blood on the spot.

But the problem is still quite obvious.

"Nothing happened?"

Dong Jianyu took a closer look at Zhang Hao's body. It turned out that this guy was wearing a bulletproof vest.

It is entirely possible that he will be hurt by others if he acts outside for a long time.

It is because of this stable attitude that his account has not been attacked at all.

He wore a bulletproof vest.

Zhang Hao stabilized his mind and felt that these things were really too incredible.

"I have experienced too much this night!"

But the more so, the clearer Zhang Hao's mind was.

He wanted to control all of this in his palm.

Because those people's thinking was already very clear.

They were coming for him. At this moment, he could wait for those guys to take action.

Why did this woman do this?

Zhang Hao felt that this woman did not look like one of those little devils.

So there are still some things that need to be verified, and these need Zhang Hao to dig out little by little.

"Investigate now, aren't there surveillance cameras here? Check them all carefully!"

He wanted to review every single thing that happened tonight.

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