That hotel usually doesn't have many guests, and it was originally waiting for the government to come and take over the land. Wu Shida said that he would say hello to them later and let them go directly.

Since he was in Hong Kong Island now, he asked Gangzhu to answer the phone to Cao Kun and said, "Brother Kun! I'm meeting a client in Hong Kong Island. I'll apologize to you when I return to Taiwan in a few days!"

"When the time comes, I'll book the most luxurious dance hall in Tainan. You can choose any lady inside. If you can't do it, I'll do it!"


Wu Shida, who was talking excitedly on the bed, slapped the thigh of the female secretary who was on a business trip with him and screamed.

"Haha! You old bastard! What client are you meeting that makes you scream so lewdly? I won't talk to you anymore!" Cao Kun hung up the phone and threw it to Gangzhu.

A funny thing came to his mind. That day, Wu Shida received a photo of his wife and posted it on the wall at night. When he lit the first match, he attracted other prisoners in the cell. When he lit the second match, other prisoners came behind him...

Before he could light the third match, the photo was snatched into pieces by the prisoners.

"Can you take me home first?"

Long Jiwen said a little aggrieved and scared.

"No! There are CCTVs in the casino. Do you want to miss tomorrow's sun?" Cao Kun said.

"Oh!" Long Jiwen's eyes were red, and he leaned against the car door, not daring to ask more questions.

Then, Cao Kun stopped the car, changed positions with Gangzhu, and asked Gangzhu to take them to the hotel.


Since Cao Kun left, the casino was no longer interfered by the signal jammer, and the CCTV slowly regained its image, and the phone and intercom could be used again.

The security guards of the casino had already opened the elevator door and saw the elevator falling to the ground. The gamblers were already panicking, and they became even more panicked when they saw that the only passage leading to the outside was blown up. They asked the security guards how to get out.

And this panic has infected the VIP gamblers in the VIP area of ​​the casino.

The people here are either rich or noble. They don't want to wait for the official people to come to rescue them and be discovered by others in the casino.

At this moment, many people have begun to call for the casino owner Qiu Xiaochi to deal with this matter as soon as possible!

Qiu Xiaochi has seen the reactions of the gamblers through the closed-circuit television. He certainly knows that if it is not handled in time, it will definitely become more chaotic!

But he really can't understand how Cao Kun, this bastard, can be so capable that he can even make the closed-circuit television, mobile phones, and intercoms malfunction. He thought it was the government who did it and wanted to catch him in one fell swoop!

It was not until these things could be reused that he contacted people outside and found out that Cao Kun, the bastard, had actually dealt with the one-eyed dog and ambushed a group of people in the cinema, driving away hundreds of people including the one-eyed dog.

As the people outside could not contact Qiu Xiaochi, they did not know what to do, and Qiu Xiaochi was almost mad enough to vomit blood.

He even dared to blow up the elevator in their casino, which was simply provoking trouble. If Qiu Xiaochi did not deal with this bastard, would he still be in Tainan?

Qiu Xiaochi held the mobile phone with murderous intent and shouted to his subordinates on the other end of the phone:

"Hundreds of people can't deal with Cao Kun, how do you do things?"

"You will let him arrange people in the cinema. You must kill the manager of the cinema for me. He can't find so many people!"

"I don't care what method you use. If he wants to go back to Taipei, you will kill him in Taipei. I don't want him to go back to Taipei alive!"

"If he is still alive tomorrow, you will not live!"

Whether it is the Viper who answered the phone or the subordinates standing outside, they were all scared by Qiu Xiaochi's words!

Qiu Xiaochi hung up the phone and came outside the office and shouted: "Go and open the escape passage for me, and arrange for the customers in the VIP area to leave first!"

After receiving the order, Abao took his subordinates away. He was the only one among these people who knew the location of the escape passage.

When the customers in the VIP area knew there was an escape route, they immediately rushed to follow Abao and the others out...



In the presidential suite of the Taipei Thunder Hotel, Ding Yao dreamed of Cao Kun and her being chased by someone, and suddenly woke up from the dream.

Ding Yao was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. She panted and looked around, but did not see Cao Kun. However, she found a note on the bedside table, which she picked up to check.

[A beautiful woman asked me to recite poems tonight. I will try to come back in the morning to accompany you! ]

The indecent words made Ding Yao couldn't help but smile. She tentatively called Cao Kun a few times and found that there was really noSomeone answered and lay down again.

"Humph! Still reciting poems!" Ding Yao snorted angrily.

At the same time, in the living room on the second floor of a villa in Tainan, a woman wearing a red lace pajamas and showing off her figure generously was holding a mobile phone and talking about things related to Cao Kun.

She looked very similar to Ding Yao, both in figure and appearance, but the difference was that she had a sexy peony tattoo on her body. She was Haitang, the eldest lady of the Donghu Gang.

"Miss! It turns out that Qiu Xiaochi's casino has a secret passage. We all thought that the elevator was the only way to enter and exit the casino. If Cao Kun hadn't blown up the elevator, Qiu Xiaochi would let the gamblers out, and we wouldn't know!"

Listening to the report from the subordinates on the other end of the phone, Haitang was thoughtful. They had planted people in the casino. Since Cao Kun entered the casino, someone notified her.

Unexpectedly, this man is so courageous!

She arranged for someone to kidnap Juji's wife and children, and then spread the word that it was Agou of the Donghu Gang who was going to deal with Cao Kun, and then let Juji lead a team to chase Cao Kun at the prison gate, with the purpose of letting Cao Kun cause trouble for Qiu Xiaochi and others!

She had heard about this man's power. He was in collusion with the warden in prison and walked sideways in prison. He had the backing of Lei Gong of the Sanlian Gang, and he also had a grudge against Qiu Xiaochi's brother Agou. She had planned it before Cao Kun was released from prison.

If he could survive being chased by Juji, it proved that he was really capable of being a chess piece of her Haitang. If he was unfortunately killed, it would only be his bad luck.

In her opinion, the group of people Cao Kun brought to deal with the one-eyed dog were the help provided by Lei Gong to him!

However, Taipei, which could win more than 800 million in Qiu Xiaochi's casino so arrogantly, was unexpected to her!

What kind of man is this?

What other secrets does he have?

Haitang began to become interested in this man.

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