"Bang... Bang!"

But Qiu Xiaochi obviously had no intention of letting them go, and mercilessly pulled the trigger at them!

"Those who disturb our military will be killed without mercy!"

After shooting these people, Qiu Xiaochi said murderously.

He picked up the pistol of the person on the ground, walked outside the corridor and saw his men with terrified faces.

Some of them were the survivors who had been staying in the villa, and others were the ones who escaped from outside.

Cao Kun was ruthlessly shooting outside, with such fierce firepower, who would want to go out and die?

"You bunch of rubbish! Get out of here, what are you hiding for, waiting for Jesus to rescue you?"

"Do you think they will let you go? See if the people outside have ended up, get out if you want to live!"

Qiu Xiaochi shouted at them, looking at the frightened expressions of these people, he really wanted to kill all these rubbish.

"Brother! The firepower outside is really fierce, and there are helicopters, how can we fight?" One of the men who was shot in the arm said.

"Did you hear the gunshots outside? The bastard on the helicopter pointed his gun at the door. We will die if we go out. Big brother, you should call for support!" Another injured brother echoed.

Others also said that what the two said made sense. After all, those who were not afraid of death had died outside. If they really had the courage, they would have killed their way out!

"You bunch of rubbish!"

Qiu Xiaochi angrily aimed his gun at the two people who took the lead in speaking. With two "bangs", the two men fell to the ground with a bullet on their foreheads. Everyone on the field was shocked!

"If you don't go out, I will kill you all!" Qiu Xiaochi raised his gun to drive away these cowards. Even though these people had guns in their hands, they were only afraid of Qiu Xiaochi and did not dare to use guns to kill him!

At that time, the Gatling gun on the helicopter outside stopped shooting, because almost all the people in the manor had been killed by them, except for those who hid in the villa.

Cao Kun asked the drummer to fly the helicopter to the roof of the villa, intending to kill Tianshou with him.

The members of the death squad also rushed to the manor with guns. The trenchers that advanced in a bulldozer-like manner had already swept away all the people on the road, and the assault vehicle had already entered the manor!

"There are 10 people on the first floor, 4 in the first room on the left, 3 in the second room on the right, 3 of which are under the stairs, and the others are all gathered in the corridor on the second floor, about 30 people! The main target should be inside!"

Maggie's voice came from everyone's communication headsets. The drummer had already come to the rooftop. Cao Kun and Tianshou jumped off the helicopter, and both of them rushed downstairs with assault rifles in their hands!

At this time, the members of the death squad also came to the first floor to sweep!

"Bang... Bang!"

The gunshots came from the corridor on the second floor. The people in the corridor were driven away by Qiu Xiaochi but did not kill them. When the gunshots outside stopped, they kept stalling, causing Qiu Xiaochi to lose his patience and shoot all his bullets into these people. Several more people fell in a pool of blood!

But Qiu Xiaochi's gun was out of bullets!

"You rubbish! Trash!"

Qiu Xiaochi punched and kicked these people and wanted to take their guns but they hid far away. They were all nervous but did not dare to do anything to this big brother!

"Bang... Bang!"

At this time, gunshots were heard downstairs. The members of the death squad quickly killed 10 people on the first floor, and there was also the sound of someone rushing downstairs, and they were all frightened and panicked.

Moreover, some of them were very loyal and asked Qiu Xiaochi to hide first. Qiu Xiaochi was so angry that he cursed loudly, but he could not bear the enthusiastic greetings of so many people in the crowd and pushed him into the study!

Cao Kun and Tian Shou came to the corridor on the second floor first. At this time, some people did not have time to squeeze into the study. Cao Kun and Tian Shou immediately aimed their guns at them and pulled the trigger!


Some people in the crowd begged for mercy loudly, but only ruthless bullets were waiting. Seven or eight people who did not have time to enter were shot to the ground.

"You bunch of rubbish!"

Qiu Xiaochi would rather die than live in disgrace. Seeing these cowards, he picked up the guns dropped by these people on the ground and fired two shots at the two people who wet their pants. The others were scared and immediately scattered, and then he rushed to the door!

"Attention! Someone is rushing out!"

Cao Kun subconsciously thought that it was a loyal younger brother who wanted to repay his kindness, so he took out a grenade, pulled the ring off, and threw it diagonally towards the wall at the door of the study, letting it bounce back inside. He controlled the force very well, but it didn'tThe grenade was expected to hit Qiu Xiaochi head-on, and Qiu Xiaochi was unable to dodge, and the grenade bounced back... and exploded in the air!


Many fragments of the grenade shot into Qiu Xiaochi's resentful eyes, and his whole face was blown into a bloody mess. Even the person was shaken by the power of the explosion and flew backwards, falling heavily to the ground!

The people on the field were immediately frightened. They looked pale and their bodies were trembling. They didn't even have the courage to pick up a gun to resist!

Cao Kun led Tianshou to the study, and the members of the death squad had already come to the corridor. Yin Yang, Barney, and Christmas quickly passed the two to prevent any accidents!

"Everyone in the study huddled together, and the person who was just blown away still had life signs!" Maggie's voice came from everyone's headphones.

Barney and the others had already entered the study, and the people inside raised their hands to surrender and begged for mercy.

"Maggie! There is no need to monitor here for the time being. Go and monitor if anyone comes to support. With such a big commotion, the government will not stand idly by!"

"Got it!" Maggie controlled the drone to fly to the foot of the mountain and observed the situation on the road.

After Cao Kun finished speaking, he also took Tianshou into the study room and saw Qiu Xiaochi, whose face was blown to pieces. He recognized the suit on Qiu Xiaochi and asked the people on the field with some annoyance: "Who blew it up?"

Hearing this, all the members of the death squad looked at him. When they went up the stairs, they just saw Cao Kun throwing grenades and laughing happily!


!" Cao Kun quickly lay down and said to Qiu Xiaochi, who was still breathing weakly: "I am deeply sorry!"

"Do you have money in Ruishi Bank? Do you remember your account password?"

"***" Qiu Xiaochi uttered the last dirty word with his bloody mouth!

"Gan Lin's mother!" Hearing this, Cao Kun quickly stood up and pulled the trigger at Qiu Xiaochi's head.

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