"You're right!" said Mediterranean.

After dinner, Cao Kun asked Barney, Christmas, Gunnar, and Gog to stay nearby to observe the situation around the casino.

He took Yin Yang and Tian Shou to a remote park near the suburbs of Tainan City.

The facilities here are simple and there are no street lights. Through the car lights, you can vaguely see that there is only a pavilion built here, and even the grass on the grass in the square has grown tall.

Not knowing what the use of building this pavilion is, Cao Kun took Yin Yang and Tian Shou along the middle road across the grass and parked the car under the steps.

He planned to summon his younger brother here. In order to prevent being seen by others, Cao Kun moved out the drone equipment and asked Yin Yang to control the drone to see if there was anyone having a wild battle in the nearby woods!

If thousands of spectators suddenly appeared, even if they were not scared to death, they would not be able to be tough in the future!

More than ten minutes later, Mediterranean led the convoy to the scene. The area was vast, and buses were parked on both sides of the grass. It was estimated that there were more than 60 buses. The lights of the cars were all turned on, making the field bright!

Everyone gathered next to Cao Kun. Yin and Yang checked that there was no one nearby. Cao Kun didn't hesitate and summoned a thousand brothers with a wave of his hand!

A burst of white mist suddenly rose on the field, and brothers in black suits came out one by one. They lined up neatly. When the white mist dissipated, everyone knelt on one knee towards Cao Kun and clasped their fists, shouting: "I will go through fire and water for Brother Kun, and I will not hesitate!"

It was quite ceremonial! ! !

Hearing so many people shouting, Cao Kun felt his blood boiling!

Then, Cao Kun asked these people to get on the bus first to empty the seats, and summoned a few more times, summoning 4,500 brothers!

Cao Kun asked the Red Sticks on the field to lead these people. After all, the Red Sticks were higher than these people in terms of experience, position, and price. As for how to distribute them, Cao Kun planned to let Mediterranean handle it.

Cao Kun called Mediterranean over and said, "Let the Red Sticks lead these 4,500 people, and divide 500 people to Sanshui to support Gangzhu and others. The other 4,000 people will be arranged by you!"

"Okay! Brother Kun!"

Mediterranean thought about it in his mind, and then asked the Red Sticks to get on the car first to communicate with these brothers.

"Brother Kun! A good cook cannot cook without rice. You have to give me weapons. In Tainan, you can't just rely on a machete to grab the territory. If you don't have a submachine gun, you have to get me a Black Star!" Mediterranean said.

"I know!" Cao Kun had already purchased a batch of weapons in the system. How can you grab the territory without a Black Star these days?

Black Star was only HKD 3,800 per gun in the system, and a magazine full of bullets was given as a gift. He bought 5,000 guns directly, and released these black guns with a wave of his hand, and instantly piled up a small black mountain!

There were also 1,000 submachine guns at HKD 8,800 each, and 5,000 machetes at HKD 99!

Cao Kun waved his hand and formed two more small mountains.

"Wow!" Mediterranean's eyes lit up.

With these weapons, we can go straight to the headquarters of the East Lake Gang!

"You still want grenades?" Cao Kun patted Mediterranean, who was surprised, and said, "We have to win people over with virtue. What if the grenade is too powerful and is thoroughly investigated by the higher-ups?"

"Remember! Those who disagree to give up the territory should use submachine guns, and then use Black Stars. Black Stars are machetes when they have no bullets!"

"Understood! Win people over with virtue!" Mediterranean nodded repeatedly.

"Very good!" Cao Kun lit a cigarette in a casual manner, pointed at the brothers in the car, and said: "Let the brothers line up and come to get the weapons. Each person will get a Black Star and a shell. If the bullets are used up, they will get a machete. There are five submachine guns!"

"Understood!" Hai Di hurriedly asked the brothers in the car to get off and line up to get the weapons.

The brothers who received the order lined up consciously with a happy look on their faces.

They were holding Black Stars in their left hands and machetes in their right hands, with a magazine in their pockets, and one of every five people had a submachine gun hanging around their necks.

The brothers who got the weapons returned to the car consciously.

"Remember! Let the brothers in the car keep a low profile! If you meet the police on the road, remember to show your weapons so that they can see if you can pass~" Cao Kun patted Hai Di and instructed.

"Understood! Conquer people with virtue!" Hai Di patted the submachine gun hanging around his neck and said.

The brothers on the field were very conscious, and soon everyone got weapons in their hands, including the red sticks on the field.

There were a total of seventy red sticks on the field. Mediterranean divided these red sticks into two groups. Ten of them led five hundred people to support Gangzhu and his men in Sanshui.As for the remaining sixty red sticks, Hai Di plans to let them lead four thousand people. In the remaining five areas, each area will be led by twelve red sticks with eight hundred people.

Tainan's underworld sphere of influence seemed to emerge in Hai Di's mind. Qiu Xiaochi's territory was scattered in different places in these areas, so the red sticks in each area will lead different team members to take these scattered territories.

First of all, there are six areas in Sanshui that are Qiu Xiaochi's territory. It is estimated that there should be less than a thousand people on Qiu Xiaochi's side. After the gunfight with the Sanlian Gang last night, these people should also have revenged the members of the Sanlian Gang. In addition, these people are not regular teams, but composed of some gangsters. Seven or eight people may carry a gun. With their firepower level, if they are ambushed in advance, it is very easy for Hai Di to deal with these seven territories!

Hai Di told the twelve red sticks who were going to lead five hundred people to Sanshui about his analysis of Sanshui. Since Cao Kun asked Gang Zhu and others to take over Sanshui's territory, it should be decided by Gang Zhu and others.

The red sticks understood what Mediterranean meant, so they took 500 people to Sanshui to meet up with Gangzhu and his men.

Then came the remaining five areas, namely Yongkang, Rende, Guiren, Qingmu, and Xixiang.

Among them, there should be thousands of Qiu Xiaochi's people in Xixiang, Qingmu, and Guiren. There are exactly 36 scattered territories of different sizes. Mediterranean asked 36 red sticks to lead more than 60 people to lurk near these territories in advance, and wait for an opportunity to take action at 12 o'clock!

The 36 red sticks who received the order then led their people to the territories of these areas.

There should be about 1,500 people under Qiu Xiaochi in Yongkang District, and there are 28 territories of different sizes in the district. Mediterranean selected people from his younger brothers to go to other territories in addition to sending 12 red sticks to the larger territories according to the size of the territories!

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