Neither Qiu Xiaochi's people nor Hai'an expected Lei Gong's arrangement.

Hai'an, of course, dispersed his people in fourteen areas, waiting for Lei Gong and Qiu Xiaochi's people to finish fighting and then pick up the ready-made ones.

However, the disadvantage of dispersing people for support is that when Lei Gong concentrates his firepower on the other seven areas, they cannot support other areas so quickly.

Hai'an never thought that he would be tricked by Lei Gong.

For him, fists are everything, there is no need for so many twists and turns.

Starting from twelve o'clock, Lei Gong's people in these fourteen areas acted at the same time. A small number of people were just to confuse Hai'an and Qiu Xiaochi and their people, and naturally they would not fight with them...

These people mainly made trouble in the seven areas, threw a few grenades, or fired a few shots. As soon as Qiu Xiaochi's people came out, they ran away, and there was no need for the East Lake Gang to rescue them, and the battle was over.

Such operations made Qiu Xiaochi's people think that the people of the Sanlian Gang were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Unexpectedly, Lei Gong gathered most of the people to attack these seven districts, and sent the Sanlian Commando as the vanguard, catching the people in these seven districts off guard...

Daxing District is the most lucrative area among the fourteen territories except the urban area. Not only Lei Gong knows that it is a government development planning area, but Hai'an, the leader of the Donghu Gang, also knows it.

Therefore, Hai'an also specially arranged for the "Donghu Gang Suicide Squad" that their Donghu Gang is proud of to support them. This unit is known as the strongest combat force of their Donghu Gang!

However, compared with the well-trained Sanlian Gang Commando, the Donghu Gang's Suicide Squad is composed of some desperate people in the gang. They are proud to join the Suicide Squad. The firepower equipment looks very powerful, but compared with the well-trained "Sanlian Gang Commando", the overall combat effectiveness is still a little worse.

Moreover, this Suicide Squad was also picked up ready-made in the past.

Qiu Xiaochi and his men were swept by the Sanlian Gang's commandos. They didn't struggle for long and ran faster than rabbits...

The death squads hadn't even come on the field yet, and the territory had already fallen into the hands of the Sanlian Gang. When they came on the field, the Sanlian Gang had an advantage in numbers, and even the Sanlian Commandos were stronger than them...

The ending is predictable.

Lei Gong sent most of his men to the seven regions, and Qiu Xiaochi's men were the first to be dealt with. The Donghu Gang who came to support wanted to pick up the scene, but they didn't have as many people and firepower as the Sanlian Gang, so they could only run away!

In the end, before people from other regions came to support, the territories of all sizes had already fallen into the hands of the Sanlian Gang.

And Cao Kun's men also took over all the territories in the six regions, but it was hard for those brothers who drove refrigerated trucks, who ran around the regions and were basically packed!


"Fuck! Are you all useless?"

"Hit them! Why are you running!"

"You're not going to fight even though the firepower is strong?"

"Why are you afraid of death?"

Except for the seven areas that the Sanlian Gang didn't want, all fourteen areas, including the territory in the urban area, fell into the hands of Cao Kun and the Sanlian Gang, causing Hai'an in the villa to be furious.

The hall masters on the field didn't dare to speak.

Some of the hall masters they sent to these areas not only suffered casualties, but the others all ran away, so they didn't have the nerve to speak.

The only ones who didn't suffer casualties were the people in the seven areas.

However, they didn't get any advantage.

Qiu Xiaochi's people were not dealt with, and they didn't have the opportunity to take over those territories.

Overall, the East Lake Gang suffered heavy losses tonight.

Moreover, they still didn't get the territory, and so many people were killed and injured.

Hai'an was furious in the villa. Although Lei Gong of the Sanlian Gang had taken over seven areas in the villa, there was no trace of joy between his eyebrows. Tonight, the Sanlian Gang paid a lot of price, and many people died for these territories.

Especially, when Lei Gong heard that Cao Kun and his men had also taken over the city and the other six areas, and the firepower of each of them was more powerful than that of the Sanlian Gang, and the fight was unusually smooth, how could he be happy?

Originally thought that Cao Kun and his men were dealt with by the government, but unexpectedly it was the people of the United Government who dealt with the city.

Not a single shot was fired...

Lei Gong felt that this was an outrageous opening of the door.

"Where does this bastard get so much power?"

"If we deal with Qiu Xiaochi, at most we can get Qiu Xiaochi's money, but how can we get Qiu Xiaochi's connections?"

Lei Gong became more and more angry as he thought about it, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he muttered: "Could it be that he got the account book of Qiu Xiaochi's bribery of officials?"

"That's not right. If it was just the account book, the police in the city wouldn't have cooperated.He organized this big operation."

"Does he have any evidence?"

Lei Gong's eyes flashed with determination. Cao Kun must have got some evidence against the officials, so he could join forces with the government to seize the territory in the city.

"I didn't expect that I underestimated this bastard! I said, he even relied on me to get out of prison before, how could he suddenly know people in the officialdom?"

"But how to explain those people in Cao Kun's hands? Where did he get so many people to help him do things, and the arms? "

Lei Gong had too many questions in his mind, but at this moment he had already fallen out with Cao Kun, and he knew that Cao Kun didn't need to explain these to him.

Even, Lei Gong regretted it.

I shouldn't have said it so decisively. If I could maintain a relationship with Cao Kun, maybe he would have a share of the territory that was taken.

The news that the urban area was taken by Cao Kun has spread.

The big brothers who were deceived by Lu Dianfan learned that they were deceived to the Tainan city area, and they all greeted Lu Dianfan's eighteen generations of ancestors. Some people were so angry that they called Lu Dianfan directly...

But Lu Dianfan was well prepared and removed the battery of his personal mobile phone.

However, even if these big brothers knew that they were deceived, they didn't dare to rashly bring people to Cao Kun for trouble, because the streets in the city were guarded by armed police. They had to confront the government head-on, unless they didn't want to stay in Tainan anymore.

However, after Haitang learned that she had fallen into a trap, she led more than 2,000 people to Cao Kun's territory regardless of anything. Even though she knew that the streets were guarded, she was so angry that she didn't even bring a gun, but insisted on looking for Cao Kun. . .

The thousands of people in the car formed a long convoy, but were stopped by Tang Baoqiang's people.

The traffic police captain recognized Haitang's car. He asked the people below to put down their guns first, came to Haitang's car window, and said: "Miss Haitang! The whole city is under martial law tonight! Where are you going with so many people? Don't make things difficult for us!"

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