Instead of wasting time rescuing them, it is better to let them be thrown into the wilderness to fend for themselves.

Of course, he is a policeman, how could he do such a thing.

If there are still people who can be saved, let them be thrown to the hospital entrance.

"One more thing! Have you thought about it?"

Lu Dianfan looked back in the direction of Haitang and asked tentatively.

Haitang is the daughter of Hai'an of the East Lake Gang. As Haitang said, they have someone above them.

Lu Dianfan has now stood on Cao Kun's side, but he is also afraid that Cao Kun can't handle Hai'an of the East Lake Gang.

After all, if Hai'an's daughter suffers any loss, Hai'an will definitely not let Cao Kun go!

"Don't worry! Hai'an can't jump up, even my daughter is in my hands, what else can he dare to do?" Cao Kun said.

Hearing this, Lu Dianfan suddenly realized that Cao Kun not only wanted Haitang's body and territory, but also wanted to use this to threaten Hai'an. It was really despicable!

"Brother Kun! You can't kill him. Hai'an is famous for loving his daughter. He will never let you go if something happens. You are useful only when you are alive!" Lu Dianfan reminded.

"As for that bastard Hai'an, I will slowly deal with him after I touch his daughter. You just need to guard the city for me! I will deal with Hai'an!" Cao Kun said.

"Understood!" Lu Dianfan nodded.


Since the North District and the South District are at one end, Zuo Wei and Greyhound, Dafan and Tachibana Masahito plan to take 250 people each to take care of the territory of the East Lake Gang!

Haitang dispatched most of the people of the East Lake Gang, and there were not many people left in the two areas. Lu Dianfan notified Tang Baoqiang and Xiao Kuntai and asked them to meet with Cao Kun's people later. At this time, the two also knew what happened!

Now it's a matter of standing in line. Cao Kun and his men have even dealt with the East Lake Gang, and the superiors allow them to help Cao Kun. As the chiefs of the district police station, the two naturally listen to the arrangements of the superiors.

Although more than a thousand people escaped, there were still many cars left on the street, and most of them did not have their keys removed, which indirectly solved the car problem for Zuo Wei and his team!

After returning from Changsheng Street, Wu Xinglin stayed in the office to listen to reports from other areas, thinking about how to write the report while waiting for the people above to call him so that he could test the attitude of the people above...

Who knew that before the people above called, Lu Dianfan and his team reported the Changsheng Street incident to him first.

Wu Xinglin found it incredible to learn that Cao Kun had dealt with Haitang's people, and that Lu Dianfan and his team boasted that Cao Kun's people had super combat power...

However, Wu Xinglin also knew that Lu Dianfan's people were the same as him, and liked to exaggerate, so he just thought that Cao Kun's people were very good at fighting, and did not think that these people were as exaggerated as Lu Dianfan and his team said.

"Haitang cannot be killed!" Wu Xinglin specifically instructed.

Lu Dianfan did not tell Haitang that Cao Kun had given her medicine on the phone. He only told her that Haitang had fallen into Cao Kun's hands, and then said, "Cao Kun knows about this, and he wants to threaten Hai'an by keeping Haitang alive!"

"This bastard still has brains!" Wu Xinglin breathed a sigh of relief. If Haitang was killed by Cao Kun, Hai'an would definitely go crazy and lead people to kill in the city, which is what Wu Xinglin was worried about.


On the other hand, Hai'an also received the news that Haitang did not escape with the people under him, and now he was still in Changsheng Street, his life or death was uncertain. He was furious and asked the people who escaped to go back to kill again...

But those people were afraid to run away, so how could they dare to lead people to kill again.

Hai'an, who was worried about Haitang's safety, had to call Wu Xinglin, the bastard, to ask him that if Haitang suffered any losses, he would definitely lead people to kill in the city.

At this time, Wu Xinglin had just finished a call with Lu Dianfan. When his cell phone rang, he picked it up when he saw it was from Hai'an and asked, "Is it Hai'an?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me. I just want to ask you one question. How is my daughter?" Hai'an asked anxiously.

"Your daughter is in Cao Kun's hands now. She is fine! She is still alive!" Wu Xinglin replied.

"I want to hear my daughter's voice. You bastard and Cao Kun are in the same nest. I don't believe you!" Hai'an said, fearing a fraud.

You don't believe me, but you still call me? Wu Xinglin was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not in Changsheng Street. I'll give you Cao Kun's phone number. You call him and listen to... your daughter's voice."

"Okay! You say!" Hai'an said impatiently.

Then, Wu Xinglin gave Cao Kun's phone number to Hai'an, and Hai'an quickly called.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

At this time, Cao Kun had someone carry Haitang to the presidential suite of the hotel. Her hands and feet were tied with ropes, and even her mouth was taped by Cao Kun.Haitang, thrown on the bed by Cao Kun, made a "Mmmmm" sound!

"Mmmmm! I haven't even touched you yet!" Cao Kun slapped Haitang on her hips in annoyance, causing her tears to burst out in pain, and she "Mmmmm" even louder.

Cao Kun picked up the mobile phone on the table and answered it, saying, "Speak!"

"Are you that bastard Cao Kun? How is my daughter Haitang?" Hai'an shouted.

"You are that bastard Hai'an!" Cao Kun raised his mouth slightly, touched Haitang's hair, and said, "I take good care of your daughter!"

Hearing that it was her father calling, Haitang couldn't help but burst into tears. She struggled desperately but couldn't break free from the restraints. Instead, Cao Kun pinched her chin, causing her so much pain that she dared not move.

"Let my daughter go. If my daughter suffers any loss, I will never let you go!" Hai'an heard the sound of "Mmmmm". He couldn't imagine what kind of abuse his daughter had suffered...

"Hai'an! I just found out today that your daughter was the real murderer who hired a killer to kill me at the prison gate. Do you think I will let her go easily?" Cao Kun sneered.

"Dad..." Cao Kun tore off the tape on Haitang's mouth and quickly closed it, allowing Hai'an to hear his daughter's miserable cry.

Haitang wanted to say, "Don't worry about me", but she didn't expect Cao Kun to be so mean and didn't let her finish her words.

This "Dad" made Hai'an, who always loved his daughter, change his face. He continued to threaten: "Cao Kun! Let my daughter go quickly. If anything happens to her, I, Hai'an, will definitely kill you at all costs!"

Hai'an's tone seemed a little weak, revealing his concern for his daughter.

"Oh~ Why at all costs?" Cao Kun patted Haitang's face, and the palm print he slapped was still clearly visible.

He not only wanted to bully Haitang, he also planned to take over the Donghu Gang's territory.

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