Nothing? ? ?

Not only will his son become a eunuch in the future, but he will also have trouble going to the toilet. How can he be okay?

Instantly, Liang Baiwan, who was over 60 years old and had gray hair, had tears in his eyes and his whole body was shaking...

He couldn't believe that his son would become like this...

"Boss Liang!" the doctor called softly.

He came out to get Liang Baiwan to sign. If Liang Hao died and no family members signed, it would be troublesome to be held accountable!

Liang Baiwan wiped the tears from his face, held the doctor's arm and said, "Doctor! You must save my son's life no matter what. I am willing to pay any price!"

"This is what we should do! Boss Liang! Please come here with me to sign!" The doctor took Liang Baiwan to sign, and Jinlian was also helped up by the bodyguard.

When Liang Baiwan came back after signing, his wife Jinlian, who was in her 40s, was at the door of the emergency room, pointing at Wu Xinglin and cursing like a shrew...

People who didn't know would think that Wu Xinglin had caused his son to be like this!

Wu Xinglin was speechless.

He saved his son's life, but he didn't say a word of thanks.

He made him look like an accomplice!

"Enough!" Liang Baiwan shouted angrily. Jinlian's fierce look made him very angry.

"Do you really want Ahao to die in there? Shouting so loudly!"

Hearing this, Jinlian was stunned for a moment, then ran to the door of the emergency room and covered her mouth and cried.

Liang Baiwan came to Wu Xinglin, with murderous intent on his face, and said, "Director Wu! Thank you for saving my son's life!"

"It should be!" Liang Baiwan's expression gave Wu Xinglin a premonition, and he stood up with a serious face.

"I hope you can handle this matter impartially! I don't want the murderer to get away with it!" Liang Baiwan spoke word by word, and every word seemed to contain murderous intent.

Over the years, he has been quite polite to these black and white people in Tainan.

He doesn't cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it!

Dare to touch his son Liang Baiwan!

The whole family will be buried with him! ! !

"I understand!" Wu Xinglin nodded.

"I, Liang Baiwan, am also a well-known person in Tainan. I believe you... Director Wu! You won't let me down!" Liang Baiwan deliberately emphasized his tone.

"I understand!"

How could Wu Xinglin not know what Liang Baiwan was?

Liang's ancestors sold opium, were traitors...

They also left Liang Baiwan a huge fortune! ! !

Who in Tainan doesn't know!

"My son was killed in the same way, the murderer must become the same way. If you don't do it, I will make you pay for it! Wu Xinglin!"

Wu Xinglin was about to leave with a few policemen, and Jinlian pointed at him and ordered loudly.

Even Buddhas are angry, let alone him.

However, Wu Xinglin still said nothing and walked downstairs with a few policemen.

Tonight, smoke was everywhere in Tainan. After Zuo Wei and others dealt with the matter of Yuke Street, they returned to various areas to clean up other forces and expand the territory for Cao Kun!

One force after another was beaten to their knees and surrendered, either handing over their territory or being snatched away by Cao Kun's men...

Refrigerated trucks and other trucks were running around Tainan City. Except for Zhang Wanlin's Tainan Gang, other forces were heading towards being swept away by Cao Kun and his men.

On the other hand, under the command of the Mediterranean, people who had settled in Sanshui, Qingmu, Yongkang, Rende, Guiren, and Xixiang, all large and small, were also expanding outward frantically tonight!

They only followed the principle of "those who obey will prosper, and those who resist will perish", using blood, bullets, and machetes to start a war with the enemy, spreading in these six areas, eroding the territory of these six areas step by step, and being unstoppable!

"Director Wu! What's going on?"

Lu Dianfan and his men were waiting at the entrance of the hospital. Tonight, the city was "smoking everywhere" and "fireworks and firecrackers" were set off everywhere. The police chiefs of several district bureaus had a tacit understanding and let Cao Kun and his men grab the territory.

Lu Dianfan was only responsible for the Central and Western District of Cao Kun, where he had arranged his men to watch over him. He came to the hospital out of boredom.

Seeing Wu Xinglin and his men coming out, he approached and asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, a red Porsche suddenly drove to the hospital gate, and Yuan Hua hurriedly got out of the car and ran into the hospital.

"Mr. Yuan!" Lu Dianfan recognized Yuan Hua and shouted at his back.

"Cao Kun! Where is he now?" Wu Xinglin asked.

Hearing this, Lu Dianfan was stunned for a moment. He pulled Wu Xinglin aside, asked his men to walk away, and said, "He took Director Song's daughter to the hotel and hasn't come down yet!"

"What is his relationship with Yavon?" Wu Xinglin asked.

He had read Cao Kun's information. Cao Kun had been in prison for the past few years, so he shouldn't have known Song Yafang."Brother-in-law! Can't you see this?" Lu Dianfan looked back and said, "Song Yafang must have been drugged. I heard that Liang Hao invited Song Yafang to the restaurant tonight..."

"You mean, Liang Hao drugged Song Yafang, and Cao Kun happened to save Song Yafang?" Wu Xinglin thought, recalling the voices he heard outside in the hall, as if he vaguely heard Song Yafang asking "Did you drug her?"

In this way, Cao Kun did a good thing!

"That's right! He got it for free again! Director Song's daughter is only in her twenties, and it was Haitang last night. Cao Kun, this bastard, is not afraid of spraining his waist!" Lu Dianfan said jealously.

"How do you know that Yafang was drugged?" Wu Xinglin asked.

"Liang Hao is not as handsome as me, and he likes to drug women with Mr. Yuan... In addition to the look on Song Yafang's face, I judged that she was drugged!" Lu Dianfan explained.

Hearing this, Wu Xinglin also felt that it made sense.

Liang Hao even dared to drug the daughter of the inspector general of the police department. He really doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!

"How is Mr. Liang?" Lu Dianfan asked.

"He is still receiving emergency treatment! If you are worried, go up and take a look!" Wu Xinglin said, walking towards their car.

"I'm not worried about whether he is dead or not, I want to know what you are going to do?" Lu Dianfan held Wu Xinglin's hand.

"What do you want me to do?" At this moment, even Wu Xinglin hadn't figured out what to do. Although he liked women, he had never drugged them. He was full of disgust for such a despicable method.

If it weren't for the Liang family and Mayor Yuan, Wu Xinglin would have wanted to arrest them and put them in jail.

Lu Dianfan was no exception. The girl who was raped by Liang Hao and Yuan Hua was forced to jump off the building in the end.

That was the daughter of his elementary school classmate.

Now even his classmates are missing.

"I don't know either." Lu Dianfan smiled bitterly.

"It's not that easy to bring down the Liang family?" Wu Xinglin sighed and said, "Let's talk about it when we get to Changsheng Street!"

They are in the same boat with Cao Kun, and protecting Cao Kun is also protecting them.

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