Cao Kun wanted to test Hai'an's attitude.

Will he call for support?

However, his purpose was to make a feint to the east and attack the west, and take his men to the East Lake Gang's lair, which was Hai'an's villa!

"Brother Kun! What will happen after the wind blows?" Hai'an asked.

"After the wind blows, we will still follow the previous routine, first deal with the big brothers of the big and small territories in these seven districts, and then take over their territories in one fell swoop to expand our territory!" Cao Kun said.

"You mean, just the territory of the East Lake Gang?" Hai'an asked.

"That's right! Eat one bite at a time, drink one sip at a time, and it's easy to get hurt if you take too big a step!" Cao Kun said.

The territorial power of the seven districts is not small. They have just taken over the territories of the seven districts. There are people, but loyalty is also a problem.

People who are convinced by force may not be convinced in their hearts.

They are in a good situation now, and these people dare not betray.

However, once there is any disturbance, these people are potential threats.

Therefore, Cao Kun is not in a hurry, he has to take steady steps.

Take the territory, and hold it firmly, so that these people will be sincerely convinced!

"That's no problem! I will send more people to these people now, kill them first and then blow the wind outside!" said Mediterranean.

On the surface, they have all taken seven districts, but Mediterranean and Cao Kun have the same concerns. They took it too short a time, and it is not suitable to expand too much at once.

If it causes internal and external troubles, it will be more harm than good!

"This matter is left to you to command. You take the territory of these seven districts tonight. I will go to the East Lake to help the old nest tonight and deal with Coast!" Cao Kun said.

"Okay! Brother Kun! You are making a feint to the east and attacking in the west!" Mediterranean was a little surprised.

"That's right! Coast wants to see his daughter so much, I will take her daughter to see him in person and let their family unite!" said Cao Kun.

"Brother Kun! I heard that you have circled and crossed his daughter. Don't you want to do it in front of Coast..." Mediterranean said evilly.

"Ahem!" Cao Kun coughed dryly and said, "How can you say such a thought? I am not such a person!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I was wrong!" Hai Di said angrily.

Accidentally, he said what was in his heart.

After talking to Hai Di on the phone, Cao Kun contacted Barney again.

"Barney! How are you these two days? Bring that bitch back here at 10 o'clock tonight. We have a big action tonight!"

"Everything goes well! OK! Brother Kun!" Barney said.

After hanging up the phone, Barney conveyed Cao Kun's words to Santa Claus and others.

Finally, they can leave here, and they are also happy.

However, Hai Tang's face, which was swollen from being slapped, and her resentful eyes revealed that she had not had a good time these two days.

She thought about committing suicide these two days because she thought that Cao Kun might use her to threaten her father.

However, she didn't even have the chance to commit suicide.

Her whole body was tied up, and there were cloth strips in her mouth, so she couldn't bite her tongue to commit suicide.

She even wanted to go on a hunger strike.

But Jiu Mei and A Ye directly poured food into her mouth.

It made her want to die.

She deeply experienced what despair was!

Since last night, Hai Di had arranged people to monitor the big brothers of the Donghu Gang.

After hanging up the phone, Hai Di arranged more people to go there.

“Bang… Bang… Bang…”

When these people got near these big brothers, they pulled the trigger on these big brothers as soon as they found an opportunity, regardless of whether there were people around, and dared to shoot in broad daylight.

The people around were scared to flee in all directions. Even if those big brothers were protected by their younger brothers, they only brought pistols and other protections.

Who knew that these killers were so unethical!

It would be fine if there was no one to protect them, because only the big brother would die.

A group of people protected the big brother and threw a grenade directly over.

It was the kind that pulled the ring and waited for three seconds before throwing it over.

They didn't even have a chance to run!

"Bang... Bang bang!"

The sound of gunfire and explosions rang out in the seven districts.

Instantly, smoke rose everywhere.

These dead brothers were all the brothers of the East Lake Gang.

The remaining ones who were not dead or who were lucky enough to survive all hid and were able to keep their lives temporarily.

Such a targeted action and crazy way of doing things...

Who else could it be if it wasn't Cao Kun's people?

As a result, the people of the East Lake Gang wanted to rush to the city and cut Cao Kun into pieces to vent their hatred!

As the brothers fell one by one, the Mediterranean took the opportunity to spread the word that they wanted to take over the territories of the seven districts of the East Lake Gang.

The reason was also very good.

"These people are the remnants of Qiu Xiaochi. We have no intention of cooperating with them.The East Lake Gang went to war, but Qiu Xiaochi was too much. They used to clean up the East Lake Gang!"

This statement was like a slap in the face of the East Lake Gang.

Everyone in the Jianghu knows that these people have returned to the East Lake Gang again.

They said they would not go to war with the East Lake Gang, but those people were all members of the East Lake Gang!

And they said Qiu Xiaochi was too much?

It was simply Mediterranean who was too much!

Everyone knows that Qiu Xiaochi was the scapegoat pushed out by them!

Eighty percent of them are dead...

The actions of Mediterranean and others made the people of the East Lake Gang furious, and even Hai'an was furious!

And the hall masters of the East Lake Gang also came to Hai'an's villa one after another.

"Boss! Cao Kun and his people have bullied us to our doorstep. Our people said that if we don't take action, they will leave the East Lake Gang!"

"Instead of sitting and waiting for others to kill us, why not do it vigorously! ”

“Boss! Miss Haitang will also support your approach!”

“Don’t hesitate, big brother!”

“Cao Kun and the others are going to help us swallow them up!”

“If we don’t fight back, how will the brothers below see us?”

“If I hadn’t held down the people below, they would have taken their weapons and killed their way to the city to fight Cao Kun!”

The hall masters shouted indignantly.

If it weren’t for the boss Hai’an, how could they be so passive.

The daughter was done by Cao Kun.

It’s the same whether she is rescued or not.

Hai’an’s eyes were bloodshot. If his daughter wasn’t in Cao Kun’s hands, how could he tolerate it again and again!

“Listen to me, go all out to bring people to support the people in these seven districts. I don’t believe Cao Kun can cover the sky with one hand! "Hai'an shouted loudly.

He still couldn't do it, and led his men directly to the city.

Because in this way, his daughter would definitely be gone.

Let these people go to support, this is also his ultimatum to Cao Kun!

But, how could these hall masters not guess Hai'an's thoughts?

They are all old hands who have been in the world for many years.

"Brother! I think we should just lead our men to the city!"

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