When Li Jun departed from Mabast Island to Hong Kong Island, an international flight from Eagle Country to Hong Kong Island slowly landed at Kai Tak International Airport.

After the plane stopped, the three senior secretaries of the British Hong Kong who had been waiting at the airport for a long time, the Governor Shi Kang, the Financial Secretary Gerald, the Secretary for Justice Zhou Bingwen, and the Commissioner of Police of the Hong Kong Island Police Force Mai Yanhao, immediately walked towards the plane with more than a dozen staff members.

And the person who could make these four top British Hong Kong officials, especially the Acting Governor Shi Kang, come to the airport to greet them in person, was naturally Eugene's successor, the new Governor of Hong Kong Peng Jiakang.

If Li Jun heard this name, he would immediately react that Peng Jiakang was the last governor of Hong Kong Island.

A few minutes later, the door of the plane opened, and then a blond foreigner slowly walked down the plane under the protection of two bald bodyguards.

"Mr. Governor!"

"Mr. Governor!"

"Mr. Governor!"

Shi Kang, Gerald, Zhou Bingwen, and Mai Renhao immediately greeted Peng Jiakang and smiled.

According to convention, Shi Kang, Mai Renhao and others did not need to come to the airport to pick up the new governor. They only needed to sit in the office, wait for the governor's call, and go to the governor's residence to meet the new governor.

But the new governor Peng Jiakang is different.

Strictly speaking, he is different from the previous 20 governors.

All the previous governors were officials of the Colonial Office without exception, and were transferred to Hong Kong Island by the Colonial Office to serve.

But Peng Jiakang is different. He used to be the leader of the Conservative Party and was an absolute high-level figure in the entire Eagle Government. If he had not unexpectedly failed in his election for the House of Commons, he would have been the Minister of Finance or Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Eagle Government, a real core of power.

Perhaps it was because of Eugene's sad exit that the Eagle Government had a sense of crisis about the situation in Hong Kong Island, so they specially selected such a powerful figure to come to Hong Kong Island to serve as the Governor of Hong Kong Island to stabilize the situation in Hong Kong Island for Eagle Country.

It is also because of this that Shi Kang, Gerald, Zhou Bingwen, and Mai Renhao came to pick him up at the airport and flattered him at the first time.

"Gentlemen, thank you for coming to pick me up. Thank you for your hard work."

Peng Jiakang was very polite.

"Mr. Governor, you are too polite. We have prepared a welcoming ceremony for you. What do you think?"

Shi Kang said with a smile.

"Mr. Governor, let's hand over the work first. Government affairs are important."

Peng Jiakang replied with a smile, but his tone was firm and could not be refused.

"Okay, Mr. Governor."

Shi Kang immediately agreed, and then got on the Governor's special car with Peng Jiakang.

"Mr. Governor, when I was in the foggy city, I heard that there was a Chinese man in Hong Kong who was very troublesome. I think his name was Li Jun, right?"

After getting in the car, Peng Jiakang looked at Shi Kang beside him, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

Obviously, this Governor of Hong Kong had bad intentions...

Nathan Road, Hong Kong Island.

A Rolls-Royce sedan with a license plate of a queen's crown was driving slowly on the road.

In the car, after listening to Peng Jiakang's words, Shi Kang pondered for a few seconds, sorted out his words, and replied: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, that guy is indeed a trouble, but he has not been in Hong Kong Island in the past six months, so we have not put our energy on him."

Li Jun sealed off Mabast Island tightly. Even if the people of MI6 have been looking for Li Jun's traces, they can only know that he is now in Southeast Asia, possibly in Luzon, but where exactly he is, the foreigners have no idea at all.

Hearing Shi Kang's words, Peng Jiakang turned his head and looked at Shi Kang deeply, which made Shi Kang feel a little flustered. Peng Jiakang said lightly: "Mr. Governor, before I came here, I went to Wales to visit Mr. Eugene, and he told me a lot."

"Among them, the most is about Li Jun, a Chinese. Eugene told me that although this Chinese now seems to have less financial and human resources than some big families in Hong Kong Island, his potential and determination to confront our Hong Kong British high-level officials are the greatest in the entire Hong Kong Island."

Speaking of this, Peng Jiakang paused slightly, emphasized his tone, and continued: "Mr. Governor, for such a person, unless he is dead, even if he is in Antarctica, we must keep a close eye on him."

"Mr. Governor, I neglected it."

If it were anyone else, Shi Kang would have directly retorted, but facing Peng Jiakang, he really didn't have the confidence.

Shi Kang knew very well that the current Prime Minister of the Eagle Kingdom, John Merry, was a good friend of Peng Jiakang. This was also the first time in history that the appointment letter of the Governor of Hong Kong was signed by the Prime Minister. Peng Jiakang was not only the Queen's representative, but also the Imperial Envoy of the Zujia Cabinet..

Shi Kang knew without thinking that such a powerful Governor must establish his authority after coming to Hong Kong Island.

Shi Kang didn't want to be the target of Peng Jiakang's authority.

Thinking of this, Shi Kang thought of something and said quickly: "Mr. Governor, Li Jun has a woman named Meng Na under him. She cooperated with Tang Judy of Shimao Group to open a Mengzhi Club. I think this club should be related to Li Jun. This club will open tomorrow. I guess Li Jun may return to Hong Kong Island to attend the opening ceremony."

Shi Kang made a thorough analysis.

"Mr. Governor, let me ask you, even if Li Jun returns to Hong Kong Island tomorrow, what do you want to do to him? Or in other words, what can you do to him?"

Peng Jiakang glanced at Shi Kang and asked lightly.


Shi Kang was about to say something when he found something wrong. He found that even if Li Jun returned to Hong Kong Island tomorrow, he could not do anything to Li Jun. Now Li Jun is a real 'law-abiding citizen'.

"Mr. Governor, it's not enough to just keep an eye on someone."

Peng Jiakang smiled and said slowly.

Although Peng Jiakang's tone was very light, it made Shi Kang feel flustered, and a few strands of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Mr. Governor, after the dissolution of the Political Department, did you take any remedial measures?"

What made Shi Kang feel relieved was that Peng Jiakang did not ask about Li Jun to the end, but gave himself a face and changed the topic.

"I set up an investigation department under the office of the Secretary for Administration. The people in it are all the original people of the Political Department. Except for the lack of official legal documents, the rest are the same as the previous Political Department."

Shi Kang replied immediately.

"Mr. Governor, you did a good job on this point. After we hand over the work, you will focus all your work on this investigation department. I will also greet their supervisors at MI6 and make sure to find out the latest developments of Li Jun."

Peng Jiakang said lightly.

"Mr. Governor, what do you mean?"

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