
The words of Sha Ji, Greyhound, and Fatty Li caused a lot of discussion in the club.

Once these three people left, plus the dead cover fit people and the original vacant positions, it means that there are now eleven vacancies among the twelve fit people in Hongxing.

Thinking of this, everyone present looked at Li Jun with shining eyes.

Who doesn't want to go further if they can get a good job?

However, Li Jun ignored the gazes of these people and first said to Sha Ji, Greyhound, and Fatty Li: "Brother Ji, Brother Dog, Uncle Li, you three have been in Hongxing for so many years and have made great contributions to Hongxing. I am really reluctant to see you retire like this."

"Your mother, please let me be free soon!"

Sha Ji listened to Li Jun's words and shouted wildly in his heart. At the same time, he said with Greyhound and Fatty Li: "Ah Jun, we really want to retire."

"Since the attitude of the three of you is so firm, I can't force you to stay, but remember, Hongxing will always be your home."

Li Jun said to the three with a smile.

Then, Li Jun continued, "Just now I heard some brothers say that a country cannot be without a king for a day, and a family cannot be without a master for a day. I agree that Hongxing cannot be without a leader, but we Hongxing also value democracy the most. If you have any good candidates for the leader in your mind, you can speak freely."

"Brother Jun, the position of leader must belong to you!"

After Li Jun's voice fell, Dafei was the first to shout.

"Brother Jun, if you don't become the leader, I will not accept anyone else."

Soon, under the unanimous call of everyone in the audience, Li Jun reluctantly became the new leader of Hongxing Society.

Finally, the Tangkou Conference came to the much-anticipated part, selecting the twelve Tangkou lfit people.

The twelve Tangkou cover fit people of Hongxing are different from the regional leaders of other societies. These twelve Tangkou cover fit people not only manage their own turf, but also can participate in the discussion and voting of major social events. They have great power and can be said to be the professional dream of all Hongxing people.

It's just that Li Jun's next operation made almost everyone present confused.

"Everyone, there are eleven vacancies for the cover-up person in the twelve halls. Originally, according to the rules of Hongxing, each cover-up person must be selected individually, but now is a special period, so let me make a decision and change my job for once."

The moment Li Jun finished speaking, he took out a page of paper and read slowly, "The cover-up person in Causeway Bay is Da Fei, the boss of Tsim Sha Tsui, Jiu Wenlong..."

Except Da Fei and Jiu Wenlong, the other ten people were suppressed by Jiang Tiansheng because of Li Jun. Under the distinction between loyalty and treachery, each of them has a big loyalty on his head.

In the past, they were suppressed because of Li Jun. Now that Li Jun has risen, naturally they must follow him to "rise to heaven".

After reading the list, Li Jun continued to say: "If everyone present thinks that the people on this list have problems and are not worthy of being cover-ups, just raise it, and I will definitely reconsider it."

After Li Jun finished speaking, no one spoke up. There is no fool who can point fingers at the bottom, not to mention that even fools know what to do at this time.

"Since no one has any objection, let's vote on this list. Please raise your hands if you agree."

Li Jun smiled and said slowly.

Without any surprise, after Li Jun finished speaking, everyone present raised their hands and voted unanimously.

Since then, the Hongxing Society has become the shape of Li Jun from top to bottom, from inside to outside.

Just when Li Jun became the most powerful leader in the history of Hongxing, a clinic called "Conscience Medical" in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Dr. Hong, thank you so much. Without you, I don't know what to do with my illness."

An old lady kept thanking him.

After the old lady left, Hong Wenbiao's wife walked to Hong Wenbiao and whispered, "Still no one who meets the requirements has come to the door?"


Hong Wenbiao sighed.

The name of his clinic is "Conscience Medical", but it is actually to help his brother Hong Wengang find people with various conditions, or to be more precise, human organs.

At this time, a man wearing a military green coat and sunglasses strode into the clinic and came to Hong Wenbiao.

Behind this man, there were four expressionless men.

They were Wang Jianjun and four "veterans".

"Hello, may I ask..."

Hong Wenbiao just opened his mouth, but saw the black muzzle of a pistol pointing at him.


Hong Wenbiao's wife was about to speak when she was grabbed by the hair by Wang Jianjun and slammed against the table, fainting on the spot.

At the same time, the four veterans closed the door of the clinic.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Hong Wenbiao waspanicked.

"Call your brother and tell him that you found the person with Bombay blood type, and ask him to come quickly."

Wang Jianjun said lightly.

"What do you want to do? I tell you, I won't..."

Hong Wenbiao stopped talking halfway, because Wang Jianjun had pointed a gun at his wife's head, "Listen, I need Hong Wengang to help me with something, don't let me kill anyone."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll call."

Hong Wenbiao said quickly, and then he picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.

At the same time, in an office building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Send someone to find it immediately. We must find the ship."

"Find a needle in a haystack? You have to find it for me. I tell you, if the ship is exposed, I'm done for, and you're done for too!"

"Hoo, hoo, hoo~"

At this point, because of the excitement, Hong Wengang's heart couldn't bear it. He took a few breaths and then he calmed down. He continued: "Go find it quickly!"

After that, Hong Wengang hung up the phone and cursed in a low voice: "Damn, bad luck!"

Ring, ring, ring

At this time, the phone rang.

"Which one?"

Hong Wengang asked after picking up the phone.

"Brother, it's me. I found a person with Bombay blood type here. I have stabilized him. Come here quickly and I'll match you!"

Hong Wenbiao's voice came from the receiver.

"What? Ah Biao, you are not kidding me?"

Hong Wengang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Come quickly, big brother, that person is here to ask me something, I'm hanging up first."

After saying this, Hong Wenbiao hung up the phone.

Hong Wengang immediately picked up his crutches and said to the two bodyguards not far away: "Let's go."

More than ten minutes later.

"A Biao, where is that person?"

As soon as Hong Wengang walked into the clinic, he asked immediately.


At this time, the door of the clinic was closed.

Then, 'Bang Bang Bang Bang~'

After four gunshots, Hong Wengang's two bodyguards were shot dead on the spot.

"A Biao, you..."

As soon as Hong Wengang said this, a cold object hit the back of his head. Even if he didn't look back, Hong Wengang knew that it was a gun.

"Brother, I didn't want to do it either. I was forced by them."

Hong Wenbiao said with a crying voice.

"What do you want to do?"

Compared to Hong Wenbiao, Hong Wengang was much calmer, and he asked slowly.

"There is a man named Ye Qiu in the Siamese prison. Get him out."

Wang Jianjun said calmly.

"No problem. This is very simple for me. My bodyguard has a satellite phone in his pocket. Take it and I'll make a call. It can be done today."

Hearing Wang Jianjun's words, Hong Wengang was relieved.

Soon, the satellite phone was in Hong Wengang's hand. He dialed a number and waited for the call to be connected. He said, "There is a man named Ye Qiu in the prison. Get him out and call me."

Hong Wengang was afraid that the other party would cross the river and demolish the bridge, so he left a hand for himself.

"Let's go!"

Wang Jianjun said calmly after Hong Wengang hung up the phone.

"Where to?"

Hong Wengang was a little confused.

"Come with me to a place. When Ye Qiu comes out safely, I will naturally let you go."

Wang Jianjun said slowly.

After following Li Jun for a few days, Wang Jianjun has learned the essence of Li Jun's work, never wasting.

Hong Wengang has made so much money that he cannot be allowed to take the coffin with him...

At the same time.

In the banquet hall on the top floor of the Confederation Hotel.

Li Jun, dressed in formal attire, walked into a private room under the guidance of a waiter. In this private room, a beautiful lady wearing a black off-shoulder dress, with a beautiful face, elegant temperament and exquisite figure was waiting here.

After seeing Li Jun walk into the private room, the beautiful lady stood up and said to Li Jun with a smile: "Mr. Li Jun? Hello, nice to meet you, I am Guo Kailin."

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