Hong Kong Island.

After the Hongxing Tong meeting, Li Jun announced that no port or wharf in Hong Kong Island would allow Jiang Tianyang's goods to enter, even if Jiang Tianyang had a penny of shares in it.

Of course, generally speaking, such words would only be used as a joke.

After all, Hong Kong Island is so big, there are 10 regular wharves of all sizes, not to mention some wharves that are specifically used for underground business. Not to mention Li Jun's words, even if the Governor of Hong Kong said something, it would be useless.

So, Li Jun did something while making the announcement, and it was because of this thing that Jiang Tianyang was so angry that he almost vomited blood after hearing this.

That morning, in a meeting room in the Kowloon Regional Headquarters Building of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

Chen Jiaju sat in the first row with a serious face. In front of him was a picture projected by a projector. The picture was a photo of a man, or more precisely, a photo of a middle-aged man.

Raymond, the commander of the Kowloon Regional Operations Department, stood on the stage, holding the microphone, and slowly said: "Next, please ask CIB colleague Liu Jianming to tell everyone about the general case."

After Raymond's voice fell, Liu Jianming walked onto the stage, took over Raymond's microphone, pointed to the photo of the middle-aged man and said: "Everyone here should be familiar with this person, one of the four major drug lords in Hong Kong Island, Zhu Tao."

"According to reliable intelligence, in order to fill the market vacated by Han Chen's disappearance, Zhu Tao will trade with drug dealers in Siam today. If this transaction is successful, at least 500 million Hong Kong dollars worth of flour will flow into Hong Kong Island, and our police force will be under great pressure at that time."

After Liu Jianming finished speaking, he returned the microphone to Raymond.

Raymond also continued: "Our goal this time is to arrest Zhu Tao and stop this transaction. From now on, everyone will hand over their communication equipment and cannot act alone. Even going to the toilet requires two people to go together until the end of the operation. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Jiaju and more than 20 other serious crime squad police officers shouted in unison.

"Okay, let's start drawing lots. The lot you draw will determine your job responsibilities in the operation. Everyone must keep the content of their work confidential. This operation is code-named Operation Pig Hunting!"

Raymond said slowly, word by word.

What Raymond didn't know was that before Liu Jianming entered this office, he had already told Li Jun about this police operation.

After being trained by Ahua, Liu Jianming's work enthusiasm has been greatly improved. After discovering that Zhu Tao's transaction target this time was Khun Sa, he immediately reported to Ahua.

Khun Sa is now Jiang Tianyang's largest partner, and Jiang Tianyang also has a share in his business.

Zhu Tao is a big drug lord, and the last thing a drug lord lacks is cash. Killing Zhu Tao can not only make money, but also serve as a warning to others and hit Jiang Tianyang. Why not? .

Li Jun wants to let everyone in Hong Kong Island see that this is the end of doing business with Jiang Tianyang in Hong Kong Island. He will kill Zhu Tao without hesitation. Other small characters should consider whether they have the life to make money and not the life to spend money.

When Li Jun was receiving the "respect of the masses" at the Hongxing Jingwu Hall, Ah Hua had already prepared with 50 "battle veterans" in the Diamond Hill wooden house area.

Diamond Hill wooden house area.

This wooden house area built on the top of the mountain has no planning. All the houses are built randomly and are built as conveniently as possible.

This leads to the complicated paths in this wooden house area. If ordinary people come here without someone familiar with the place to lead the way, they will definitely get lost.

The Hong Kong Island government also built a winding road around this wooden house area, and there are countless exits in the whole wooden house area that can lead to this winding road.

The roads in the wooden house area are not convenient for driving cars or even riding bicycles. Because of this, many times, some shady transactions will be carried out here.

For example, Zhu Tao placed his transaction with Khun Sa here.

"Sawadee ka!"

In a wooden house, a dark-skinned man saw Zhu Tao walk into the house and immediately put his hands together to greet Zhu Tao.

"Where is the goods?"

Zhu Tao did not say Sawadee ka to this Siamese man, but went straight to the point.


The Siamese man clapped his hands, and then a man behind him walked up to Zhu Tao with a box and put the box on the ground.

"Mr. Zhu, Lord Khun Sa has taken over the territory of the Eight-Faced Buddha. Now we have sufficient supply. As long as you can afford it, the goods worth 1 billion can be delivered to Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow at the latest."

The Siamese man looked at Zhu Tao and said with a smile.

Even the police could not have imagined that Zhu Tao wanted more than 500 million goods, but 1 billion.

"I have prepared the money. As long as the goods arrive, money is not a problem."

ZhuTao said with a smile while asking his men to open the boxes and check the goods inside.

"Mr. Zhu is really generous. This time, he took 1 billion goods to plan to eat up the market of Han Chen and Lian Haolong?"

The Siamese man obviously knew the situation in Hong Kong Island very well.

"Hong Kong Island is a place of wind and cloud, and also a tomb of heroes. No one can guarantee that he will live a hundred years. He can only make more money while he can make money and strive to retire early."

After his men checked the goods, Zhu Tao sighed and asked his men to hand over two boxes of US dollars to the Siamese man. Then he continued: "There are a total of 10 million US dollars in these two boxes. It is a deposit. The rest will be paid after seeing the goods. But one thing is that the quality of the goods must be the same as this batch."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, our goods are the best in the whole Cape of Jinshan."

The Siamese man who got the money smiled very brightly.

"I heard that Khun Sa is now cooperating with Jiang Tianyang of the Jiang family?"

After completing the transaction this time, Zhu Tao did not rush to leave, but asked this question.

"That's right, the territory of the Eight-Faced Buddha will be handed over to Jiang Tianyang for management."

After hearing Zhu Tao's words, the Siamese man's smile faded and he said lightly.

"Golden Peak is such a piece of fat meat, how could Khun Sa be willing to let an outsider share a piece?"

Zhu Tao said slowly.

"Mr. Zhu, please don't ask more questions that you shouldn't ask."

The Siamese man's face has become a little cold, and it is obvious that there is something inside.


Zhu Tao smiled, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Zhu, don't think about getting goods from Jiang Tianyang alone. One of the conditions that Lord Khun Sa agreed to cooperate with him is that all his goods must be given to Lord Khun Sa, and Lord Khun Sa will sell them uniformly."

The Siamese man looked at Zhu Tao's back and warned.


Zhu Tao heard this and showed a scornful smile on his face. As long as there is money to be made, rules? What are the rules?

If he really wanted to follow the rules, Zhu Tao would not come out to sell "flour", but would set up a stall at home to sell rice rolls!

What Zhu Tao didn't know was that after he walked out of the wooden house, a passerby who covered his ears not far away had already stared at him and whispered: "Watch out, the target is out."

As the voice of the passerby fell, the eyes of more than a dozen people nearby immediately began to look around.

"Do you want to do it now?"

Chen Jiaju sat in front of a jelly shop and asked in a low voice.

"No hurry, wait a minute."

Dong Piu's voice came from the headset.

At this time, the nephew who was walking beside Zhu Tao whispered to Zhu Tao: "Uncle, something is wrong."

"Hurry up."

Zhu Tao heard this and whispered, and at the same time quickened his pace.

Just then.


A gunshot accurately shot a henchman beside Zhu Tao to death. Zhu Tao was so scared that he quickly hid behind a wall with his henchman.

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