In the living room of Villa No. 31, Happy Valley.

In order to count 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, dozens of employees from more than a dozen banks counted from 3 pm to 8 pm, and more than a dozen money detectors broke down. After these Hong Kong dollars filled a bag, they would be taken away by a cold-faced person and put in a small room next to the living room.

But all the bank employees didn't know that before they came, this small room was already filled with dozens of bulging handbags, and when these handbags filled with real money were taken by the person in the small room, a voice would come from that person's mind.

"30 million Hong Kong dollars were found, which can be exchanged for 150,000 system points. Do you want to exchange them?"

"28 million Hong Kong dollars were found, which can be exchanged for 140,000 system points. Do you want to exchange them?"

After these dozens of bank employees counted 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, Li Jun's system also had 5 million more system points.

Tang Judy was sitting in the study at this time. In addition to surprise, there was also a trace of worry in her eyes. She never expected that Li Jun was so brave that he dared to come to this villa? Now Tang Judy was really afraid of Li Jun, fearing that this guy would be caught by the police and implicate herself.

"Dong Dong Dong"

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted Tang Judy's worries.

"Who?" Tang Judy asked immediately.

"Miss Tang, I am the manager of HSBC. The 1 billion Hong Kong dollars you need has been counted."

The voice of a middle-aged man came from outside the door.

"Okay, I know, you have all worked hard, and I will ask someone to give each of you a red envelope later." Tang Judy said lightly.

"Thank you, Miss Tang."

After listening to the words of the HSBC manager, Tang Judy opened the door and walked out of the study.

Ten minutes later, a van stopped in the yard of the villa.

People kept coming out of the villa with heavy handbags and putting them on the van. Judy Tong stood at the gate of the villa, watching the scene calmly.

She knew very well that these seemingly heavy handbags had been swapped, and the real Hong Kong dollars were still in the villa.

"Sir Fang, I have never seen 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in my life. It turns out there are so many!"

A police officer looked at bags of banknotes being put on the van, and his eyes were shocked.

Fang Yihua directly ignored the words of her subordinates, but turned to look at Zheng Songren, and said with some concern: "Do you have to deliver the money in person?"

"The director and deputy director are watching. If I shrink back at this time, the level on my shoulders will also shrink back." Zheng Songren replied with a smile.

"I'll go with you!" Fang Yihua said.

"Nonsense, you wait for orders here!"

Zheng Songren directly rejected Fang Yihua's request.

At this time, a man with a cold face walked up to Judy Tong and whispered something.

Then, Judy Tong walked up to Zheng Songren and said, "Mr. Zheng, all 1 billion Hong Kong dollars have been moved to the car. Whether my husband can come back safely depends on your police team."

"Don't worry, Miss Tong, we will do our best."

Zheng Songren assured Judy Tong while putting on a bulletproof vest with the help of Fang Yihua.

At the same time, several police officers also walked to the van, picked up the instrument and scanned it, and confirmed that no special items were found. Then they randomly put a dozen banknote-shaped trackers into the handbag.

After doing these things, one of the police officers made an OK gesture to Zheng Songren and said loudly: "Sir Zheng, there is no problem."


Zheng Songren nodded slightly, and then said to Fang Yihua: "Don't worry, it will be fine."

After that, Zheng Songren and another plainclothes police officer got on the van.

A police officer walked to the van with a mobile phone and a square box, handed it to Zheng Songren, and said: "Sir Zheng, when you arrive at the parking lot, the kidnappers will call this mobile phone to tell you what to do. This box is a bug. If there is any emergency, you can call for help immediately."

"Thank you!"

Zheng Songren smiled and thanked the police officer, and then asked the plainclothes officer sitting next to him to drive the car and drive towards the Happy Valley parking lot.

After Zheng Songren left, Tang Judy returned to the villa, went straight to the second floor, and walked into the study.

"The police have set off." Tang Judy looked at the man standing at the window and said.

"It's time for me to go too." Li Jun turned his head and looked at Tang Judy, smiling.

"I'm curious, are you brave, or do you really think you can manipulate the police force?"

Tang Judy looked at Li Jun, her eyesfull of curiosity.

If Tang Judy felt surprised when Li Jun went to see him in person during the day, then Tang Judy felt surprised when he replaced the real money with fake money in front of the police at night.

If she hadn't seen the flowers with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that there were such people in the world.

"Miss Tang, it's not important. What's important is that I got what I wanted and you got what you wanted, right?"

Li Jun didn't answer Tang Judy's question, but asked her a question instead.

"Go out and turn right to the end. There is an attic with a descent passage in the attic that leads directly to the underground parking lot."

Tang Judy also didn't answer Li Jun's question, but ordered him to leave.

"Miss Tang, it's a pleasure to work with you. I'd like to remind you that you can short some gold bank stocks recently, and maybe you can make a small profit."

Li Jun smiled slightly, then left the study and walked towards the attic that Tang Judy mentioned.

"Shorting the gold bank's stocks, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the direction where Li Jun left, thinking about the last words Li Jun said, Tang Judy's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt.

At this moment, she vaguely realized that it seemed not so simple for Li Jun to let her cooperate with his security company.

On the other side, a van drove into the Happy Valley parking lot.

Although the Hong Kong government prohibits gambling, there is an official gambling organization, the Royal Jockey Club.

Every year, the Royal Jockey Club will suck tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars from Hong Kong people just by betting on horses. If you add football betting and other methods, the money earned by the Jockey Club every year will exceed 100 billion.

In Hong Kong Island, horse betting is almost a national hobby. Every day, thousands of Hong Kong Island citizens dare to come to the racecourse in Happy Valley to see with their own eyes whether the horse they like can win the championship. On weekends and holidays, the number of people watching the horses is even more exaggerated, with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people coming to watch the horses.

Because of the large number of spectators, even though every inch of land in Hong Kong Island is worth a lot of money, the Jockey Club still built a super-large parking lot in Happy Valley that can park 3,000 cars, with eight entrances and eight exits.

‘Ring, ring, ring’

As soon as he entered the parking lot, the mobile phone in Zheng Songren’s hand rang.

“Hello, the money has been delivered, what do you want us to do now?” Zheng Songren asked loudly after pressing the answer button.

“Keep driving forward, I told you to stop, you stop again.”

A man’s voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

After the van drove for more than ten seconds: “Stop!”

Zheng Songren immediately pulled the clothes of the police officer next to him and signaled him to stop.

“You two get out of the car, walk forward 10 steps, and then lie on the ground, face the ground, don’t look up, otherwise…”

In the receiver, the man continued to give orders to Zheng Songren.

Zheng Songren had no choice but to do what the man said.

After he and his colleagues lay on the ground, they heard footsteps behind them.

At the same time.

In Happy Valley, in the temporary command center of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

"Director, the robbers should be transferring the money to their car now. Do you want to do it?"

Wang Dong (from the movie "Flying Tiger"), the commander of the Flying Tigers of the Hong Kong Island Region, asked the Director of the Criminal Division of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

This time, Li Jun's behavior of letting Wang Baiwan appear on TV obviously stimulated the Hong Kong Island Police Force. The entire Hong Kong Island Region and the police districts and sub-districts below, a total of 2 Flying Tigers, 4 Stormtroopers and 6 PTUs were all transferred to the Happy Valley area for control.

As the commander of the most elite team in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, Wang Dong naturally hopes to show everyone the ability of the Flying Tigers in this big operation.

"Sir Wang, remember, the focus of the police operation tonight is to successfully rescue Wang Baiwan. We still need to rely on these kidnappers to find Wang Baiwan. Without my order, you must not act rashly."

The director of the Criminal Division obviously did not intend to adopt Wang Dong's suggestion.

At this time, in the parking lot, Zheng Songren heard the sound of the van starting again, and then, in his peripheral vision, the van passed by him.

At this time, Zheng Songren immediately took out the eavesdropping device in his pocket and shouted loudly: "The kidnappers are preparing to leave the parking lot!"

At this time, in a car only 50 meters away from Zheng Songren, Ah Hua looked at Zheng Songren who was shouting loudly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then, he took out the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Jun, the bait has been put out." After the call was connected, Ah Hua said with a smile.

"Okay, I know."

Li Jun's voice came from the receiver.

Then the busy tone came out immediately.

Ahua hung up the phone with a smile, then reclined his chair, lay down on it and closed his eyes.Now everything has been settled, and thousands of police officers have been fooled. What Ah Hua has to do next is to sleep peacefully in this car and leave the next day.

On the other side, in the command center.

Everyone present, including the director of the Criminal Division, breathed a sigh of relief.

The robbers actually drove away in a van directly, which is great news for them.

The director of the Criminal Division immediately said: "Immediately let SDU, EU and PTU follow the van, and be careful not to let the other party find out."

Then, he said to the policeman in charge of technology: "Share the signal of the tracker with the tracking SDU, PTU and EU in real time."

"Director, our SDU is enough to deal with those robbers."

Obviously, Wang Dong did not want to share this credit with PTU and EU.

"Sir Wang, what the deputy director told me is that in this kidnapping case, the first brother's requirement is to be foolproof. Do you understand what I mean?" The director of the Criminal Division looked at Wang Dong and said loudly.

However, after saying this, he leaned over to Wang Dong and whispered, "Sir Wang, everyone has been waiting all night tonight, but only your SDU can do meritorious service. What about other departments? We are all brothers in the police force, and sometimes we need to learn to share."

"Yes, sir!"

Even though Wang Dong felt a little unhappy, he had to give up.

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